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Thread: Nugget #12 - Coins

  1. #1
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    Post Nugget #12 - Coins

    "Coin" is a strategic resource acquired through either playing the game or by purchasing with gems. Coins are needed to buy all sorts of items and you will need large quantities of them in order to progress through the storyline.
    Storable: No
    Info: Primary Resource
    Type: Material
    Source: Storyline
    Found: Mostly all
    Used for: Mostly all

    How Many
    There is no limit on how many coins you need, but even if you stick to the core game storyline and do all expansions, you will need 10's of millions of coins. Also, it is good practice to have a few million coins in reserve for timed quests. Timed events & quests often require the purchase of an expensive item or a lot of coin based items.

    Nearly everything in the game produces coins to some extent:
    • Buildings
    • Farming
    • Animals
    • Decorations
    • Adventures
    • Goals
    • Daily Login
    • Inventory overrun (when an item cannot be stored anymore it is converted into 15 coins)

    Note that selling an item might yield some coins, but avoid this option as the economics are not really in your favor.

    If you just play the game (tend animals, collect buildings, harvest crops, etc.), events and goals you will amass enough coins to make Scrooge McDuck droll. After you complete the main storyline, you are likely to quickly amass a huge stock pile of coins.

    If you really need to get as much as possible coins on short notice; you should focus on coin producing game items, but this can come at a great energy cost.

    Sorted by coins per hour (CPH) yield (only show those with a CPH >=800)

    Name Timer (min) Size Coins CHP EPH YPPPH
    Coral Castle L10 120 4x4 2 000 1 000 0,5 63
    Gnomish Mine L10 120 4x4 2 000 1 000 0,5 63
    Gingerbread Farmhouse L9 10 2x2 163 978 6,0 245
    Coral Castle L9 120 4x4 1 900 950 0,5 59
    Gingerbread Farmhouse L8 10 2x2 154 924 6,0 231
    Gnomish Mine L9 120 4x4 1 800 900 0,5 56
    Gingerbread Farmhouse L7 10 2x2 145 870 6,0 218
    Coral Castle L8 120 4x4 1 700 850 0,5 53
    Gnomish Mine L8 120 4x4 1 700 850 0,5 53
    Gingerbread Farmhouse L6 10 2x2 136 816 6,0 204
    Coral Castle L7 120 4x4 1 600 800 0,5 50
    Gnomish Mine L7 120 4x4 1 600 800 0,5 50

    Buildings that have been visited (tapped on a heart) by a neighbor will yield an additional 20% coins. It is therefore useful to have many active neighbors.

    Sorted by coins per hour (CPH) yield

    Name Timer (min) Cost $ Coins CHP EPH YPPPH
    Corn 3 10 30 400 20,0 400
    Tomato 10 5 40 210 6,0 210
    Strawberries 60 60 170 110 1,0 110
    Cocoa Beans 180 200 350 50 0,3 50
    Fellora Blossom 2 640 2 800 4 450 38 0,0 38
    Tidebloom 1 320 3 000 3 750 34 0,0 34
    Wheat 120 30 90 30 0,5 30
    Glimmerbulb 480 140 340 25 0,1 25
    Sugar Cane 240 60 160 25 0,3 25
    Cabbage 960 170 510 21 0,1 21
    Hot Pepper 720 110 360 21 0,1 21
    Carrots 1 320 190 630 20 0,0 20

    The Elven "Harvest Champion" boost does only double the yield, not the coin drop!

    Sorted by coins per hour (CPH) yield (only show those with a CPH >=351)

    Name Timer (min) Size Coins CHP EPH YPPPH
    Baby Pfefferknot 5 1x1 350 4 200 12,0 4 200
    Nutcracker Prince 5 1x1 100 1 200 12,0 1 200
    Garden of Stars (S) 30 2x2 500 1 000 2,0 250
    Flower Fountain 15 1x1 200 800 4,0 800
    Seyndia 240 1x1 3 100 775 0,3 775
    Baron's Carousel L10 120 2x2 1 500 750 0,5 188
    Garden of Stars (E) 60 2x2 750 750 1,0 188
    Armored Glimmer Loch 120 1x1 1 500 750 0,5 750
    Sinister Statue 60 1x1 600 600 1,0 600
    Garden of Stars (N) 120 2x2 1 000 500 0,5 125
    Horse Pasture L10 120 3x3 1 000 500 0,5 56
    Cash Cow 60 1x1 500 500 1,0 500
    Cleo's Pyramid 300 2x2 2 300 460 0,2 115
    White Flamingo 30 1x1 225 450 2,0 450
    Grimaud 300 1x1 2 124 425 0,2 425
    Song Bird 300 1x1 2 090 418 0,2 418
    Garden of Stars (W) 15 2x2 100 400 4,0 100
    Birthday Raccoon 120 1x1 800 400 0,5 400
    Jonas 240 1x1 1 500 375 0,3 375
    Haunted House L6 120 2x2 700 350 0,5 88
    Snow Ape 60 1x1 350 350 1,0 350
    Wedding Circle L6 120 2x2 700 350 0,5 88
    Chester 60 1x1 350 350 1,0 350
    Spring Fawn 120 1x1 700 350 0,5 350

    Animals to tend and resources to chop do not yield much coins, their purpose is different!

