Found an odd tidbit in the current sale...

The Pastel Package mystery box items are currently on sale in both games and I happen to notice that two box items (Spring Hare, Spring Rabbit) were changed for the RS release. All of the other decos appear to be straight copies from the BS version so it's just those two items that have been altered. It made me curious if anyone has any idea why or how this happened (okay, maybe more than curious - it's really bugging me, lol).

Has this happened before with other boxes and I just missed it? From what I've noted, every other ported box in both games just has the items straight copied over pixel for pixel. Even when these ported items are exact dupes for things already in the game (like when BS got dupes in the Winter Wonderland box) they still just copy the whole box to the new game. Yet, these two items were clearly tweaked; so much so that I thought they were new items at first glance!

It makes me wonder if we're going to see more of this going forward or if this was a one-off for a very specific reason.

BS version on top, RS version on bottom: