View Full Version : Winter Ball Event! | Cindy and Stanley and Yetis | till Jan 3

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[S8] Regina
12-14-16, 01:07 PM

Requires level 17+ | Minimum game version is iOS/Android 1.2.3 | Event is live from Dec. 14, 2016 to Jan. 3, 2017


12-14-16, 01:10 PM
Time Zone Converter (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html): compare where you are with California

Pictures from ShibuyaCloth: click here! (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167-Winter-Ball-Event!&p=1378010&viewfull=1#post1378010)

The Winter Ball Event - Goals:

Ivy: Cindy and I are going to have a Girls Day Out around the kingdom!
Part 1: Let's Have A Ball
Goal 1 Stop by a pond 0/1 GO (skip 5 gems)
Goal 2 Give purple dye to Cindy 0/1 GIVE (skip 10 gems)
Reward: 100 coin, 10 xp
Congratulations: Ivy: What a perfect day with my best friend in the world!

Ivy: Let's treat my biffle to her favourite activity, horseback riding!
Goal 1 Visit the stables 0/1 VISIT (skip 5 gems) | you may spawn a Yeti when collecting, if not keep trying! Haunted Stable does not count.
Reward: 200 coin, 20 xp
Congratulations: Ivy: I could ride around the kingdom like this forever!

Cindy: Oh goodness, the beasts are catching up to the horses! But wait, who is that?
Part 3: Are You Having Fun Yeti?
Goal 1 Slay the Yeti 0/1 GO | 30/30 hits to defeat
Goal 2 Give golden nuggets 0/5 GIVE (skip 200 gems)
Reward: +1 yeti fur
Congratulations: Princess Cindy: Oh, thank you so much for saving us from that beast!

Stanley: To be honest, I am a terrible dancer. Maybe these lessons will help!
Part 4: You Can Dance If You Want To
Goal 1 Make a dancing mask 0/1 GO (skip 30 gems) | Workshop, 2 hours - 2 blue dye, 5 glimmerdust, 5 living wood
Goal 2 Attend a dance lesson with Stanley 0/1 DANCE (skip 30 gems) | Beginner Dance Lesson adventure. Castle, 2 hours - 1 dancing mask, 1 simple feast
Reward: 300 coins, 30 xp, snowman unlocked
Congratulations: Stanley: Oh, I'm such an embarrassment! Cindy will be mortified to dance with me!

Cindy: My father never lets me go out and do everyday fun things! I feel so free here!
Part 5: Melting Her Heart
Goal 1 Chop Icy Willows 0/4 CHOP (skip 40 gems) | comes fully grown. 10 chops to clear. Snowballs drop on nearly every chop.
Goal 2 Gather snowballs 0/60 GO (skip 300 gems)
Goal 3 Build a snowoman 0/1 BUILD | Workshop, 4 hours - 60 snowball, 5 coal, 1 carrot | speed up is 16 gems.
Reward: 5 snowballs

Cindy: The snow beasts are attacking again! Fight them off before they hurt someone!
Part 6: A Stable Environment
Goal 1 Lead ivy and Cindy to safety 0/4 GO (skip 20 gems) | visit the stable
Goal 2 Slay the Yetis 0/4 FIGHT (skip 80)
Goal 3 Throw snowballs at the Yetis 0/50 GIVE (skip 250 gems)
Reward: +1 yeti fur
Congratulations: Cindy: Oh, Stanley! Thank you again! You're so brave!

Stanley: I trust you'll make me a fine shirt! Did I mention silver is my favorite colour?
Part 7: Dance Your Heart Out
Goal 1 Mine rock outcroppings 0/3 MINE (skip 60 gems) | It may take more than 3 rock outcropping to get all the silver thread you need for the shirt. (I got 12-14 from each rock) AHHHH! DIRE BOAR ALERT!!!
Goal 2 Chop icy willows 0/8 GO (skip 80 gems) | icy silver buttons will now drop from the trees for this goal. You get all the buttons you need for the shirt by chopping the 8 trees.
Goal 3 Tailor Stanley's dancing shirt 0/1 SEW (skip 300 gems) | Workshop, 3 hours - 99 icy silver buttons, 60 silver thread, 10 wool | speed up is 12 gems.
Goal 4 Take a beginner dance lesson | Beginner Dance Lesson adventure. Castle, 2 hours - 1 dancing mask, 1 simple feast
Reward: +5 icy silver buttons
Congratulations: Stanley: I think I'm getting better at these dance lessons!

Now that I have a marvelous shirt, I'll need the pants to match!
Part 8: Put Your Dancing Pants On
Goal 1 Mine rock outcroppings 0/3 MINE (skip 60 gems) | It may take 3 or 4 rock outcropping to get all the gold thread you need for the pants. (I got 4-6 from each rock)
Goal 2 Chop icy willows 0/8 GO (skip 80 gems) | icy silver buttons will now drop from the trees for this goal. You get all the buttons you need for the shirt by chopping the 8 trees.
Goal 3 Tailor Stanley's dancing pants 0/1 SEW (skip 300 gems) | Workshop, 3 hours - 99 icy silver buttons, 15 gold thread, 20 wool | speed up is x gems.
Goal 4 Take a beginner dance lesson | Beginner Dance Lesson adventure. Castle, 2 hours - 1 dancing mask, 1 simple feast
Reward: 400 coin, 40 xp
Congratulations: Stanley: I think I"m getting better? Maybe?

Stanley: I am still a hopeless dancer. I hear enchanted shoes will do the trick!
Part 9: Put Some Pep In Your Step
Goal 1 Slay enchanted yetis 0/1 FIGHT (skip 50 gems) | 50/50 hits to defeat
Goal 2 Gather frost magic 0/5 GO (skip 125 gems) | you will get this as a drop from defeating the yeti (every time)
Goal 3 Make a dancing enchantment 0/1 MAKE (skip 150 gems) | Potion Shop, 30 minutes - 5 frost magic, 10 water, 20 sap
Reward: +1 yeti fur
Congratulations: Stanley: I hope this works!

Stanley: Ivy, keep this under wraps, but could you please enchant these shoes with this spell?
Part 10: Dance Like No One's Watching
Goal 1 Visit Ivy's Hut 0/1 VISIT (skip 15 gems)
Goal 2 Enchant Stanley's dancing shoes 0/1 ENCHANT (skip 350 gems) | Workshop, 2 hours - 1 dancing enchantment, 75 icy silver buttons, 5 wool
Goal 3 Take an intermediate dance lesson 0/1 DANCE (skip 60 gems) | Intermediate Dance Lesson adventure. Castle, 3 hours - 1 dancing shoes, 1 dancing pants, 1 dancing shirt
Reward: 500 coin, 50 xp
Congratulations: Stanley: These are amazing! I feel like I could dance until the end of time!

The winter Ball is almost up us! I need to look picture perfect for Cindy!
Part 11: Tap Your Heels Three Times
Goal 1 Prepare Stanley for the Winter Ball 0/1 PREP
Goal 2 Take Stanley out to the tavern 0/1 GO (skip 10 gems)
Goal 3 Pick out a gift for Cindy at the jewelers 0/1 GO (skip 10 gems)
Reward: Stanley!
Congratulations: Stanley: I think I am ready for tonight, and these shoes definitely are!

Ivy: Today is the worst! I dropped the map to the Winter Ball when the monsters attacked us!
Part 12: Mapping Out The Dance Floor
Goal 1 Slay an enchanted yeti 0/1 GO (skip 50 gems)
Goal 2 Gather the pieces of map 0/5 GO (skip 150 gems) | you may get this as a drop from defeating the yeti (not every time)
Reward: Steed unlocked
Congratulations: Ivy: I hope Stanley find the map! I really want to go to the Winter Ball!

Stanley: I wonder what kind of horse the Ruler is preparing for me?
Part 13: You Can Teach A Horse To Dance
Goal 1 Gather gold thread 0/60 GO (skip 999 gems) | from rock outcroppings only
Goal 2 Gather sleigh bells 0/99 GO (skip 297 gems) | from Icy Willows (they only start dropping bells when you get to this Part)
Goal 3 Dress-up the Sleigh Bell Steed 0/1 GROOM | Workshop, 8 hours - 99 sleigh bells, 50 horse hair, 60 gold thread | you can make 2 steeds if you do not collect/ask for the horseshoes and collect twice the amount of bells and thread (which will take a LOT of energy!)
Goal 4 Ask for festive horseshoes 0/20 ASK (skip 200 gems)
Reward: 10 sleigh bells
Congratulations: Stanley: Wow! He's going to jingle all the way to the ball!

Stanley: The Winter Ball is upon us! I hope Cindy will agree to dance with me!
Part 14: You Are The Dancing King
Goal 1 Take an advanced dance lesson 0/3 DANCE | Castle, 8 hours each - 50 silver thread, 10 glimmerdust, 99 sleigh bells
Goal 2 Win the dancing trophy 0/1 DANCE | The trophy is a guaranteed box drop on third adventure. And it's a Royal Decoration +15 points.
Goal 3 Find the winter ball invites 0/5 FIND (skip 250 gems) | The invites are RARE and they will only drop from iceland poppy and blue penstemon flowers.
Goal 4 Go to the winter ball 0/1 GO (skip 300 gems) | Castle, 2 hours - 5 maps, 5 winter ball invites, 99 sleigh bells
Reward: Cindy!
Congratulations: Stanley: What a magical night! Cindy graced me with not one by Every dance of the evening!

Ivy: Cindy and Stanley want to stay in the kingdom and live happily ever after!
Save The Last Dance
Goal 1 Marry Stanley and Cindy 0/1 MARRY
Reward: 1000 coin, 100 xp
Congratulations: Ivy: I'm so happy that my best friend is going to live in our kingdom, and Stanley is pretty great too!

Event pictures

Part 1: Let's Have a Ball

Part 2: Horsing Around

Part 3: Are You Having Fun Yeti?

Part 4: You Can Dance If You Want To

Part 5: Melting Her Heart

Part 6: A Stable Environment

Part 7: Dance Your Heart Out

https://i.imgur.com/SGyrx8I.png https://i.imgur.com/cy4d4Wu.png

Part 8: Put Your Dancing Pants On


Part 9: Put Some Pep In Your Step


Part 10: Dance Like No One's Watching


Part 11:


Part 12:

12-14-16, 01:10 PM
Winter Ball pictures continued (Part 13 and 14):

Part 13: You Can Teach A Horse To Dance


https://i.imgur.com/0xMEk94.png https://i.imgur.com/SMHEOkG.png
https://i.imgur.com/pOHRTGE.png https://i.imgur.com/awj180v.png


Part 14: You Are The Dancing King


https://i.imgur.com/xjSLfJM.png https://i.imgur.com/yZ5OTyt.png

https://i.imgur.com/kaPxOVK.png https://i.imgur.com/ZOLzxQJ.png





Items to add to the Inventory Guide: DONE

Yeti cannot be sold
Info: A friendly and fluffy yeti. Prefers cold temperatures.
Crafted: Workshop, 5 minutes - 70 yeti fur
Drops / Uses: fur, silver ore, white petals
Collection time: 8 hours. 32 gems to speed up.
Thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167-Winter-Ball-Event!-Cindy-and-Stanley-and-Yetis-till-Jan-3)

Found: prize from the Winter Ball event, December 2016 (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167-Winter-Ball-Event!-Cindy-and-Stanley-and-Yetis-till-Jan-3)
Drops / Uses: character on your game board only if you completed specific goals of the event

Found: prize from the Winter Ball event, December 2016 (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167-Winter-Ball-Event!-Cindy-and-Stanley-and-Yetis-till-Jan-3)
Drops / Uses: character on your game board only if you completed the event

Sleigh Bell Steed
Info: A noble steed primped out in holiday finery.
Crafted: Workshop, 8 hours - 99 sleigh bells, 50 horse hair, 60 gold thread (during event only)
Drops / Uses: carrots, horse hair, sugar
Collection time: 8 hours. 32 gems to speed up.
Thread (https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167-Winter-Ball-Event!-Cindy-and-Stanley-and-Yetis-till-Jan-3)

12-14-16, 01:10 PM

Part 1: Let's Have a Ball
Ivy: Cindy! I'm so glad you arrived safely!
Cindy: Oh, Ivy! It's been so long! I'm so glad to see you!
Ivy: How was the journey? Are you excited for the Winter Ball?!
Cindy: It was rather dull with the servants watching my every move. But it's over now! And you know I am! I am ready to Par-tay! I'm so sick of being cooped up in my father's castle! I have so much to tell you, and you must show me around this charming kingdom!
Ivy: Oh, girl, don't you worry! I've got our entire day booked!