    Special cases with decoration dropping materials, for every drop above the cap, the game converts it into a 15 coins drop. This feature can be exploited to generate high coin drops. This comes however at a high energy cost.
    Sorted by coins per hour (YPPPH) yield (only show those with a YPPPH >=300)

    Name Timer (min) Size Drops (min) Drops (max) CPH (min) CPH (max) EPH YPPPH
    Auranticum Shrub 3 1x1 3 4,0 900 1 200 20 1 050
    Iceland Poppy Shrub 3 1x1 3 4,0 900 1 200 20 1 050
    Larkspur Shrub 3 1x1 3 4,0 900 1 200 20 1 050
    Penstemon Shrub 3 1x1 3 4,0 900 1 200 20 1 050
    Red Trillium Shrub 3 1x1 3 4,0 900 1 200 20 1 050
    White Trillium Shrub 3 1x1 3 4,0 900 1 200 20 1 050
    Autumn Blooms 1 1x1 1 1,0 900 900 60 900
    Rustic Well 5 1x1 1 5,0 180 900 12 540
    Blue-Flower Penstemon 3 1x1 1 2,0 300 600 20 450
    Iceland Poppy Patch 3 1x1 1 2,0 300 600 20 450
    Mushroom Patch 3 1x1 1 1,0 300 300 20 300

    Coin Farm
    Another way to think about how to obtain coins.

    Coin Farm - Time
    Sorted by coins per hour (CPH) yield (only show those with a CPH >=800)

    Name Timer (min) Size CHP Coins EPH YPPPH
    Baby Pfefferknot 5 1x1 4 200 350 12,00 4 200
    Nutcracker Prince 5 1x1 1 200 100 12,00 1 200
    Auranticum Shrub 3 1x1 1 050 (blank) 20,00 1 050
    Iceland Poppy Shrub 3 1x1 1 050 (blank) 20,00 1 050
    Larkspur Shrub 3 1x1 1 050 (blank) 20,00 1 050
    Penstemon Shrub 3 1x1 1 050 (blank) 20,00 1 050
    Red Trillium Shrub 3 1x1 1 050 (blank) 20,00 1 050
    White Trillium Shrub 3 1x1 1 050 (blank) 20,00 1 050
    Coral Castle L10 120 4x4 1 000 2 000 0,50 63
    Garden of Stars (S) 30 2x2 1 000 500 2,00 250
    Gnomish Mine L10 120 4x4 1 000 2 000 0,50 63
    Gingerbread Farmhouse L9 10 2x2 978 163 6,00 245
    Coral Castle L9 120 4x4 950 1 900 0,50 59
    Gingerbread Farmhouse L8 10 2x2 924 154 6,00 231
    Autumn Blooms 1 1x1 900 (blank) 60,00 900
    Gnomish Mine L9 120 4x4 900 1 800 0,50 56
    Gingerbread Farmhouse L7 10 2x2 870 145 6,00 218
    Coral Castle L8 120 4x4 850 1 700 0,50 53
    Gnomish Mine L8 120 4x4 850 1 700 0,50 53
    Gingerbread Farmhouse L6 10 2x2 816 136 6,00 204
    Coral Castle L7 120 4x4 800 1 600 0,50 50
    Flower Fountain 15 1x1 800 200 4,00 800
    Gnomish Mine L7 120 4x4 800 1 600 0,50 50

    When space & energy is not an issue, the coin farm focus on the maximum yield per hour!

