No, no, no... I GOT IT!... Trading, like gifting btween neighbors- free. Then, u could put up ads, so to speak; of what you want/need & what you?re willing to put up for it! I play an ?mmorpg? (or something like that...!) game & they will have IT every so often; & they call it the ?Trading Post?. U post what ?unit? (either a monster or a warrior unit) u wanna get rid of, & post 3 options for receipt (which one or ones u would like to get back... u only get 1, but it is easier to get anything back if u give a few options). Someone comes along & says, ?oooh, i need that unit!?, & the next time u get into the game, one of ur 3 is waiting for you in ur ?gift box?, or whatever. This game calls it a stash. BS calls it a ?gifts? tab.