Part 2: Horsing Around
Ivy: So I know you love horseback riding, and that you rarely get to do it... So I got permission for us to go riding today! And with the Ruler's favorite steeds too!
Cindy: Eeee, you are the best! My father never lets me go riding! He says it's too dangerous! The nerve!
Ivy: Gosh, he's such a bore! Well, here's to freedom and having fun!

Part 3: Are You Having Fun Yeti?
Ivy: And here is where the Ruler found me stuck as a cursed tree!
Cindy: Oh my goodness! You didn't tell me that story!
Ivy: It's a memory I try to forget to be honest... Oh My...
Cindy: What is it, Ivy? Oh. OH. AHHHHHH! Ivy, run!!!!

Part 4: You Can Dance If You Want To
Cindy: Thank you for stopping those dreadful beasts! I was a fool for leaving my bow at Ivy's!
Ivy: Oh, how rude of me! I'm Ivy, and this is my dear friend, Cindy.
Stanley: It is my great pleasure to meet you, ladies! I am Stanley.
Ivy: Well, I hate to cut this meeting short, but we must get going. Thank you again, Stanley!
Stanley: *stares after them wistfully* Cindy...
Ruler: Oh, hello! Are you a friend of Cindy's?
Stanley: Oh, no! I was just passing by and helped them defeat that dreadful beast! I am Stanley!
Ruler: Nice to meet you, Stanley! I am the ruler of this kingdom.
Stanley: Wow! It's an honor to meet you! Do you by chance know Cindy?
Ruler: We only just met. She's visiting my friend, Ivy, so that they can go to the Winter Ball together!
Stanley: What, pray tell, is the Winter Ball?
Ruler: It's a grand dance party we're throwing this year! Everyone who is someone will be there!
Stanley: I see. Well, I would love to see Miss Cindy again. Perhaps I shall attend!
Ruler: Oh, absolutely! The more dance partners the better!
Stanley: Is dancing super important at this party?
Ruler: Definitely! I know Ivy and Cindy will be dancing the night away!
Stanley: Well, I am not much of a dancer you see...
Ruler: Oh, not to worry! We're holding dancing lessons before the ball!

Part 5: Melting Her Heart
Stanley: I need a break from dancing. I might die from the shame. I wonder what Miss Cindy is up to?
Ruler: *smiles knowingly* You seem rather fond of Cindy. Didn't you just meet yesterday?
Stanley: It's true that we just met! But her fierceness and beauty simply took my breath away! I would very much like to know her better.
Ruler: Well...Ivy told me that they'd be outside enjoying the snow today. Let's go on a walk, and mayhaps, we'll walk upon them!
Stanley: Oh, that would be delightful!
*A while later, near Ivy's Hut*
Ruler: So Stanley, what kingdom are you from?
Stanley: Well, you see I rode here from.. Ack!
Cindy: Haha! A direct hit, Ivy!
Stanley: *brushes snow off his face and smiles* Hello, ladies!
Cindy: Oh, hello Stanley! And Ruler! Fancy meeting you out here! You should join us! We were about to build a snowoman.
Stanley: Oh, I'd love to!

Part 6: A Stable Environment
Ivy: Is it just me or did our snowoman just grow like four feet taller?
Cindy: I..hmm...that i odd. She looks angrier too. And where did her carrot nose go? Wait, that's no snowoman! The monsters are back! Ivy, get behind me!
Stanley: Don't worry ladies, I shall defeat these beasts yet again!
Cindy: Stanley, there are too many! I don't want you to get hurt again!
Stanley: Oh, those were barely scratches! Let me defend you, Miss Cindy!

Part 7: Dance Your Heart Out
Stanley: Those beasts shredded my clothes. I can't show up to the Winter Ball like this!
Ruler: Yeah, definitely not. But not to worry! We can sew you a new suit in no time! It's the least I can do for all your help with those yetis! While we work on that, I'd suggest you continue with the dancing lessons.
Stanley: That's a truth bomb if I've ever heard one, Ruler, but I shall do my best.
Ruler: I'm just looking out for your interests, Stanley!

Part 8: Put Your Dancing Pants On
Ruler: All right, Stanley. Now that the shirt is finished, let's get you measured for your pants.
Stanley: That was fast! Should I try the shirt on?
Ruler: Let's do the fitting when the entire outfit is done. How are the dancing lessons coming along?
Stanley: Well, I think I finally have the steps down... But keeping up with the beat is another thing all together! *laughs weakly*
Ruler: You can do it! Believe in me who believes in you!

Part 9: Put Some Pep In Your Step
Stanley: Though I have made slight improvements in my dancing, it's still unacceptable.
Ruler: I was hoping we could avoid this, but there is always the option of a spell.
Stanley: A spell? What kind of a spell?
Ruler: We could enchant your shoes so that they dance for you! With magical shoes, there's no chance you could mess up! the only risk is that it can be difficult to get the shoes to stop dancing.
Stanley: That sounds like a small price to pay to be able to dance with Cindy!
Ruler: Glad to hear it! With a strong will you should be able to control the shoes!

Part 10: Dance Like No One's Watching
Ruler: The enchantment is finished, but I would prefer if Ivy performed the spell. shall we head over there now?
Stanley: That sounds great! I'm excited to see if this actually works!
Ruler: Of course it will! We do this kind of stuff all the time!

Part 11: Tap Your Heels Three Times
Ruler: Your outfit looks fabulous, if I do say so myself. What do you think?
Stanley: It is quite the upgrade from the suit I was wearing before! Is that real gold and silver thread?! Amazing!
Ruler: Yes! We spared no expense! Now let's see if there is any last minute tailoring to be done.
Stanley: Before we do that, can I ask you something?
Ruler: Of course! What is it?
Stanley: If it's possible, I would very much like to stay in your kingdom. As the twelfth son in my family, I do not have much to call my own... And so I'd very much like to stay here, where my s****s are actually useful!
Ruler: I think that's a wonderful idea! We can always use more knights in our kingdom!
Stanley: Oh, thank you so much! This place already feels like home!

Part 12: Mapping Out The Dance Floor
Ivy: Ruler! Stanley! I have the Worst. Possible. News!
Ruler: What's wrong, Ivy? What happened?
Ivy: I lost the map to the Winter Ball! I think I dropped it when those monsters attacked us! What if none of us get to go after all! After all that work!
Cindy: Oh, Ivy, it'll be fine! We don't need to go to a party to have fun anyway!
Stanley: Don't worry, ladies! I will retrieve this map! We will all go to the Winter Ball together! I promise!
Cindy: Oh, Stanley~ Please be safe!
Stanley: Have no fear! I will be back in a flash!

Part 13: You Can Teach A Horse To Dance
Stanley: I found the map right where Ivy said it would be! Those yetis shredded it up a bit but I found all the pieces!
Ruler: Oh wonderful! We should be able to spell this back together easily! Ivy and Cindy will be delighted. You've saved the day, Stanley! Now we need to make sure that you arrive to the Winter Ball in style! How is your horseback riding?
Stanley: Oh, I love riding! I do it all the time back home!
Ruler: Excellent! I think I have just the horse for you!

Part 14: You Are The Dancing King
Ruler: The Winter Ball is upon us! Are you excited? I sure am!
Stanley: Do you think Cindy will want to dance with me?
Ruler: I can't imagine why she wouldn't! You've saved her life on multiple occasions! Not to mention that jawline!
Stanley: Haha! I hope you're right, Ruler!
Ruler: And to make sure you're nice and loose for the party tonight, it's time for your last dance. Go and strut your stuff!
Stanley: With these shoes, that should be a cinch!

Save The Last Dance
Stanley: Cindy, last night was hands down the best night of my life.
Cindy: Oh, Stanley! You took the words right out of my mouth! I feel the same way!
Stanley: Hearing you say that makes me absolutely the happiest man in the world! Well, I've already decided to move here, and I'd love it if you would stay here with me.
Cindy: You keep saying all these wonderful things! Am I dreaming? Of course, I would love to stay with you!

12-14-16, 01:10 PM
The Yeti - Goals:
Note for goal:
* You will get 20 gems back by collecting the entire 70 fur and crafting a yeti.
* Some players have left purchasing the trap to get the last lot of fur required, so the gems are spent and returned immediately.
* The yeti spawned by the trap takes 30 hits.

Those pesky Yetis are ruining all of our winter fun! Maybe we can convince them that we're not so bad! *You can only have 1 monster in your kingdom at a time!*
Part 1: Get Ready Yeti
Goal 1 Purchase a yeti trap 0/1 BUY | Market, 20 gems. Clears in 1 action.
Goal 2 Tame a yeti 0/1 GO
Reward: 20 gems
Congratulations: Ivy: Aww, it's kind of cute!

Yeti pictures:




https://i.imgur.com/ZQXQvC5.png https://i.imgur.com/zxEVJ0z.png

12-14-16, 01:11 PM
Wooo Hooo.. sounds exciting! It's live!


12-14-16, 01:13 PM
Two new events!
You don't get back the 20 gems for the yeti trap.
Is that an oversight S8?

And give 5 golden nuggets - this will be a struggle for new players.

12-14-16, 01:15 PM
Wow! And I've just visited stables. And now I have to wait for 2,5 hours��

12-14-16, 01:16 PM
Princess is charming. She looks like Cinderella. Thanks S8

12-14-16, 01:19 PM
The Yeti had 30 energy, though overall, I think it was 23 or 24 to beat it, just for information.

Different point, I'm not sure I'm happy there's a new event right at the heels of the last... and definitely S8 should return the 20 gems for the Yeti trap. I for one won't be doing that quest line for now.

12-14-16, 01:21 PM
I had to stop and think what day it was.

12-14-16, 01:21 PM
Part 1 - Let's Have A Ball
Goal 1 - Stop by the Pond [0/1]
Goal 2 - Give Purple Dye to Cindy [0/1]
rewards: 100 coins, 10 xp

Part 2 - Horsing Around
Goal 1/1 - Visit the Stables [0/1]
rewards: 200 coins, 20 xp

12-14-16, 01:22 PM
Make sure there is no monster on your board when you visit the stables!

12-14-16, 01:22 PM

12-14-16, 01:23 PM
I had to stop and think what day it was.

Same here. Lol.

12-14-16, 01:27 PM
Side Goal - Get Ready Yeti
1) Purchase a Yeti Trap [0/1] 20 gems
2) Tame a Yeti [0/1]
rewards: 100 coins, 50 xp (no gems!)

"Yetis have been seen by the Stables!"

12-14-16, 01:29 PM
You'll be taking 2 hrs dancing lessons at the Keep, so do not send your knights on any adventures.

Part 4
Make a dancing mask 0/1, (2 blue inks, 5 glimmerdust, 5 living wood, 2 hrs)
Attend a dance lesson with Stanley, (1 dancing mask, 1 simple feast, 2 hrs)

12-14-16, 01:35 PM
Wish i had noticed that you dont get your gems back Before I spent the gems :mad:

Side Goal - Get Ready Yeti
1) Purchase a Yeti Trap [0/1] 20 gems
2) Tame a Yeti [0/1]
rewards: 100 coins, 50 xp (no gems!)

"Yetis have been seen by the Stables!"

12-14-16, 01:38 PM
Make sure there is no monster on your board when you visit the stables!

Ha ha just got caught still had a polar bear relaxing in the farmhouse

12-14-16, 01:40 PM
a golden chalice wound up in my inventory,.. not a clue where it came from.

12-14-16, 01:41 PM
Five gold nuggets!!!!
For a timed event?

Seriously storm8, stop asking for very difficult to get resources in timed events.
I've no problem if they're part of the main story, I'll wait as long as it takes for them to drop...but for some users they won't get one in the entire time the event lasts.

I have the nuggets for my main game, but on my second game, I only have two, I'm waiting to make the darned gold piping and I've been stuck on two for the last four or five months!

No way I'm purchasing gems.

Goals should require commitment and time, they shouldn't be impossible unless money is spent.
:mad: :mad: :mad:
Bah Humbug

12-14-16, 02:05 PM
Five gold nuggets!!!!
For a timed event?