    Coin Farm - Yield
    Sorted by coin yield (only show those with a coins >=2000):

    Name Timer (min) Size Coins CHP EPH YPPPH
    Snow Globe L6 10 080 2x2 15 000 89 0,01 22
    Great Snow Globe L6 10 080 2x2 15 000 89 0,01 22
    Millionaire's Club Statue 10 080 2x2 12 800 76 0,01 19
    Fellora Blossom 2 640 1x1 4 450 38 0,02 38
    Circadian 720 2x1 4 075 340 0,08 170
    Tidebloom 1 320 1x1 3 750 34 0,05 34
    Seyndia 240 1x1 3 100 775 0,25 775
    Licorice Steed 720 1x1 3 050 254 0,08 254
    Armored Dark Unicorn 720 1x1 3 000 250 0,08 250
    Prison 1 320 2x2 2 500 114 0,05 28
    Alina 480 1x1 2 460 308 0,13 308
    Faerie Bride and Groom 1 320 1x1 2 400 109 0,05 109
    Snow Mound L10 480 2x2 2 400 300 0,13 75
    Wee Carriage L10 480 2x1 2 400 300 0,13 150
    Winter Bonfire L10 480 2x2 2 400 300 0,13 75
    Mushroom Tea Garden 480 2x2 2 400 300 0,13 75
    Gentle Pond L10 480 2x2 2 400 300 0,13 75
    Giant Cabin L10 480 3x3 2 400 300 0,13 33
    Plush King 1 320 1x1 2 381 108 0,05 108
    Cathedral L9 1 320 3x3 2 380 108 0,05 12
    Rainbow Grove 1 320 2x2 2 380 108 0,05 27
    Ethylle the Faerie 1 320 1x1 2 350 107 0,05 107
    Demetria 1 320 1x1 2 325 106 0,05 106
    Ianthe 1 320 1x1 2 325 106 0,05 106
    Kissy Booth 1 320 2x1 2 325 106 0,05 53
    Valkyrie 1 320 1x1 2 325 106 0,05 106
    Mewnicorn 1 320 1x1 2 325 106 0,05 106
    Rosemarie 1 320 1x1 2 325 106 0,05 106
    Bioluminescent Hydra 1 320 2x2 2 325 106 0,05 26
    Cerberus 1 320 1x1 2 325 106 0,05 106
    Diana 1 320 1x1 2 325 106 0,05 106
    Pavo 1 320 1x1 2 325 106 0,05 106
    Viola the Violinist 1 320 1x1 2 325 106 0,05 106
    The Artist 1 320 1x1 2 325 106 0,05 106
    People Eater 1 320 1x1 2 325 106 0,05 106
    Dragon Hydra 1 320 1x1 2 325 106 0,05 106
    Solar Kitsunecorn 1 320 1x1 2 320 105 0,05 105
    Great Holiday Tree 480 2x2 2 300 288 0,13 72
    Great Holiday Tree L6 480 2x2 2 300 288 0,13 72
    Beehive L7 420 2x2 2 300 329 0,14 82
    Cleo's Pyramid 300 2x2 2 300 460 0,20 115
    Sabina's Sweet Shop 420 2x2 2 300 329 0,14 82
    Cathedral L8 1 320 3x3 2 295 104 0,05 12
    Cathedral L7 1 320 3x3 2 210 100 0,05 11
    Kitsunecorn Pond L6 480 2x2 2 200 275 0,13 69
    Rafflesia Garden L10 480 2x2 2 200 275 0,13 69
    Swirlicorn 420 1x1 2 200 314 0,14 314
    Ice Creamcupine 2 880 1x1 2 200 46 0,02 46
    Ancient Octopus 480 1x1 2 200 275 0,13 275
    Blythe Faerie House L5 720 1x1 2 128 177 0,08 177
    Faerie Bulb L5 600 2x2 2 128 213 0,10 53
    Glimmer Faerie House L5 720 1x1 2 128 177 0,08 177
    Cathedral L6 1 320 3x3 2 125 97 0,05 11
    Grimaud 300 1x1 2 124 425 0,20 425
    Soup Kitchen L6 720 2x2 2 100 175 0,08 44
    Song Bird 300 1x1 2 090 418 0,20 418
    Baron Puppet 480 1x1 2 075 259 0,13 259
    Bloodhound 720 1x1 2 075 173 0,08 173
    Cathedral L5 1 320 3x3 2 040 93 0,05 10
    Flying Machine 600 2x2 2 006 201 0,10 50
    Bountiful Table L5 2 760 3x3 2 000 43 0,02 5
    Coral Castle L10 120 4x4 2 000 1 000 0,50 63
    Ice Castle L10 960 3x3 2 000 125 0,06 14
    Stormmill L7 840 2x2 2 000 143 0,07 36
    Thankful Gnomes 2 640 1x1 2 000 45 0,02 45
    Theatre in the Round L10 960 2x2 2 000 125 0,06 31
    Theatre in the Round L9 960 2x2 2 000 125 0,06 31
    Tidegate L10 720 2x2 2 000 167 0,08 42
    Ye Olde Bar'n Grille 480 2x2 2 000 250 0,13 63
    Light Tower L10 960 2x2 2 000 125 0,06 31
    Winter Castle L10 480 3x3 2 000 250 0,13 28
    Shoemaker L10 2 880 2x2 2 000 42 0,02 10
    Ringo 2 640 1x1 2 000 45 0,02 45
    Gnomish Mine L10 120 4x4 2 000 1 000 0,50 63

    CHP = Coins Per Hour
    EHP = Energy Per Hour
    YPPPH = Yield Per Plot Per Hours

    The farmhouse at any level is the cheapest and most easy way to build up a good stash of coins in a short time.


