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Thread: Players' Wish List

  1. #1
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Players' Wish List

    We all have wishes and hopes so I thought we could have a thread to post them all in the same place. I know there are BIG ones that we all have like more space and a confirmation button to avoid accidental Gold spending but there are probably some that are more reasonable/doable....

    I would looooove it if the Alchemy Dragon could come back for a Limited Time because it's the only GPD that I don't have.
    Island Name: Amer Island

    1883+ Unique Dragons Hatched
    409+ Unique Dragon Eggs in Storage

  2. #2
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Amerirish I was so close to starting a wish list type of thread myself! I let out an eeeeek when I saw this

    I wish there was a way to auto-collect coins from all habitats instead of having to tap on each habitat multiple times a day. I would like to be able to open the app and see all my dragons and habitats without the collect pop up staring back at me all over the place.

  3. #3
    Nightclub Owner
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    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by lily684 View Post
    Amerirish I was so close to starting a wish list type of thread myself! I let out an eeeeek when I saw this

    I wish there was a way to auto-collect coins from all habitats instead of having to tap on each habitat multiple times a day. I would like to be able to open the app and see all my dragons and habitats without the collect pop up staring back at me all over the place.
    I am all knowing and all seeing!

    I agree with you, it's a pain to collect from all the habitats individually.
    Island Name: Amer Island

    1883+ Unique Dragons Hatched
    409+ Unique Dragon Eggs in Storage

  4. #4
    Top on the list more land on a new island with increased habitat limit allowed.
    I’ve always thought s8 should have some kind of monthly competition for best island design either using the monthly decorations or just all available.
    Having a teams (like grouping along with all your favourite neighbours) to compete in something like a leaderboard event against other teams would be great to win prizes, keeps game moral up and allows others to help others move ahead in the game by sharing advice etc)

    Unfortunately I do not foresee s8 changing the current format whatsoever and my feeling is that once you have maxed out your land your basically either expected to stop playing the game and move on to something else or start spending even more larger amounts of money to buy habitats either way for long term players it’s a complete lack of respect to not accept these things are happening and try to in some way rectify and find a solution I guess we can always live in hope

  5. #5
    Nightclub Owner
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    Planet Earth
    A dragon locator function! As of right now, nearly 1,700 dragons have been released - how have they not done this already?!

    Is there any task more irritating than trying to find a specific dragon only to be unable to find it amidst all the flapping and fluttering on the screen? Not only do many of the dragons look similar at first glance, they also have similar animations which equals lots of mistaken identities. Add to that the fact that a lot of the similar looking dragons also have at least one type in common which means narrowing locations down by habitat isn't a great way to go either.

    Naturally, my game only ever crashes if I tap on too many habitats in a row so I have to be careful how many habitats I select to see if it contains the specific dragon I'm looking for. It's such an issue for me that I've had to create a digital map of my island to track my dragons, habitats and their placements.

    It was a time consuming task (soooo much time!) that requires more time in the form of constant updates but it does the job. I can think of nothing else that would help keep track of that many dragons... except an in-game function that would do it for me! Playing would be so much easier if they would make it so that the Codex would take you to each dragon's current location on your island.

  6. #6
    New Resident
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    Exclamation [QUOTE=lily684;1624747]Amerirish

    Quote Originally Posted by lily684 View Post
    Amerirish I was so close to starting a wish list type of thread myself! I let out an eeeeek when I saw this

    I wish there was a way to auto-collect coins from all habitats instead of having to tap on each habitat multiple times a day. I would like to be able to open the app and see all my dragons and habitats without the collect pop up staring back at me all over the place.
    Auto collect would be great! My Screen locks when I go to all habitats? Also, love to buy gold with the 12.3 + billion coins I have.
    Last edited by OLYH; 07-29-20 at 09:25 AM. Reason: Needed to add wish

  7. #7
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Upgrade 3 dragon to 5 dragon habitats with coins. Or at least make it cheaper! 500 gold is rediculous. Also, make ALL habitats upgradeable to 5 dragon capacity. Even if you don't change the look that's fine. It's about space.

  8. #8
    Executive Chef Phaedrakiki's Avatar
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    Riverside, California
    Quote Originally Posted by AnnirasSweets View Post
    A dragon locator function!
    Playing would be so much easier if they would make it so that the Codex would take you to each dragon's current location on your island.
    OMG! I was just thinking about this (yet again) yesterday! The game crashing, as I search for a specific dragon, makes me insane! All the ideas on this post sound good, but this one is especially suits my needs...

  9. #9
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Things I’d like to see...

    1.) Bring back Neo Glasswing & Neo Valiant (Or make them craftable with essence)

    2.) Bring back North Star, Rose Gold, & Goldleaf (Gold Dragons).

    3.) A confirmation button before using gold (especially when spending more than 20 gold).

    4.) More dragon & habitat sales.

    5.) 50% off gold sale 1x year.

    6.) Swap dragons with our neighbors (maybe one dragon daily).

    7.) Second breeding den offered as a permanent purchase.
    Last edited by ToastedOwl; 08-16-20 at 08:52 AM.

  10. #10
    Rhino Keeper
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    Mar 2016
    How about bring back past gold producing dragons. I missed a few in the early days and would like to collect them all. At least could allow them to be produced with essence.

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