Seriously storm8, stop asking for very difficult to get resources in timed events.
I've no problem if they're part of the main story, I'll wait as long as it takes for them to drop...but for some users they won't get one in the entire time the event lasts.

I have the nuggets for my main game, but on my second game, I only have two, I'm waiting to make the darned gold piping and I've been stuck on two for the last four or five months!

No way I'm purchasing gems.

Goals should require commitment and time, they shouldn't be impossible unless money is spent.
:mad: :mad: :mad:
Bah Humbug

I totally feel you!! I just recently finished the jousting upgrade needing all that gold and now have only two nuggets left. :( Very unlikely I'll get three more in the next 21 days as it took forever to get the amount needed for the gold piping. And at 200 gems to skip...gonna have to miss out on this.

Super cute new characters. Good luck to everyone else!

12-14-16, 02:06 PM
Wish i had noticed that you dont get your gems back Before I spent the gems :mad:

Me too. And I'm really other sure I want a yeti in my Kingdom. What will it drop? I'm am tired of all these animal hunt goals.

Debating whether to engage at all with the winter ball event. Somehow I'm just not inspired.

12-14-16, 02:08 PM
Five gold nuggets!!!!
For a timed event?

Seriously storm8, stop asking for very difficult to get resources in timed events.
I've no problem if they're part of the main story, I'll wait as long as it takes for them to drop...but for some users they won't get one in the entire time the event lasts.

I have the nuggets for my main game, but on my second game, I only have two, I'm waiting to make the darned gold piping and I've been stuck on two for the last four or five months!

No way I'm purchasing gems.

Goals should require commitment and time, they shouldn't be impossible unless money is spent.
:mad: :mad: :mad:
Bah Humbug

I agree. Unless you happen to have them sitting around in inventory that requirement is going to leave a lot of players out. Please fix this and the 20 gem thing S8!

12-14-16, 02:08 PM
Wow, Yeti looks awesome!!!! Thanks S8!
I collected the stable before the quest started, it was quite a surprise to get the update today:)
Good luck everyone!

12-14-16, 02:09 PM
You'll be taking 2 hrs dancing lessons at the Keep, so do not send your knights on any adventures.

Part 4
Make a dancing mask 0/1, (2 blue inks, 5 glimmerdust, 5 living wood, 2 hrs)
Attend a dance lesson with Stanley, (1 dancing mask, 1 simple feast, 2 hrs)

I just sent my adventure out. A regular, not quest related. And I visited stables, along with every other building in my queendom. Somehow I thought he update is tomorrow...

12-14-16, 02:21 PM
I just sent my adventure out. A regular, not quest related. And I visited stables, along with every other building in my queendom. Somehow I thought he update is tomorrow...

In recent times I do not send adventure from Queen Court, but only from Barrack and Haunted Keep, when currrent timed goal is going to end.
As I see, now it was a good move (again).

12-14-16, 02:31 PM
2 interesting points:
since when is this princess Ivy's best friend and we've never heard about her ever?? sounds like they pulled this one out of their sleeves!!!

BOON: BUY ALL THE ICY WILLOWS YOU CAN AND STORE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMES FULLY GROWN AND COST 100 COINS NEVER GROW TREES FOR WOOD AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

12-14-16, 02:40 PM
2 interesting points:
since when is this princess Ivy's best friend and we've never heard about her ever?? sounds like they pulled this one out of their sleeves!!!

BOON: BUY ALL THE ICY WILLOWS YOU CAN AND STORE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMES FULLY GROWN AND COST 100 COINS NEVER GROW TREES FOR WOOD AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

I stored a few already just as decoration.
And we always can buy dead wood tree in case we need wood. It comes fully grown too:)

12-14-16, 02:41 PM
tree limit is 100

12-14-16, 02:53 PM
Make sure there is no monster on your board when you visit the stables!

Thank you for the tip.

12-14-16, 02:54 PM
Got two fur after slaying one Yeti.
My second Stable spawned Yeti again, and gave 1 fur.
I sped up the stable , but didn't spawn anything so I guess the spawn rate is not 100% but maybe 90-80%

12-14-16, 02:58 PM
Well bad news, as I was storing my trees, after getting 20 stored, I am unable to store any more ��

12-14-16, 03:01 PM
Got two fur after slaying one Yeti.
My second Stable spawned Yeti again, and gave 1 fur.
I sped up the stable , but didn't spawn anything so I guess the spawn rate is not 100% but maybe 90-80%
I received 5 fur from my Yeti, so it appears that the possibilities are 1, 2 or 5.

I don't expect it to happen but if anyone gets a Yeti from the haunted stable please let us know.

12-14-16, 03:08 PM
Me too. And I'm really other sure I want a yeti in my Kingdom. What will it drop? I'm am tired of all these animal hunt goals.

Debating whether to engage at all with the winter ball event. Somehow I'm just not inspired.

Same here :-( send the gems on a yeti trap. I got my fingers crossed.....maybe we get it back? *looking hopefully to storm8*

12-14-16, 03:16 PM
Me too. And I'm really other sure I want a yeti in my Kingdom. What will it drop? I'm am tired of all these animal hunt goals.

Debating whether to engage at all with the winter ball event. Somehow I'm just not inspired.

S8's stuck in a rut again. I'm tired of all the animals too. We've had 1 after the other for months. Just changing the animal & its drops & giving us the same goal over & over is not fun S8!

12-14-16, 03:22 PM
My second stable spawned a fangbeast. Not cool! :-(

12-14-16, 03:30 PM
You'll be taking 2 hrs dancing lessons at the Keep, so do not send your knights on any adventures.

Part 4
Make a dancing mask 0/1, (2 blue inks, 5 glimmerdust, 5 living wood, 2 hrs)
Attend a dance lesson with Stanley, (1 dancing mask, 1 simple feast, 2 hrs)

Well, I had the last adventure of the previous event sent out, just collected it, and send out this dance-adventure, but really need to sleep, so I won't be able to continue in the morning.

And yes, this is way, way too soon. A few days between events would have been nice...

12-14-16, 03:47 PM
Well, I had the last adventure of the previous event sent out, just collected it, and send out this dance-adventure, but really need to sleep, so I won't be able to continue in the morning.

And yes, this is way, way too soon. A few days between events would have been nice...

This is where I am too. I'm making blue dye and a simple feast right now. I'm not too inspired over this as well but we'll see. I hope I didn't waste my gold nuggets. I'm with those who say we shouldn't have rare items in timed events. It leaves a lot of people out.

12-14-16, 03:54 PM
I thought tomorrow was update day? I was looking forward to another day without wanting to frantically finish goals. Burned out.

12-14-16, 04:00 PM
Not doing this timed goal. Although the implication was that the Princess joins our Kingdom. Will she be essential to future story lines?

12-14-16, 04:09 PM
Looks a little too Disney for my taste so far, will they be kingdom waltzers?

12-14-16, 04:15 PM
I not only lost gems on the yeti trap, but when I went to move it to a better spot to spawn a yeti it disappeared when I tried to set it down. No, I didn't have any monsters live in my kingdom at the time. No, it is not in my inventory.

I am burned out on these new monsters that take so much energy to overcome too. And only spawning from stables? Too much like the last quest.

I might sit this one out. I might wait until we get back to the storyline. Just not excited about all this work to bring in two more strangers into the kingdom while we have so many others whose stories are left hanging.

12-14-16, 04:16 PM
Looks like we'll have to be prepared to chop some trees as well. Eh... I'm not keen on it but nonetheless, I like events. I knew when that 2 day energy packet came up that once the timer runs out we are in for another quest. Brought the winter willows but can't collect buttons ect yet. And I sent out a quest yesterday so I'll have to wait for it to finish before doing the dance quest. We have a lot of time but I'm not fooling myself by thinking its enough. However, since I failed with Yerik (my own foolishness) I shall try to succeed this time. I wish everyone luck. Especially if your like me who can struggle at times.

12-14-16, 04:18 PM
Got two fur after slaying one Yeti.
My second Stable spawned Yeti again, and gave 1 fur.
I sped up the stable , but didn't spawn anything so I guess the spawn rate is not 100% but maybe 90-80%

I was given 5 fur by 1 Yeti. So after fighting 2 Yetis I have 8 fur. Not bad for the beginning.

12-14-16, 04:28 PM
I'm sitting this one out too. A timed event over xmas is not fun and I don't really like the look of the two new characters. Where is the original storyline that we all enjoyed?

12-14-16, 04:32 PM
I'm not even attempting the yeti - I only get 2 furs per yeti and I have to get them at 30 chops per yeti? Plus I have to wait for about an hour (I think) to check my stables each time? It's not possible. But I am going for the timed thing.

12-14-16, 04:32 PM
Well bad news, as I was storing my trees, after getting 20 stored, I am unable to store any more ��

Try again and make sure the tree you are trying to store has not been chopped. I have stored over thirty and not reached a limit. Chopped trees, even if only 1 chop, cannot be stored.

12-14-16, 04:33 PM
Looks like we'll have to be prepared to chop some trees as well. Eh... I'm not keen on it but nonetheless, I like events. I knew when that 2 day energy packet came up that once the timer runs out we are in for another quest. Brought the winter willows but can't collect buttons ect yet. And I sent out a quest yesterday so I'll have to wait for it to finish before doing the dance quest. We have a lot of time but I'm not fooling myself by thinking its enough. However, since I failed with Yerik (my own foolishness) I shall try to succeed this time. I wish everyone luck. Especially if your like me who can struggle at times.

I really like you! I really resonated with what you stated, sounds like we could be friends LOL. How do you know we will be chopping some trees? Anything I should prepare for?

12-14-16, 04:33 PM
Five gold nuggets!!!!
For a timed event?

Seriously storm8, stop asking for very difficult to get resources in timed events.
I've no problem if they're part of the main story, I'll wait as long as it takes for them to drop...but for some users they won't get one in the entire time the event lasts.

I have the nuggets for my main game, but on my second game, I only have two, I'm waiting to make the darned gold piping and I've been stuck on two for the last four or five months!

No way I'm purchasing gems.

Goals should require commitment and time, they shouldn't be impossible unless money is spent.
:mad: :mad: :mad:
Bah Humbug

I soooo agree with you! My jousting arena took months to level up because the gold was so rare, it felt like I was doing the actual gold panning myself! I thought the flyger, peacock, and raccoon events were already ridiculous. This one definitely tops them all. Why waste time and energy on an event that is already impossible on the get-go. This quest is so polarizing such that only those willing to pay real money and gems can participate. The decorations and rewards are too measly compared to the effort and time you need to babysit this game.

12-14-16, 04:37 PM
I'm not even attempting the yeti - I only get 2 furs per yeti and I have to get them at 30 chops per yeti? Plus I have to wait for about an hour (I think) to check my stables each time? It's not possible. But I am going for the timed thing.

It's not all 30 energy, it's about 12! Which is twice less
And the stables are about 3 hours not and hour wait time.
It seems absolutely doable. We have THREE WEEKS AHEAD!

12-14-16, 04:40 PM
Not doing this timed goal. Although the implication was that the Princess joins our Kingdom. Will she be essential to future story lines?

No, she won't be essential for future story lines. If she was, it would be part of the untimed story line not one of the crazy timed events.

12-14-16, 04:49 PM
You'll be taking 2 hrs dancing lessons at the Keep, so do not send your knights on any adventures.

Part 4
Make a dancing mask 0/1, (2 blue inks, 5 glimmerdust, 5 living wood, 2 hrs)
Attend a dance lesson with Stanley, (1 dancing mask, 1 simple feast, 2 hrs)
It says the dance lesson is two hours, when I started the adventure, it is actually only 1.5 hrs

12-14-16, 04:51 PM
After u dance next one is chop 4 icy willows gather 60 snowballs and build snowman which u need the 60 snowballs 5 coal and 1 carrot and takes 4 hours

12-14-16, 04:52 PM
Goal 5: chop icy willows 4
Gather snowballs 60 (you can carry 200)
Build a snowman (60 snowballs 5 coal 1carrot 4 hours)

12-14-16, 04:52 PM
I received 5 fur from my Yeti, so it appears that the possibilities are 1, 2 or 5.

I don't expect it to happen but if anyone gets a Yeti from the haunted stable please let us know.

