Conversation Between Myadrash and SpiritWind00

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, (and thanks). It's awful when the game syncs back. Thanks for going to the Support team. That's all you can do at this stage. Reinstalling games doesn't fix rollbacks unfortunately and I only ever recommend that to fix graphics errors.

    Fingers crossed support will be able to fix your game for you before the weekend. You can send me your ticket number in a private message and I can pass it on: This is a visitor message which is visible to anyone who visits either you or me.

    And you won't be able to post about Support resolving your issue on the forum as that isn't allowed (forum rules). You could post that you're now good to go as there would be others interested in making sure you're ok too. In the meantime, keep collecting from Ivy and the other places. You'll be able to catch up on crafting quickly so don't panic. And, welcome to the forum! Let me know how you get on. SW
  2. Hi! I appreciate all you do on this forum! I was told to message you. My current goal on the bakery event is to craft coffee ganache but when I go into the bakery the coffee ganache says locked by goal. I have submitted a ticket to support. Is there anything else I should be doing?

    I tried force closing the game and even deleted and reinstalled it. Nothing seems to be working.

    Thank you!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2