Conversation Between SpiritWind00 and madiespetpalace

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi! She goes direct to the board and starts flying around. Others have reported its easier to put your game in edit mode to see her. Some say they can't see her but neighbours visiting can. Others have said there is a delay in turning up (like half an hour or so). All very strange. Given its a display issue, a reinstall will fix it though... Let me know if it doesn't. Good luck!
  2. Just saw the old message. Yes I bought the purple alicorn for 99? Troll tokens. Some got a refund of 50? But I never saw in my count. Life has been busy in the kingdom and I had forgotten all about it. My big concern now ( and the reason I signed on) is the fact that I have reached 8000 bags of jewels and got a message that said I earned the genie and could view in my inventory but don't see it there yet. Restarted my phone without any luck. Just waiting for the smoke to clear and the genie to appear!! Thanks.
  3. I didn't see my troll token refund yet for the purple alicorn. Thanks, Meadowbrook
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3