I received three from one yeti. Only one stable came through for me, also. Haven't bought the trap, not sure I want it that badly...

12-14-16, 05:08 PM
Where are going to be collecting snowballs from?

12-14-16, 05:12 PM
Where are going to be collecting snowballs from?

From the icy willows bought in market for 100 coins

12-14-16, 05:17 PM
This last event was actually achievable....dare I hope this one will be?

And I agree with the comment on this one beginnin g on the heels of the last...it has gotten to the point that I dread Thursdays because it seems there is always something new which means I never get to move forward with the other parts of the game..

12-14-16, 05:20 PM
Great idea about the trees ...I usually buy the dead ones because they're fully grown

Do the yeti pop up anywhere else Ghan stables (which you can only have 2)... & yes they should've gave us the gems back...or the first one should've cost money we can cold t from buildings...after the first make it gems

12-14-16, 05:26 PM
Goal 5: chop icy willows 4
Gather snowballs 60 (you can carry 200)
Build a snowman (60 snowballs 5 coal 1carrot 4 hours)

Goal 6
Visit stable 4x
Slay yeti 4x
Throw snowballs give 50
Reward 1 yeti fur

12-14-16, 05:28 PM
You can save 99 treetops you'll have to take from your inventory for more to chop... unless when I go back in I can plan more

12-14-16, 05:37 PM
The Yeti had 30 energy, though overall, I think it was 23 or 24 to beat it, just for information.

Different point, I'm not sure I'm happy there's a new event right at the heels of the last... and definitely S8 should return the 20 gems for the Yeti trap. I for one won't be doing that quest line for now.

It can take every bit of 30 energy though. Does anyone know when the ice trees will start putting out the supply's it's supposed to? I've chopped 5 and got just wood and sap.

12-14-16, 05:39 PM
It can take every bit of 30 energy though. Does anyone know when the ice trees will start putting out the supply's it's supposed to? I've chopped 5 and got just wood and sap.

I doubt it will ever require all 30 energy to fight a Yeti. The trees will give the snowballs when you reach the goal asking for them.

12-14-16, 05:49 PM
Well bad news, as I was storing my trees, after getting 20 stored, I am unable to store any more ��

Try again and make sure the tree you are trying to store has not been chopped. I have stored over thirty and not reached a limit. Chopped trees, even if only 1 chop, cannot be stored.

Ok, storage of trees is wacky. I force closed and when I when back in the trees on the board could not be stored. Bought new trees and new trees could still be stored. So, if you want to store the trees, buy them and store them before exiting the game.

12-14-16, 05:50 PM
You can save 99 treetops you'll have to take from your inventory for more to chop... unless when I go back in I can plan more
I can't save any of my unchopped icy trees. Perhaps they've already cancelled that ability

12-14-16, 06:01 PM
Goal 5: chop icy willows 4
Gather snowballs 60 (you can carry 200)
Build a snowman (60 snowballs 5 coal 1carrot 4 hours)

Is it possible to make more than two snowmen (one at each workshop)? Does the ability to make the snowman disappear after collecting one?

12-14-16, 06:03 PM
For those who can't craft Snowman- You need to Sell a few royal decorations!!!!

SW, put it on the first page to avoid future confusion.

12-14-16, 06:05 PM
Wow! A snowball with every chop is great!

12-14-16, 06:06 PM
Are we going to have two more people walking around? I've been busy and I haven't gotten to read it all yet.

12-14-16, 06:06 PM
I can't save any of my unchopped icy trees. Perhaps they've already cancelled that ability

Look at post 62.

12-14-16, 06:10 PM
Are we going to have two more people walking around? I've been busy and I haven't gotten to read it all yet.

I think it will only be the princess.

12-14-16, 06:28 PM
I soooo agree with you! My jousting arena took months to level up because the gold was so rare, it felt like I was doing the actual gold panning myself! I thought the flyger, peacock, and raccoon events were already ridiculous. This one definitely tops them all. Why waste time and energy on an event that is already impossible on the get-go. This quest is so polarizing such that only those willing to pay real money and gems can participate. The decorations and rewards are too measly compared to the effort and time you need to babysit this game.

Timed events will be hard no matter what goal you are on if it's a time/resource intensive one like the jousting arena. I am currently upgrading my faerie bulb which requires TONS of living wood. While it's not as rare as gold nuggets, you do need more of them and I have had to put that goal a bit on the back burner because every timed event lately has needed living wood. But I know that goal line will always be there for me to complete just like the jousting arena. The beautiful thing is that if you have the eleven apothecary you can craft the gold miner boost which is an amazing option that players who have done the jousting arena earlier didn't have. Also if you have the gold mine it's extremely helpful. I don't think asking for five gold nuggets is really all that much. I remember sir hamlet wanted something REALLY ridiculous. I want to say it was 100 gold nuggets but that may be my mind playing tricks on me. I know I didn't get anywhere close to the number that I needed.

12-14-16, 06:30 PM
Great idea about the trees ...I usually buy the dead ones because they're fully grown

Do the yeti pop up anywhere else Ghan stables (which you can only have 2)... & yes they should've gave us the gems back...or the first one should've cost money we can cold t from buildings...after the first make it gems

I can't do dead trees because they don't have living wood as a drop :-/ has anyone noticed the frozen trees dropping living wood? I am assuming they don't but it would be amazing if they did.

12-14-16, 06:30 PM
Is it possible to make more than two snowmen (one at each workshop)? Does the ability to make the snowman disappear after collecting one?

yes you can make 2

12-14-16, 06:35 PM
For those who can't craft Snowman- You need to Sell a few royal decorations!!!!

SW, put it on the first page to avoid future confusion.

What are considered as royal decoration? All the ones which adds to royal points when placed? Walls and towers also?

I sold several carriages but still can't make the snowoman.:(

I have crazy amount of stone benches. Are they royal decoration?

12-14-16, 06:35 PM
Whoever discovered and posted about buying the icy willow is AWESOME, Thank you!
I was able to buy and store 99 before getting cut off:D

12-14-16, 06:37 PM
I can't do dead trees because they don't have living wood as a drop :-/ has anyone noticed the frozen trees dropping living wood? I am assuming they don't but it would be amazing if they did.

Yes they do, not sure how much, I quick collected and it black flagged me for living wood.

12-14-16, 06:48 PM
Ok. I really don't want to discourage any players, but is having people walking around ithe reward? This is a busy time of year. Just trying to decide.

12-14-16, 07:00 PM
I had to stop and think what day it was.

Dear god me too, I've been thinking it was Thursday all day, just to have everyone correct me, and now, finding an update?! Is it really not Thursday?!

12-14-16, 07:09 PM
What are considered as royal decoration? All the ones which adds to royal points when placed? Walls and towers also?

I sold several carriages but still can't make the snowoman.:(

I have crazy amount of stone benches. Are they royal decoration?

I sold all unicorns statues.
IF you can buy , lets say, the sand tower from market- than it means you can craft snowmen
If you can't buy it- it means you still have too many Royal decos.

12-14-16, 07:22 PM
Ok. I really don't want to discourage any players, but is having people walking around ithe reward? This is a busy time of year. Just trying to decide.
You mean if the reward is new characters walking around in ur kingdom?
I think yes. But it could be an animated decoration like Gentlemen Troll! :)
Personally, I don't really love this kind of reward when we get the flying or walking thing in the kingdom
because they don't drop anything good or useful after all the resources spent.....
But I'm doing this quest anyway, just because i do every quest:)

12-14-16, 07:48 PM
I sold all unicorns statues.
IF you can buy , lets say, the sand tower from market- than it means you can craft snowmen
If you can't buy it- it means you still have too many Royal decos.

OMG, are we supposed to get rid of all unicorn statues now? I'd say sell, but they aren't worth any money. Does anyone know if the snowmen are worth RP? How much? I am disappointed that materials and time used to create decor Doesn't count for anything. Thx

12-14-16, 07:49 PM
You mean if the reward is new characters walking around in ur kingdom?
I think yes. But it could be an animated decoration like Gentlemen Troll! :)
Personally, I don't really love this kind of reward when we get the flying or walking thing in the kingdom
because they don't drop anything good or useful after all the resources spent.....
But I'm doing this quest anyway, just because i do every quest:)

That's the spirit! 😉

12-14-16, 07:56 PM
Ok I'm diving in.

12-14-16, 07:59 PM
I bought the trap slayed 2 yetis, you must only get the 20 gems from using the trap trying that now.

12-14-16, 08:02 PM
I bought the trap slayed 2 yetis, you must only get the 20 gems from using the trap trying that now.

You will get the 20 gems returned to you after you craft the Yeti.

12-14-16, 08:03 PM
Two new events!
You don't get back the 20 gems for the yeti trap.
Is that an oversight S8?

And give 5 golden nuggets - this will be a struggle for new players.
It looks like S8 has corrected the reward on the 20 gems. I purchased the trap and now I otice that once I tame the Yeti the reward will be 20 gems. Not sure how long this will take as we will need to slay a lot of Yeti in order to craft one in the workshop

12-14-16, 08:04 PM
You will get the 20 gems returned to you after you craft the Yeti.ah ok, I misread thanks

12-14-16, 08:12 PM
ah ok, I misread thanks


12-14-16, 08:19 PM
Five gold nuggets!!!!
For a timed event?

Seriously storm8, stop asking for very difficult to get resources in timed events.
I've no problem if they're part of the main story, I'll wait as long as it takes for them to drop...but for some users they won't get one in the entire time the event lasts.

I have the nuggets for my main game, but on my second game, I only have two, I'm waiting to make the darned gold piping and I've been stuck on two for the last four or five months!

No way I'm purchasing gems.

Goals should require commitment and time, they shouldn't be impossible unless money is spent.
:mad: :mad: :mad:
Bah Humbug

You can also get them from royal trade, rock chopping, and in the new rune building you can increase gold. Good luck 😁👍

12-14-16, 08:23 PM
You can get gold in an adventure, rock chopping, royal exchange, and also in crease gold in the new rune building. Good luck. 😀🤗👍

12-14-16, 08:49 PM
You can get gold in an adventure, rock chopping, royal exchange, and also in crease gold in the new rune building. Good luck. ������

I agree! That's how I collect my nuggets! Especially i like the runes option because I have many useless silver/bronze runes .
5 nuggets is absolutely possible, it's not 20 or 50.
Can u tell me how to get nuggets via Exchange?

12-14-16, 09:05 PM
OMG, are we supposed to get rid of all unicorn statues now? I'd say sell, but they aren't worth any money. Does anyone know if the snowmen are worth RP? How much? I am disappointed that materials and time used to create decor Doesn't count for anything. Thx

Sorry, i am so confused myself now!
I sold my dragons statues (i got them all from adventures) But you can double check if selling OTHER(non royal) decos will work
as for Snowmen - i just crafted two and when i placed them i received NONE ZERO royal points.
than why did i have to sell my royal deco to be able to craft it?!
Any thoughts people?

12-14-16, 09:17 PM
S8 should bring back the ability to craft gold nuggets! ❤️

12-14-16, 10:00 PM
Okay you don't get your 20 gems back by fighting the yeti that appears when you use the trap! Apparently you have to collect the entire 70 fur and craft a yeti to get your 20 gems back. So the whole point of this event is to spend 20 gems up front to buy a trap and you have 20 days to slay yetis using energy to collect 70 fur just to get your 20 gems back? That's not a reward. Maybe I'm missing something. I'm going to have to focus on slaying yetis instead of the other event so I make sure I get my gems back!

12-14-16, 10:06 PM
I agree! That's how I collect my nuggets! Especially i like the runes option because I have many useless silver/bronze runes .
5 nuggets is absolutely possible, it's not 20 or 50.
Can u tell me how to get nuggets via Exchange?

Yes I'd like to know how you get nuggets in the royal exchange as well

12-14-16, 10:44 PM
I had to stop and think what day it was.

Me too. Really threw me for a loop!

12-14-16, 11:29 PM
Okay you don't get your 20 gems back by fighting the yeti that appears when you use the trap! Apparently you have to collect the entire 70 fur and craft a yeti to get your 20 gems back. So the whole point of this event is to spend 20 gems up front to buy a trap and you have 20 days to slay yetis using energy to collect 70 fur just to get your 20 gems back? That's not a reward. Maybe I'm missing something. I'm going to have to focus on slaying yetis instead of the other event so I make sure I get my gems back!

