So I forgot that you have to wait for your cabbages to be low in order to watch videos for more. I was looking for the option and went into the add snowballs screen. I thought maybe I had to scroll down. NOPE. Touching the screen didn't scroll down, but it did cost me 90 gems for a measly 10 snowballs! So I figured well I might as well throw them. I got 5 of the 6 needed items to get the prize. I watched a ton of videos, with no new snowballs. Which is when it hit me - I was earning cabbages, not snowballs, for watching. And guess what? I only have two hours to get the final item to win the prize. So I have just spent 90 gems to earn a rock, block, chicken, and steak. I have to decide whether or not to spend MORE gems to speed up the trade just for a small chance of getting that sixth item, or more gems on more snowballs. Which would feel like rewarding S8 for doing it this way.

I actually was going to post to point out a few positives about this thing: 1. between now and February, you can really stockpile cabbages because you always get 2 instead of 1, and 2. you can throw six snowballs a day without losing any of your cabbage stockpile.

HOWEVER, this six hour timer on the trade is the reason I cannot get this prize, even after both spending gems and watching videos, and that part is AWFUL. What a terrible waste of gems. If it had been cabbages, I at least would have won this weird snowing cloud thing, whatever it is. I realize that this was my mistake for not thinking it through before I started throwing, and I should have waited for the prize to reset. But it is still SO FRUSTRATING. The trade timer makes NO sense!