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Thread: Resetting inventory selection

  1. #1
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2022
    US-Eastern region

    Resetting inventory selection

    Why are there instances when you pull an item out of inventory, it resets to the beginning? For example, if you have 20 tulip chairs, and you want to remove them all, you have to scroll back through to get back to the item that you are trying to remove. It was not like this before. It would stay on the item and you would not have to waste time scrolling back and forth to get to the exact same item for removal. I am playing on iOS, the latest version.
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  2. #2
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Planet Earth
    Sadly, this isn't considered a bug but is just the way the inventory functions on iDevices - it's been this way for years. I feel like it was back in the first few years of the game when a system update made this the standard operating procedure for apple devices but the exact date evades me at the moment.

    Anyway, the snapback is something that happens when trying to place items that are not currently available for purchase in the market on an Apple device. So, any items that are from boxes or were removed from the market will cause you to start back at the front of the inventory. However, if you're using any Android device, this does not happen at all.

    Each operating system has its pros and cons for the inventory. The pros on iDevices is that you can place continuous wallpaper/floor tiles after choosing one while on droids you have to select which style you want for each individual square and that can take AGES. The pros for the Droids is that the inventory does not snap back regardless of the item you're placing.

    It's not ideal, but the way I manage to redecorate without going spare is to have both type of devices. I bought a cheap $20 wifi only droid device from my local walmart and use that to take items out of inventory so I don't have to deal with snapbacks. Once I've selected all the decos I want out of my inventory, I then use my everyday iPhone to finish moving the decos around my board and selecting the tiles/wallpapers.

    It's a bit of a pain but if I only use one type of device my decorating takes literal DAYS to finish even the most basic of layouts. It's so time consuming with only one device type that I usually quit halfway through, lol.

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