You get a yeti, from crafting it, as well I guess.

12-14-16, 11:37 PM
I tried the elv workshop thingy to get extra luck on gold mining - got nothing on any of them. It's good for 5 hours but I am going to bed. Oh well.

Five gold nuggets!!!!
For a timed event?

Seriously storm8, stop asking for very difficult to get resources in timed events.
I've no problem if they're part of the main story, I'll wait as long as it takes for them to drop...but for some users they won't get one in the entire time the event lasts.

I have the nuggets for my main game, but on my second game, I only have two, I'm waiting to make the darned gold piping and I've been stuck on two for the last four or five months!

No way I'm purchasing gems.

Goals should require commitment and time, they shouldn't be impossible unless money is spent.
:mad: :mad: :mad:
Bah Humbug

12-14-16, 11:48 PM
I agree! That's how I collect my nuggets! Especially i like the runes option because I have many useless silver/bronze runes .
5 nuggets is absolutely possible, it's not 20 or 50.
Can u tell me how to get nuggets via Exchange?

The other day I did a mineral exchange and was surprised to receive a gold nugget and from a quest. When I start to see drops of gold more frequent I can bet that we will need them , because I haven't gotten gold from an exchange or a quest in a long time.

12-14-16, 11:58 PM
That is crazy. Too many royal points. Expanding can allow more points. How can we buy more fences and decor. If you have to have an item we should be able to craft it if we do not have one of that item. I understand some of the building but like the hallowed stable doesn't work like a normal stable. Had to sell a cottage to make a hollween cottage but doesn't work like a cottage. We also had to have the cottage in the event. So, they need to fix that bug. Because if we need more cottages we will have to sell the Halloween cottages. So, selling decor to b able to do a event should not done. If they don't count as a "REAL" building later then we shouldn't have to sell anything for an event.

12-15-16, 12:14 AM
Can we place the snowman after crafting it? Or does it just show up as an in inventory item?

12-15-16, 12:24 AM
2 interesting points:
since when is this princess Ivy's best friend and we've never heard about her ever?? sounds like they pulled this one out of their sleeves!!!

BOON: BUY ALL THE ICY WILLOWS YOU CAN AND STORE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMES FULLY GROWN AND COST 100 COINS NEVER GROW TREES FOR WOOD AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

I missed why we want to buy & store icy willows. Don't they drop snowballs? Are they just needed for Yeti quest and not winter ball event? After the events can we chop them for wood? I did buy and store some, but now I'm confused as to why. I'm not doing Yeti event.

NEVER MIND! I've gone further in the game and chopped some icy willows. I got snowballs, as well as wood and sap.
I've stored 70 of them since they are so cheap. Cool!

12-15-16, 12:27 AM
Okay you don't get your 20 gems back by fighting the yeti that appears when you use the trap! Apparently you have to collect the entire 70 fur and craft a yeti to get your 20 gems back. So the whole point of this event is to spend 20 gems up front to buy a trap and you have 20 days to slay yetis using energy to collect 70 fur just to get your 20 gems back? That's not a reward. Maybe I'm missing something. I'm going to have to focus on slaying yetis instead of the other event so I make sure I get my gems back!

Same as you,I expected to get my 20 back after purchasing the trap & fighting that Yeti. No gems back so a waste of 20 gems.:(

12-15-16, 12:42 AM
I don't know if this has already been asked or specified but are the yetis ONLY appearing when you click on stables?
I'm at max level capacity and can only have 2 stables in my kingdom so only 2 opportunities every few hours to collect. I've collected from both stables 3 times now and only got the initial yeti (and no, I don't have another monster anywhere on the board, I've double checked just in case).
So, I need 20 yeti things to create the dance mask but it looks like they're only going to appear every few collects from stables so it's going to take quite some time.
I appreciate we have 21 days to complete this quest but it seems a bit harsh that at least one yeti doesn't appear every collect, or am I just being finicky?
Plus after reading others comments on here there's no way I'm wasting gems to buy a trap when you don't even get a few gems back!

12-15-16, 12:55 AM
I'm on the part where you have to craft the snowman but it says the inventory is full in the workshop so I can't click him to craft him. Will he open up when I have the 60 snowballs etc. or is it a bug?

12-15-16, 12:55 AM
It probably has the same ratio as when the lion things attacked the deer.

12-15-16, 01:02 AM
Do we need to create the yeti to get the 20 gems back ?
Please explain

12-15-16, 01:05 AM
One thing bugs me though. How come is Cindy Ivy's best friend when she looks and behaves like Sabina's cousin?

12-15-16, 01:11 AM
I don't know if this has already been asked or specified but are the yetis ONLY appearing when you click on stables?
I'm at max level capacity and can only have 2 stables in my kingdom so only 2 opportunities every few hours to collect. I've collected from both stables 3 times now and only got the initial yeti (and no, I don't have another monster anywhere on the board, I've double checked just in case).
So, I need 20 yeti things to create the dance mask but it looks like they're only going to appear every few collects from stables so it's going to take quite some time.
I appreciate we have 21 days to complete this quest but it seems a bit harsh that at least one yeti doesn't appear every collect, or am I just being finicky?
Plus after reading others comments on here there's no way I'm wasting gems to buy a trap when you don't even get a few gems back!

Note there is a maximum of 2 stables for us all, so we are all in the same boat for that :)

But you don't need anything from the yeti to craft the dance mask. So not sure where you are seeing that?

12-15-16, 01:15 AM
Some ppl mentioned about gold mine. What is it exactly? Can someone help? From all my years of playing, I haven't heard or seen one. Did I miss it somehow?

12-15-16, 01:20 AM
You can not store chopped willows indeed......nor the once you,ve rotated. As long as you don't touch them you can store away.
Happy eventing....

12-15-16, 01:21 AM
Some ppl mentioned about gold mine. What is it exactly? Can someone help? From all my years of playing, I haven't heard or seen one. Did I miss it somehow?

Looks like you missed it :(. I got mine in the recent Black Friday sales. Others may be able to say when it was available before that.

12-15-16, 01:29 AM
Yes we do....i've made the same mistake.....poor little us..:rolleyes: ha ha

I thougt we had to slay one. But we need to create one. It's a big difference.
Who knows. Maybe we make it. I intend to anyway.
Good luck to all of us!!! And happy eventing..

12-15-16, 01:36 AM
I'm on the part where you have to craft the snowman but it says the inventory is full in the workshop so I can't click him to craft him. Will he open up when I have the 60 snowballs etc. or is it a bug?

I am having the same problem. Looked in the inventory, there is no snowman and it's not letting me craft one

12-15-16, 02:01 AM
I am having the same problem. Looked in the inventory, there is no snowman and it's not letting me craft one

Have a look at post 66 on page 7 of this thread. You may need to sell some Royal decorations.

12-15-16, 02:08 AM
Ok, lol. I want to know what the cap on royal buildings and royal deco is, respectively. Sold a watchtower and now I can't buy a new one, sold a unicorn statue and can't buy a new one, or craft the snowoman:rolleyes: What gives, S8?:confused: I'm not going to sell all the royal buildings and all the royal deco just to find out:rolleyes::)

12-15-16, 02:27 AM
The hub is a great place to find this sort of info :)
You can have -
55 Royal decorations
44 Royal buildings

12-15-16, 02:28 AM
Ok,what do I need to sell

12-15-16, 02:35 AM
Ok,what do I need to sell

Read previous posts please for more info:)

12-15-16, 02:39 AM
Read previous posts please for more info:)

I sold to royal carriages still can't get in

12-15-16, 02:44 AM
I sold to royal carriages still can't get in

Well, just keep selling them until you see the ability to craft
Sell all the cheap ones like dragons statues alicorn statues, carriages

12-15-16, 02:46 AM
The hub is a great place to find this sort of info :)
You can have -
55 Royal decorations
44 Royal buildings

Read previous posts please for more info:)

Thank you:) I have 45 unicorn statues, 2 dragon statues, 1 royal carriage, 2 glass dragons, 1 glass palace and 1 glass carriage. Which more are counted as royal deco now? I also have 324 pages of inventory and not much time over for this. I want a clear answer from S8 about this, that would be very nice and save some time:rolleyes::) Otherwise a fun and cute update:)

12-15-16, 02:55 AM
Just not excited about all this work to bring in two more strangers into the kingdom while we have so many others whose stories are left hanging.

I agree. I'm bummed because it feels like the main story has been abandoned by the game writers. I don't want more kingdom walkers unless they add to the story. Feels like "Cindy" (Cinderella?) and Stanley just showed up out of nowhere. Cindy is supposed to be Ivy's best friend (that's news to me), but she doesn't seem like the kind of gal Ivy would be best friends with.

And what about Old Thomas and his love? Why can't she come to stay?

12-15-16, 03:23 AM
The ability to store the icy willows has already been disabled :(

12-15-16, 03:25 AM
Thank you:) I have 45 unicorn statues, 2 dragon statues, 1 royal carriage, 2 glass dragons, 1 glass palace and 1 glass carriage. Which more are counted as royal deco now? I also have 324 pages of inventory and not much time over for this. I want a clear answer from S8 about this, that would be very nice and save some time:rolleyes::) Otherwise a fun and cute update:)

All the sand buildings count as royal, I think.

I don't get why there are so many caps on groups off stuff. We can have as many snowmen as we like, so why a cap on snowwomen?

Also the stupid cap on town buildings, which is far too low now that we have Pirate and Halloween versions etc. that are decorative but not functional for future events. Can't use them, but want to keep them.

Caps work like a bug in the game and is a source of constant confusion. One reason is of course that our inventory is not organised in a way that enable us to respond to these caps. Another thing is that some of us actually think that keeping memorabilia from fun events we took part in feeds into the core of our love for CS

12-15-16, 03:26 AM
If snowman is not worth RP- why does it matter? I have always had >10,000 RP. I sold a few unicorns and gold dragons. Still can't craft snowman. Lost the RP. And can't craft the unirorns again.... do royal walls or gates count? They are under deco section. Why not let gem skip the snowman?

12-15-16, 03:26 AM
99 Icy willows in storage, at least 1 good thing about this event... 😉 thx for the tip!
I used my 3 nuggets for a trade yesterday, so no way I go for the stress during holidays to get 5 in only 21 days!
Good luck for everyone who go for it, and for the others: enjoy your real life!
Happy Holidays to everyone! 🎅

12-15-16, 03:31 AM
Thank you:) I have 45 unicorn statues, 2 dragon statues, 1 royal carriage, 2 glass dragons, 1 glass palace and 1 glass carriage. Which more are counted as royal deco now? I also have 324 pages of inventory and not much time over for this. I want a clear answer from S8 about this, that would be very nice and save some time:rolleyes::) Otherwise a fun and cute update:)
I've asked S8 about this issue....

12-15-16, 03:35 AM
And what about Old Thomas and his love? Why can't she come to stay?

Yes, Agnes <3 I need a very sweet old grandma-looking lady walking around.
She would need her own home too. Something very nature like, as trees and the down-to-earth Blythewood fairies are her interests. Not unlike Ivy's hut perhaps?

12-15-16, 03:44 AM
Yes, Agnes <3 I need a very sweet old grandma-looking lady walking around.
She would need her own home too. Something very nature like, as trees and the down-to-earth Blythewood fairies are her interests. Not unlike Ivy's hut perhaps?

A sweet old grandma but with a twist, would be good. It's the characters with character that add to this game :). I agree these latest 2 don't fit into that...

12-15-16, 03:47 AM
I've asked S8 about this issue....

I will wait on SW for this one fore I am truly stuck. I already sold 8 dragon statues and STILL can't craft the snowwoman... *le sigh*

12-15-16, 03:55 AM
I'm bummed because it feels like the main story has been abandoned by the game writers. I don't want more kingdom walkers unless they add to the story. Feels like "Cindy" (Cinderella?) and Stanley just showed up out of nowhere. Cindy is supposed to be Ivy's best friend (that's news to me), but she doesn't seem like the kind of gal Ivy would be best friends with.

Have to agree I'm afraid. :(

I feel there's been a change in creative teams and backstories haven't flowed through properly.

Also the focus of the game has shifted into non-stop events whilst the main storyline has been sidelined.
There needs to be more balance between the two.

