New Mystery Box and Goal
On Sale for 27 Days
Poke Bar Crate currently on sale at 16 Gems for 30 days.
*Box will either be removed or listed for full price after sale*
6 Day Goal - Creative Croissants
Lv. 12+
*Goal should end 2025 Mar. 10*
(22:00 UTC / 6pm EDT / 3pm PDT)
*Rainbow Oven Cookbook will now have THREE pages of recipes.*
*Be sure to check all...
I absolutely do not need any of the the drops but I loved the artwork so much I had to splash out and get it anyway, lol.
I have zero regrets... just look at that stance - and the animation is...
Not sure of the timer but found this on the first page in the inventory section:
Erlkonrig - creep tooth, earth wisp, elvenite, fey crystal, fur, iron ore, jewels, light armor, mithril, rat tail,...
My main device was showing the proper images pretty soon after the issue was reported but on my older device I was seeing the duplicated image for both dragon scales parts. I did the troubleshooting...
I think there's a sizing issue with the Critter Dishwasher:
As shown, the item is tiny compared to another from the same box and it sits oddly on the tiles. I would assume it's meant to be at...
Sorry if there was any confusion; my posts above were in reference to the images in the first post of this thread only.
In reference to the images in the actual game, the issue has been reported....
having forum issues but I AM trying to get the info up
EDIT: Things look good from my end, fingers crossed y'all can see it as well!
Wooden Tankard:
Silver Tankard:
As noted in the first post, I've reported this in the bugs forum - there's also a link to the bugs post if you'd like to add any info or comments there.
A few issues with the current goal...
Issue 1 - no image showing for the mystery box that offers parts - FIXED
Issue 2 - no collectibles trade showing/dropping for goal parts - FIXED
When I...
14 Day Goal - Tavern Treats
Lv. 12+
*Goal should end 2025 Mar. 17*
(18:00 UTC / 2pm EDT /11am PDT)
NOTE: Daylight Savings is scheduled for 2025 March 09
When this happens, s8 servers...
New Mystery Box and Goal
On Sale for 27 Days
Issue: Critter Dishwasher sized/named wrong - reported in bugs forum
Please refer to bugs post here for more details/info
Cooking Critter...
As of now, there is no current, fully updated list for Restaurant Story appliances/recipes. There should be some on 3rd party sites that can be found via general internet search.
The most up to...
Pot 'O Gold Sale - 7 Days
*Sale should end 2025 Mar. 06*
Relisted Box Items:
Originally released 2014 Mar. 12 as possible prizes in Pot O' Gold mystery box
Excluding purchasing them, there's really only three ways to earn gems through the game.
The main way to earn gems in the game is by mastering recipes. Each recipe will give you 1 gem when you...
THIS! This is the question I find myself asking the most lately: who is this even for?
From goals to sales, nothing seems to make sense... most releases are unappealing for the long time players...
Matcha Crinkle Cookie:
Matcha Strawberries:
Matcha Roll Cake:
Recipes are all okay (cake is my fav) but not happy with the different trays. Even if they all had to be different styles,...
6 Day Goal - Gotchya Matcha
Lv. 12+
*Goal should end 2025 Mar. 03*
(23:00 UTC / 6pm EST / 3pm PST)
*3 Bears Oven Cookbook will now have NINE pages of recipes.*
*Be sure to check all pages...