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    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 04-06-22 at 09:40 AM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  2. #2
    Yes! This is brilliant and exactly what I was looking for! Thank you SO MUCH...this will help a lot of players!

  3. #3
    Nightclub Owner
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    New update with new sources to generate cash.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  4. #4
    Executive Chef Chaotarch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShibuyaCloth View Post
    Buildings that have been tended by a neighbor will yield an additional 10% coins.
    pls check out.
    my lv6-p-taverns drop 792$, so must be 20%
    *** Thuaki Sword Society ***
    Northern Lord of War and Thuaki-Man-At-Arms weaponed with Barbarianbattleaxe #01 and Longsword #18
    Paladin and Lover of Cupperbuts evil Sisters

    S8, take away the Cap from Decorations and Animals

  5. #5
    Nightclub Owner
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaotarch View Post
    pls check out.
    my lv6-p-taverns drop 792$, so must be 20%
    Thanks. fixed.

    Now I need to get my army of rustic wells out and start pumping energy! You probably are 1b coins by now
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  6. #6
    Executive Chef Chaotarch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShibuyaCloth View Post
    You probably are 1b coins by now
    sadly not
    atm manage 1,5mio coins/week, inclusive a lot rock&deadtree-buying, so 2mio possible

    and missing the jewelers under the buildingsection
    *** Thuaki Sword Society ***
    Northern Lord of War and Thuaki-Man-At-Arms weaponed with Barbarianbattleaxe #01 and Longsword #18
    Paladin and Lover of Cupperbuts evil Sisters

    S8, take away the Cap from Decorations and Animals

  7. #7
    Nightclub Owner
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaotarch View Post
    sadly not
    atm manage 1,5mio coins/week, inclusive a lot rock&deadtree-buying, so 2mio possible

    and missing the jewelers under the buildingsection
    The jeweler is not in as it has to too low yield per hour. Normally I add each with >100 coins per hour. I need to update the nugget as many things are missing I see.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  8. #8
    Executive Chef Chaotarch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShibuyaCloth View Post
    The jeweler is not in as it has to too low yield per hour. Normally I add each with >100 coins per hour.
    lv6 = 525coins/4h
    Quote Originally Posted by ShibuyaCloth View Post
    I need to update the nugget as many things are missing I see.
    what about coins / square?
    ...before i place the royal chateau / the knights hall / conservatory, i place 2 p-tavern or 2 jeweler. no one should buy a royal manor
    and dont forget the 20% from neighbors. more buildings - more bonus if you have active nbrs...
    Last edited by Chaotarch; 05-25-17 at 10:51 PM.
    *** Thuaki Sword Society ***
    Northern Lord of War and Thuaki-Man-At-Arms weaponed with Barbarianbattleaxe #01 and Longsword #18
    Paladin and Lover of Cupperbuts evil Sisters

    S8, take away the Cap from Decorations and Animals

  9. #9
    Nightclub Owner
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaotarch View Post
    lv6 = 525coins/4h

    what about coins / square?
    ...before i place the royal chateau / the knights hall / conservatory, i place 2 p-tavern or 2 jeweler. no one should buy a royal manor
    and dont forget the 20% from neighbors. more buildings - more bonus if you have active nbrs...
    Looking into that, I though it once but discard it as it might be too advanced for most player. A yield per plot per hour (YPPPH) ratio could be added.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  10. #10
    Executive Chef Chaotarch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShibuyaCloth View Post
    Looking into that, I though it once but discard it as it might be too advanced for most player. A yield per plot per hour (YPPPH) ratio could be added.
    thx for adding
    as you see, p-tavern6 + jeweler6 are not so bad

    and p-tavern6 is 210min not 240min
    *** Thuaki Sword Society ***
    Northern Lord of War and Thuaki-Man-At-Arms weaponed with Barbarianbattleaxe #01 and Longsword #18
    Paladin and Lover of Cupperbuts evil Sisters

    S8, take away the Cap from Decorations and Animals

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