Also flowing the main storyline into events more would be stronger rather than random characters popping in - and then left with no way to contribute to future stories. :confused:

The Yeti quest seems pretty on point. :)
He looks cool :D
Super annoying I've lost 20gems whilst this quest is happening :mad: Was just about to buy my Spellbound Bloom!

There is a lot of animals though recently :rolleyes: ... where'd all the buildings go??

A smarter move for over the end of year break would have been to release several new expansions, a lot of wintery deco, and a big slab of mainstoryline and a new town/royal building (like a town hall) to keep people busy over the next month.

This would've allowed players to incorporate the game into their lives more easily over this busy period and use the game as a source of enjoyment. Instead what you've created is a situation where players are choosing to not engage with the game.

I know the drive to make revenue on the game is high, hence all the back to back events ... as setting time limits on player behaviour must increase gem spending. But there's better ways to generate this revenue in a way that encourages player spending, rather than forces player spending.
Special limited time items for high gem prices in the market is just one example. The Gold Mine is the perfect example of that.
Raising the LVL cap above 50 / energy cap above 40 for special requirements would also prove valuable.

Also why isn't there a monthly cycle followed??
for example...
Week1: new Baron's tent prizes, new deco, storybook event
Week2: new main story, 1 new expansion
Week3&4: 2week timed quest event

12-15-16, 04:00 AM
Currently on part 6 "A Stable Environment"
Collect from stables x 4
Slay Yetis x 4
Throw snowballs on Yetis x 50

Collected from stables x 5 times without seeing a single Yeti. Which I find strange based on the reports from other players.
No beast on board, of course.
Do I need to complete the side goal of buying the yeti trap for 20 gem in order to make the yetis reappear?

12-15-16, 04:02 AM
For those who can't craft Snowman- You need to Sell a few royal decorations!!!!

SW, put it on the first page to avoid future confusion.

Well, I have this issue also, I cannot craft the Snowman because Inventory is full.
I sold a few Royal Carriages and some Dragon Statues and I still have the Full Inventory message.

Could you please advise what should be sold and how many of them please?
Basically, the Snowman requires how many Carriages? I'd like to know before I sell them all for no reason...

12-15-16, 04:06 AM
I've asked S8 about this issue....

Thank you, dear SW <3 :)

12-15-16, 04:11 AM
Also, would've been better if Cindy was just Ivy in this story and Stanley was a ****man for her.

(Obviously Stanley would be designed a lot more suited to Ivy's styles ... this Stanley looks like a such a square)

12-15-16, 04:13 AM
Well, I have this issue also, I cannot craft the Snowman because Inventory is full.
I sold a few Royal Carriages and some Dragon Statues and I still have the Full Inventory message.

Could you please advise what should be sold and how many of them please?
Basically, the Snowman requires how many Carriages? I'd like to know before I sell them all for no reason...
I've asked about this... Will check first thing in the morning on my report and I'll ask Kooky to post any update if there's a response before I'm up. Don't sell anything else.

12-15-16, 04:14 AM
Two new events!
You don't get back the 20 gems for the yeti trap.
Is that an oversight S8?

And give 5 golden nuggets - this will be a struggle for new players.

Does the yeti trap get you a yeti you chop or the permanent yeti you keep? I'm thinking that by watching videos for 13 days I'll have enough gems to get one and that's probably the only way I can. I won't get it through chopping yeti.

12-15-16, 04:16 AM
I had to sell 2 Royal carriage ,2 arches , 9 unicorn , before it would open .
making two so not sure how that will work

12-15-16, 04:19 AM
Has anyone any idea what we will get at the end of the "cindy" quest? Though so far I haven't had any problems moving through it. We'll see others are.

12-15-16, 04:39 AM
Well, I have this issue also, I cannot craft the Snowman because Inventory is full.
I sold a few Royal Carriages and some Dragon Statues and I still have the Full Inventory message.

Could you please advise what should be sold and how many of them please?
Basically, the Snowman requires how many Carriages? I'd like to know before I sell them all for no reason...

Thank you:) I have 45 unicorn statues, 2 dragon statues, 1 royal carriage, 2 glass dragons, 1 glass palace and 1 glass carriage. Which more are counted as royal deco now? I also have 324 pages of inventory and not much time over for this. I want a clear answer from S8 about this, that would be very nice and save some time:rolleyes::) Otherwise a fun and cute update:)

I've asked S8 about this issue....
SpiritWind already said she is looking into it.

12-15-16, 04:47 AM
Does the yeti trap get you a yeti you chop or the permanent yeti you keep? I'm thinking that by watching videos for 13 days I'll have enough gems to get one and that's probably the only way I can. I won't get it through chopping yeti.

The Yeti trap just spawns a Yeti that you fight. My reward was 4 Yeti fur!

12-15-16, 04:48 AM
ETA never mind my question was answered

12-15-16, 05:17 AM
SpiritWind already said she is looking into it.

I have been looking at my hundreds of pages of inventory and cannot help but noticed i have hundreds of walls, coulmns and decorations that can enhance and add RP. With only a pathetic 55 decos, it got to be those. I also sold couple of drag statues and nah, it din work. Not pt selling unicorns because it will be the same. So much for penalizing high level players like myself... Sigh. Putting this quest on hold for sure until designers settle this.

12-15-16, 05:23 AM
Part 6 or 7 - Dance Your Heart Out
Mine Rock Outcroppings - I don't remember the number but I think it was 3
Chop Icy Willows 8
Tailor Stanley's Dancing Shirt
Take Beginner Dance Lesson

Stanley's Dancing Shirt requires 99 Frozen Buttons, 60 Silver Threads, and 10 Wool
The Rock Outcroppings do not give a silver thread on every chop (need 20 chops to clear)
The Icy Willows do give a Frozen Button on every chop (need 10 chops to clear)

Reward for this part is 5 Buttons

Sorry I wasn't paying attention to some of the numbers. All in all this part requires a lot of chopping and energy. I parked a beast for this part so I wouldn't waste energy, as I don't have a lot of alicorns.
You need to chop 8 Icy Willows for this part but you will need to chop 10 to get the Buttons.

12-15-16, 05:28 AM
I don't remember 5. I think it was get 60 snowballs, chop 4 trees and build the snowman (1 carrot, 60 snowballs and 2 coal??).

Step 6:
Attached a picture. It is visit the stables 4 times, fight the monster 4 times and throw 50 snowballs. You inly need to chop 4.5 trees because you get 5snowballs from completing step 5.

12-15-16, 05:35 AM
My above Part must be Part 7. Note that it requires you to chop 3 Rock Outcroppings, but you will have to chop more to get the 60 Silver Threads. Also the Frozen Buttons are actually Icy Silver Buttons.

12-15-16, 05:40 AM
You can get gold in an adventure, rock chopping, royal exchange, and also in crease gold in the new rune building. Good luck. 😀🤗👍

I did the runes guaranteed gold. In the 5 hours it's active I visited the sparkling mines twice so got 4 gold nuggets in total. Easy peas lemon squeeze. So brilliant!

Also I have received a Trade Expansion certificate from one of the standard Christmas trees, so S8 have really increased our chances of getting great prizes from items.

12-15-16, 05:51 AM
A sweet old grandma but with a twist, would be good. It's the characters with character that add to this game :). I agree these latest 2 don't fit into that...

True, Cavegirl! Surprising and interesting characters rather than cardboard stereotypes. A sweet old grandma who is also a spinster, a top scientist, and a nature witch. 🌿🔬👵🔮✨

Also, would've been better if Cindy was just Ivy in this story and Stanley was a ****man for her.

(Obviously Stanley would be designed a lot more suited to Ivy's styles ... this Stanley looks like a such a square)

Oh, I like that thought. Hopefully Stanley won't turn out just as dorky as Thurston.
Ivy would need a Daario Naharis or a Jonathan Pine. A caring yet fun & **** trickster. ;)

12-15-16, 06:05 AM
You can rewrite this. Just wanted to let you know part 5 is chop icy willows, gain 60 snowballs, build snowman (takes 4hrs on snowman) 

12-15-16, 06:06 AM
You can rewrite this. Just wanted to let you know part 5 is chop icy willows, gain 60 snowballs, build snowman (takes 4hrs on snowman) 

Sorry, chop 4 icy willows

12-15-16, 06:07 AM
The ability to store the icy willows has already been disabled :(

I am still able to buy and store these. Make sure you don't chop first, as someone noted that a partially chopped one cannot be stored.

12-15-16, 06:08 AM
Sorry, i am so confused myself now!
I sold my dragons statues (i got them all from adventures) But you can double check if selling OTHER(non royal) decos will work
as for Snowmen - i just crafted two and when i placed them i received NONE ZERO royal points.
than why did i have to sell my royal deco to be able to craft it?!
Any thoughts people?

My snowomen didnt add royal points neither.
Than its not a royal deco?

12-15-16, 06:09 AM
I already stored 10 of them yesterday. That's not fair if they changed it!!!☹️

12-15-16, 06:13 AM
My snowomen didnt add royal points neither.
Than its not a royal deco?

I am just now working on my snowman. I've seen others mention selling royal deco but I'm not sure where it's all coming from? It could be a misunderstanding. It doesn't make a bit of sense to me!

12-15-16, 06:29 AM
I am still able to buy and store these. Make sure you don't chop first, as someone noted that a partially chopped one cannot be stored.

None of these are partially chopped, new ones seem ok and are storable?!? Weird!!

12-15-16, 06:41 AM
None of these are partially chopped, new ones seem ok and are storable?!? Weird!!

Someone else posted about buying and storing right away before closing game.... Seems strange, but I'm glad we can store the tree. Would love that option with other trees.

12-15-16, 06:50 AM
Probably the best way to handle the 20 gem trap goal is wait until you're just about ready to craft the Yeti. Then buy the trap. Get the last few fur, craft it & get your 20 gems back almost right away. :)

As for not being able to craft the snowoman, that boggles the mind. Why would a snowoman have anything to do with royal points?

12-15-16, 06:52 AM
I'm up to the part where you have to fight 4 yeti. Think I've only had 2 appear, the original one then the one from the trap, nothing since. I am very careful to make sure that I have no monsters on the board, keep the music on to check when I collect from the stables. This is getting very annoying very quickly. I know I can't expect them every time, the last few weeks of collecting from the stables has taught me that, but come on, an odd one here or there would be nice. It seems as if buying the trap and chopping it has disabled the yetis from appearing at the stables. One of my neighbours described the yeti's as 'prolific' so where are mine? Let's hope tomorrow brings at least one more!

12-15-16, 07:02 AM
Unless I can complete a 21 day quest in 7 days I'm going to miss out on having 2 new residents. No internet access for 2 weeks.
I will just go as far as I can, and with luck I should manage the yeti. Do I put him with the bear or the camel?

12-15-16, 07:30 AM
I'm up to the part where you have to fight 4 yeti. Think I've only had 2 appear, the original one then the one from the trap, nothing since. I am very careful to make sure that I have no monsters on the board, keep the music on to check when I collect from the stables. This is getting very annoying very quickly. I know I can't expect them every time, the last few weeks of collecting from the stables has taught me that, but come on, an odd one here or there would be nice. It seems as if buying the trap and chopping it has disabled the yetis from appearing at the stables. One of my neighbours described the yeti's as 'prolific' so where are mine? Let's hope tomorrow brings at least one more!

The Yeti is a rare guest at my place too. And I thought NOT buying the trap was my mistake :)
I did seven stable collections without luring the Yeti out. On the eight collection a Yeti appeared, which I fought, and which counted towards the goal. The following three collections after that have not spawned anything but dissapointment. 2h16min left till next collection ♻️♻️♻️ :rolleyes:

12-15-16, 07:43 AM
Probably the best way to handle the 20 gem trap goal is wait until you're just about ready to craft the Yeti. Then buy the trap. Get the last few fur, craft it & get your 20 gems back almost right away. :)

As for not being able to craft the snowman, that boggles the mind. Why would a snowman have anything to do with royal points?

That's exactly what I decided to do. Considering the dismal drop rate for furs, combined with the low spawn rate, and the fact that the chances to try to spawn them are also very low (two stables every 3 1/2 hours or so), I'm not giving up 20 gems until I'm sure I can get them back. (The polar bears were done right IMO. Even if they only dropped one chestnut, the fact that we could place extra farmhouses, and the fact that the farmhouses refresh faster, made completing the task much more likely.)

