Addition tip: put long timers in the back of your realm, so if you click on them the speed up is above in the void, unless you can make the surrounding empty. I have put most of my long timers in one...
Have a lot of farmhouses, every 10 minutes be ready to collect. I have 12, so I can spawn in general 3. Takes an evening but doable. For the Troll camps, that one is stinky, but 3 collections per day...
Aurelia - (Card)Storable:YesInfo:Known as the Golden Rider, she exudes elegance. Visit to find Seeker's Coins, Golden Nuggets, Golden Eggs, Golden Apples, Expansion Permits, and...
You only need gems to speed up, not the finish it. And yes I am waiting for the Jinn to spawn at the Roost, 2 to go to finish that part. As I get 1 spawn every 3 days, it will be end of the week for...