I'm not up to the snowman yet, but for once, it seems my preference for minimal deco might be a good thing. I do agree with many previous posters though. Enough with the caps and limits.....we should NOT have to sell existing buildings and deco in order to craft or purchase new buildings or deco that is REQUIRED for events. Especially if the new buildings/deco don't function like what we had to get rid of. If I have to sell something that provides RP, then the replacement should also provide RP. (And a pirate tavern should work like a regular tavern, etc.)

What purpose do the limits serve anyway?? Many people would purchase (read--buy gems!) more Royal deco if they could keep more. And as an upper level player, what is the point of going on the same old adventures if we aren't even allowed to get and keep the same old box drops anymore? Once all materials are maxed, the only bonus for adventuring is the possibility of a rare drop anyway.

Finally while I'm at it, I second third and fourth all the above comments. Please bring back the storyline!!! Please stop introducing random new characters that show up for one timed event and then leave even more loose threads in the story. And really....enough with the new animals that require massive amounts of energy to defeat only to win yet another new animal with the same old drops. The formula is worn out. It's tired and old and quite frankly, boring.

ETA: As I suspected, I was able to start crafting the snowoman without having to sell any deco.

12-15-16, 08:02 AM
Started this today. Bought the yeti trap. Smashed it. No yeti. Is that right?

12-15-16, 08:13 AM
Started this today. Bought the yeti trap. Smashed it. No yeti. Is that right?

It sounds like you probably already had a monster somewhere on your board. :(

12-15-16, 08:15 AM
Sold royal decoration but it didn't solvetheproblem with the snowman.
I've read that it's under attention?
I felt sorry for myself: nu yeti's to catch and no snowman I can make.
Stuck with the mission for now.

12-15-16, 08:23 AM
Thank you S8 for bringing Disney Chara alike for my Quendoom. Exactly what I need. Disnerd yeah... Even if she fits to Sabina's friend rather than Ivy. She can be one of the Princess who help Sabina with Hair donation and after that, two of them become bestfriend. Lol.But I hope she and stanley will stay in kingdom rather than Cindy alone. How can we separate them just after make them friend? Well.. there is many quest left and I hope stanley will stay too in the meantime.

An about the Yeti, Thank You thank you,,, to make us fight him to get him. No fight him to get another animals. Just like Yerik. So good job. Even if I feel annoying with that 20 gems trap. But to see that we only need 70 fur to create one in one month, well I think its doable. We have many days to go and it barely 24 hours since it started.

12-15-16, 08:25 AM
I've asked about this... Will check first thing in the morning on my report and I'll ask Kooky to post any update if there's a response before I'm up. Don't sell anything else.

But, this is a timed event?

12-15-16, 08:38 AM
Any chance you can look into gold nugget drop rates as well? I've used two Elven boosts and have gotten precisely zero nuggets from my mines!!

12-15-16, 08:45 AM
It sounds like you probably already had a monster somewhere on your board. :(

Argghh! Youre right! Note to self... check out whole kingdom before making stupid move.

12-15-16, 08:45 AM
Are you kidding me? Definitely not selling royal decorations to craft snowman. This will be the first quest I won't be doing since I started playing :( Really disappointed.

12-15-16, 09:38 AM
For those who can't craft Snowman- You need to Sell a few royal decorations!!!!

SW, put it on the first page to avoid future confusion.
How many and does it have to be from your board or inventory?

12-15-16, 09:56 AM
How many and does it have to be from your board or inventory?

Spiritwind has a message in to S8 waiting for an answer to the question of what, if anything will need to be sold. Many players have tried selling different amounts and combinations of items, but there's no set amount or type listed so far.
Hopefully S8 will address the issue soon so that nothing will need to be sold!

As for the other part of your question, items on the board and in inventory count together toward your total, so storing things won't help, and they have to be placed on the board to be sold. I know it's timed, but I'd try to hold off for a while before selling items if possible and wait to see if S8 responds and fixes the issue.

12-15-16, 09:58 AM
Goal 1 Visit the stables 0/1 VISIT (skip 5 gems) | you will spawn a Yeti when collecting
Reward: 200 coin, 20 xp
Congratulations: Ivy: I could ride around the kingdom like this forever!

Goal 6
Visit stable 4x
Slay yeti 4x
Throw snowballs give 50
Reward 1 yeti fur

Haunted Stables do NOT count towards the stable visits I highlighted in red above.

Also, Haunted Stables do NOT appear to be spawning yetis. At least, I haven't had any luck with them.

12-15-16, 10:03 AM
Should we be collecting extra snowballs? In past events, sometimes an option goes away until needed again.

Never mind, I just read that we will need snowballs again after crafting snowwoman, so the option should remain for now anyway.

That's assuming collecting from stables4 times comes after crafting Snowwoman. Trying to follow posts in the right order.

12-15-16, 10:14 AM
Should we be collecting extra snowballs? In past events, sometimes an option goes away until needed again.

Never mind, I just read that we will need snowballs again after crafting snowwoman, so the option should remain for now anyway.

After giving the snowballs, an upcoming goal has you making dancing shirt and pants. These require icy buttons which will drop from the icy willow trees instead of snowballs.

Also, later on your yetis will also drop some type of frosty essence. We will need 5. No idea how often they'll drop, when they'll drop (as we are chopping or after defeating the yeti?). Or how it will affect the drop rate of the yeti furs

12-15-16, 10:19 AM
Thanks for the info. Come to think about it, since snowball comes with every chop, it should not be an issue.
So basically keep chopping trees for items needed. Sounds fairly easy. For now anyway.

12-15-16, 10:27 AM
After giving the snowballs, an upcoming goal has you making dancing shirt and pants. These require icy buttons which will drop from the icy willow trees instead of snowballs.

So when the quest asj for that button, Icy trees no longer drop snowballs?

12-15-16, 10:30 AM
Sold so many things and still can't craft the snowoman. Annoying!

12-15-16, 10:50 AM
So, the reward for completing the Winter Ball event are the new characters Cindy and Stanley to walk around in our kingdom, right? I just wanna make sure b4 i continue on... althou i feel obligated to since i already gave up 5 nuggets. 😕

12-15-16, 10:59 AM
:mad:you have to sell unicornstatues or dragonstatues or carriages for the option to craft snowoman.:mad:

thx for nothing...:mad:

12-15-16, 11:00 AM
Please, help! I can't craft the Snowoman.

12-15-16, 11:01 AM
Part 8

1. Mine outrock croppings (gold thread) (0/3)
2. Chop icy willows (0/8)
3. Tailor Stanley's pants (0/1) (4hrs)
-99 silver buttons
-15 gold thread
-20 wool
4. take beginner dance lessons (0/1)

12-15-16, 11:02 AM
Please, help! I can't craft the Snowoman.

see my post before:rolleyes:

12-15-16, 11:02 AM
I love the look of the icy willows. Memo to me, save a couple for Yerick!

12-15-16, 11:21 AM
Part 8

1. Mine outrock croppings (gold thread) (0/3)
2. Chop icy willows (0/8)
3. Tailor Stanley's pants (0/1) (4hrs)
-99 silver buttons
-15 gold thread
-20 wool
4. take beginner dance lessons (0/1)

Poor Stanley. I really hope he doesn't have to visit the restroom while wearing those pants. 99 buttons!! :eek:

Seriously though, thanks nateryd for sharing the steps!

12-15-16, 11:27 AM
see my post before:rolleyes:
No, no, no!
I sold a couple of cariages but still couldn't craft the snowman!

12-15-16, 11:28 AM
Could we have an update to all the stages on the first page please, as it's really difficult to work out what to craft in advane she you have to keep trawling through endless posts.

Thank you :)

12-15-16, 11:29 AM
No, no, no!
I sold a couple of cariages but still couldn't craft the snowman!

lol, yes, yes, yes...
sold 10 unicornstatues, and now craft 2 snowoman...:eek:

12-15-16, 11:31 AM
Poor Stanley. I really hope he doesn't have to visit the restroom while wearing those pants. 99 buttons!! :eek:

Itchy wool and countless frozen buttons... yep, I think those were my winter pants growing up.

12-15-16, 11:38 AM
No, no, no!
I sold a couple of cariages but still couldn't craft the snowman!

Sold a lot of things from the inventory, still can't craft the snowman.
Are the moderators looking for a solution that would actually work for everyone?

12-15-16, 11:39 AM
You can get gold in an adventure, rock chopping, royal exchange, and also in crease gold in the new rune building. Good luck. 😀🤗👍

Which part of the Royal exchange drops gold nuggets? From what I've played so far, I've never received gold from here. As for the Apothecary, the gold miner boost doesn't work. It increases the chance of getting nuggets, but it doesn't always give nuggets. I've tried and wasted precious runes for nothing in return. And the boost lasts only for a limited time and runs out before your mines recharge, so essentially, you get to try it only once. S8 shouldn't have included nuggets in a timed quest. It's a dead end for many who are newbies to this game and who don't have much stored in inventory.

kooky panda
12-15-16, 11:52 AM
I've asked S8 about this issue....

Thank you:) I have 45 unicorn statues, 2 dragon statues, 1 royal carriage, 2 glass dragons, 1 glass palace and 1 glass carriage. Which more are counted as royal deco now? I also have 324 pages of inventory and not much time over for this. I want a clear answer from S8 about this, that would be very nice and save some time:rolleyes::) Otherwise a fun and cute update:)

Hey guys, the team is checking into this. We should have some information soon .

12-15-16, 11:55 AM
I don't understand the need to sell royal decor to be able to open up the craft for the snowoman. I crafted mine and put it in & out of storage & it doesn't add any royal points whatsoever.

12-15-16, 11:55 AM
Gold thread is a bit more of a rare drop than the silver thread it would seem 🤔
... Also for some reason I can't reply to any post like I used to able to. The other post won't link to my comment. Anyone know what I could be doing wrong? I used to just press the ➡️ " ⬅️ And it would link someone else's post with mine. Now nothing happens.

12-15-16, 11:57 AM
I sold a unicorn statue and a gold one - still not able to craft the snowman. I think waiting for the S8 answer is the best option. I don't want to keep selling decos without any certainty.

12-15-16, 11:57 AM
Gold thread is a bit more of a rare drop than the silver thread it would seem ��
... Also for some reason I can't reply to any post like I used to able to. The other post won't link to my comment. Anyone know what I could be doing wrong? I used to just press the ➡️ " ⬅️ And it would link someone else's post with mine. Now nothing happens.

I tapped the "Reply with quote" and that seems to work fine.

I only use the " when I'm quoting more than 1 person. So not sure if that's the one not working.

12-15-16, 11:59 AM
Gold thread is a bit more of a rare drop than the silver thread it would seem 樂
... Also for some reason I can't reply to any post like I used to able to. The other post won't link to my comment. Anyone know what I could be doing wrong? I used to just press the ➡️ " ⬅️ And it would link someone else's post with mine. Now nothing happens.

I sold a unicorn statue and a gold one - still not able to craft the snowman. I think waiting for the S8 answer is the best option. I don't want to keep selling decos without any certainty.

Well, that seems to work for me. Are you tapping the Reply to thread button over on the left when using the " button?

12-15-16, 12:03 PM
Which part of the Royal exchange drops gold nuggets? From what I've played so far, I've never received gold from here. As for the Apothecary, the gold miner boost doesn't work. It increases the chance of getting nuggets, but it doesn't always give nuggets. I've tried and wasted precious runes for nothing in return. And the boost lasts only for a limited time and runs out before your mines recharge, so essentially, you get to try it only once. S8 shouldn't have included nuggets in a timed quest. It's a dead end for many who are newbies to this game and who don't have much stored in inventory.

I used the nugget boost today and was able to collect twice from my 2 mines, each time they gave me a nugget :)

12-15-16, 12:03 PM
Collected from stables... like 4-5 times. No Yeti! :(
I don't have any monsters on board.
Someone else is having the same problem? How often do they appear?

12-15-16, 12:04 PM
lol, yes, yes, yes...
sold 10 unicornstatues, and now craft 2 snowoman...:eek:

You're so right!
Just sold 11 unicorn statues (had sold a couple of carriages before and that didn't do any good).
What do I need them for, those statues?
Guess what?! Now I can craft my snow woman!!!!
Realy strange but thank you so very much!

12-15-16, 12:06 PM
To my experience Royal Decos are:
+ Unicorn Statue
+ Dragon Statue
+ Royal Carriage

Compound cap is 55!

The following:
+ Sand Watchtower
+ Sand Spire
+ Sand Castle
+ Glass Spire
+ Glass Watchtower
+ Glass Gazebo

Is listed under Royal Deco in the market, but I cannot buy any as I have 53 royal deco.

12-15-16, 12:14 PM
Gold thread is a bit more of a rare drop than the silver thread it would seem 🤔
... Also for some reason I can't reply to any post like I used to able to. The other post won't link to my comment. Anyone know what I could be doing wrong? I used to just press the ➡️ " ⬅️ And it would link someone else's post with mine. Now nothing happens.

Agreed, gold thread is harder to get than the silver thread. Out of 20 chops, I am only getting 3 or 4 gold threads. The tailor had better make Stanley's pants a little loose. If he splits the seam, he will have a cold behind by the time we collect more gold thread for him.

12-15-16, 12:28 PM
To my experience Royal Decos are:
+ Unicorn Statue
+ Dragon Statue
+ Royal Carriage

Compound cap is 55!

The following:
+ Sand Watchtower
+ Sand Spire
+ Sand Castle
+ Glass Spire
+ Glass Watchtower
+ Glass Gazebo

Is listed under Royal Deco in the market, but I cannot buy any as I have 53 royal deco.

I sold 15 dragon statutes and still can't make the snowoman

12-15-16, 12:29 PM
I don't like that Yeti only spawns from the stables. The last time we needed stables to get the drops or spawn (maybe two or three events ago) was the only time I was unable to complete the event and get the fawn. If they are going to continue to use stables or another building where we are limited to two and have to wait hours, then they need to have a greater percentage of spawning or dropping. Or maybe use the stables and the hatcheries so there will at least be 4 opportunities.

12-15-16, 12:40 PM
To my experience Royal Decos are:
+ Unicorn Statue
+ Dragon Statue
+ Royal Carriage

Compound cap is 55!

lol, i had 55 unicorn.
first sold 5 - nothing happened, than other 5 - can craft 2 snowo
2 snowos ready - could place only one - sold 3 more unicorn - to place the second:mad:

The following:
+ Sand Watchtower
+ Sand Spire
+ Sand Castle
+ Glass Spire
+ Glass Watchtower
+ Glass Gazebo

Is listed under Royal Deco in the market, but I cannot buy any as I have 53 royal deco.

there must be more. havent none of this...
but didint find out the difference from 9...dont understand s8...:mad:

12-15-16, 12:45 PM
LOL... I would reply to my answers directly but I can't! I'm trying every button now! Nothing works ... To even post a comment I have to " pretend" that I'm replying to someone else post... They're post just doesn't show up...
Soo strange!!
Oh well... c'est la vie 😉

12-15-16, 12:50 PM
You know many of the "Royal Decos" cost gems to buy. I don't see why on earth they would want to limit us on those?

I'm talking about things like the royal walls and gates. At least let us keep them in inventory, even if we can't display them!

12-15-16, 01:03 PM
Collected from stables... like 4-5 times. No Yeti! :(
I don't have any monsters on board.
Someone else is having the same problem? How often do they appear?

I collected 5 times and finally spawned ... A fangbeast. This is going to be slow but we have a lot of days to do it....

12-15-16, 01:05 PM
I like that we're crafting SnowWomen to go along with our SnowMen from last year.

However, did anyone else think it was a typo the first time they saw "snowoman" in the dialogue? I hate to admit that it took me a while to catch on to what it was supposed to be. Here's what went through my mind (without the benefit of the picture, I might add):

"What's a sno-wo man?"
"Oh, it's a snowman with an extra O as a typo...no, wait, there it is again."
"Maybe it's supposed to be an Irish snowman (Snow 'OMan)."
(Smacking forehead.) "Ohhhhhh."


12-15-16, 01:07 PM
lol, i had 55 unicorn.
first sold 5 - nothing happened, than other 5 - can craft 2 snowo
2 snowos ready - could place only one - sold 3 more unicorn - to place the second:mad:

there must be more. havent none of this...
but didint find out the difference from 9...dont understand s8...:mad:

I sold 3 unicorns, now down to 52 deco, I can now craft the snowoman
+ 45 Unicorn
+ 1 Dragon
+ 6 Carriage

12-15-16, 01:23 PM
I sold 3 unicorns, now down to 52 deco, I can now craft the snowoman
+ 45 Unicorn
+ 1 Dragon
+ 6 Carriage

lol.... strange....weird...s8... lol, have 4 "real snowman"..maybe counts too
btw: sold over 500 walls and towers before ( only for coins not gems...)

12-15-16, 01:32 PM
You can also get them from royal trade, rock chopping, and in the new rune building you can increase gold. Good luck 😁👍

Thanks for the advice, but I know that. :)
I've been playing the game for almost 4 years now, I'm at level 50 and my only long term goal is the elven outpost one.
Gold nuggets are rare from rock chopping, especially if you have a few. Also Royal trade requires trade tickets, which are needed for expansion permits.
I had the nuggets (12) in my main game, and used them. My issue is with my second game on another device where I'm at level 45, but doing the goals more slowly.. I've 2, I'm not purchasing the 120 gems for the rest I'd need!
I've no issue in purchasing gems if I'm behind in a goal, or I really want to splash on a gemed item.
It's another thing when goal number 3/4 of a 12 stage 20+ goal requires these rare items.

12-15-16, 01:43 PM
Just noticed there's a Sleigh Bell Steed as a locked craft in the Workshop!!

Sleigh Bell Steed - Workshop - 99 (Sleigh Bells?) , 50 Horse Hair , 60 Gold Thread

Guess we'll need to craft him at some point through the quest.

Also sitting on 13 Yeti Furs after not even a day ... so taming a Yeti should be achievable in less than a week!

12-15-16, 02:24 PM
I'm skipping this one. Last thing I want is two more non-storyline characters tromping through my kingdom. Wish I could get rid of the genie and witch as is. You guys have fun, though!

12-15-16, 02:29 PM
Type: Spawn
Source: Event
Found: Stable
Drops: Yeti Fur
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167
Comments: 30 HP

Beginner Dance Lesson
Type: Adventure
Source: Event
Crafted in: Keep
Requirements: 1 Dancing Mask, 1 Simple Feast
Drops: Yeti Fur
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Timer: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Speed-up: 12 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Type: Character
Source: Event
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167
Comments: Reward from the Winter Ball event. She walks round your kingdom.

Type: Character
Source: Event
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167
Comments: Reward from the Winter Ball event. He walks round your kingdom.

Festive Horseshoe
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 10 gems
Found: Neighbor
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Enchanted Yeti
Type: Spawn
Source: Event
Found: Stable
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167
Comments: 50 HP

Intermediate Dance Lesson
Type: Adventure
Source: Event
Crafted in: Keep
Requirements: 1 Encahnted Dancing Shoes, 1 Dancing Shirt, 1 Dancing Pants
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Timer: 180 minutes // 3 hours
Speed-up: 18 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Advance Dance Lesson
Info: Advanced dance lessons. Quite a workout*
Type: Adventure
Source: Event
Crafted in: Keep
Requirements: 50 Silver Thread, 10 Glimmerdust, 99 Sleigh Bell
Drops: Dancing Trophy
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Timer: 480 minutes // 8 hours
Speed-up: 48 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Go to the Winter Ball
Info: A yearly night of celebrartion in the kingdom.
Type: Adventure
Source: Event
Crafted in: Keep
Requirements: 300 gems // 5 Piece of Map, 5 Winter Ball Invite, 99 Sleigh Bell
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Timer: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Speed-up: 12 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Yeti Trap (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_YetiTrap)
Info: This is sure to draw the furriest of Yetis! Only 1 monster can be in the kingdom at a time!
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 20 gems
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167
Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions

Yeti Fur (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_YetiFur)
Info: A coat that protects from the coldest temperatures.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 5 gems
Found: Yeti
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Cap: 200
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Dancing Mask (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_DancingMask)
Info: A mask for hiding one's identity.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Requirements: 30 gems // 2 Blue Dye, 5 Glimmerdust, 5 Living Wood
Used for: Adventure
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Timer: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167
Comments: A mask for hiding one's identity.

Icy Willow (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_IcyWillow)
Info: Frozen trees! Chop for Icy Buttons, Sleigh Bells, and Snowballs.
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Size: 2x2
Requirements: 100 coins
Drops: Wood, Sap, Living Wood, Icy Button, Sleigh Bell, Snowball
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167
Comments: Can be cleared in 10 actions

Icy Silver Button (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_IcySilverButton)
Info: A frozen wooden button.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 3 gems
Found: Icy Willow
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Cap: 200
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Sleigh Bell (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_SleighBell)
Info: A gold sleigh bell with a lovely sound.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 3 gems
Found: Icy Willow
Used for: Sleigh Bell Steed
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Cap: 200
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Snowball (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Snowball)
Info: Perfect for pelting friends or enemies.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 5 gems
Found: Icy Willow
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Silver Thread (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_SilverThread)
Info: Luxurious silver thread.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 10 gems
Found: Rock Outcropping
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Cap: 200
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Snowoman (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Snowoman)
Info: A jolly snowoman dressed in the cutest of clothes.
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 60 Snowball, 5 Coal, 1 Carrot
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Timer: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Speed-up: 16 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Sleigh Bell Steed (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_SleighBellSteed)
Info: A noble steed primped out in holiday finery.
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Size: 1X1
Requirements: 200 gems // 99 Sleigh Bell, 50 Horse Hair, 60 Golden Thread
Drops: Coins, Horse Hair, Fertilizer
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Timer: 480 minutes // 8 hours
Speed-up: 32 gems
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Yeti (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_Yeti)
Info: A friendly and fluffy yeti. Prefers cold temperatures.
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Size: 1x1
Requirements: 70 Yeti Fur
Drops: ?
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Timer: ?
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167
Comments: Crafted in 5 minutes.

Gold Thread (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_GoldThread)
Info: Luxurious gold thread.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 20 gems
Found: Rock Outcropping
Used for: Sleigh Bell Steed
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Dancing Shirt (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_DancingShirt)
Info: A formal shirt of the finest quality and materials.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Requirements: 300 gems // 99 Icy Silver Button, 60 Silver Thread, 10 Wool
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Timer: 180 minutes // 3 hours
Speed-up: 12 gems
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167
Comments: Aim for ball room quality!

Dancing Pants (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_DancingPants)
Info: Formal pants of the finest quality and materials.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Requirements: 300 gems // 99 Icy Silver Button, 15 Gold Thread, 20 Wool
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Timer: 240 minutes // 4 hours
Speed-up: 16 gems
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Frost Magic (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_FrostMagic)
Info: Essence of winter's chill.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 25 gems
Found: Enchanted Yeti
Used for: Dancing Enchantment
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Dancing Enchantment (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_DancingEnchantment)
Info: This spell will make anyone a master dancer!
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Potion Shop
Requirements: 150 gems // 5 Frost Magic, 10 Water, 20 Sap
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Timer: 30 minutes
Speed-up: 2 gems
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Enchanted Dancing Shoes (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_EnchantedDancingShoes)
Info: These shoes will make anyone a master dancer*
Type: Material
Source: Event
Crafted in: Workshop
Requirements: 350 gems // 1 Dancing Enchantment, 75 Icy Silver Button, 5 Wool
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Timer: 120 minutes // 2 hours
Speed-up: 8 gems
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Dancing Trophy (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_DancingTrophy)
Info: A trophy for the most improved dancer class!
Type: Decoration
Source: Event
Size: 1x1
Royal Points: 15
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Winter Ball Invite (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_WinterBallInvite)
Info: Ivy dropped the Winter Ball invites in the garden.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 50 gems
Found: Iceland Poppy, Blue-Flower Penstemon
Used for: Adventure
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

Piece of Map (http://www.portailsmm.com/cs/inventory2.html#_PieceofMap)
Info: A shredded piece of a map.
Type: Material
Source: Event
Requirements: 30 gems
Found: Enchanted Yeti
Events: Winter Ball - December 2016
Cap: 99
Link: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167

kooky panda
12-15-16, 02:31 PM
Well, I have this issue also, I cannot craft the Snowman because Inventory is full.
I sold a few Royal Carriages and some Dragon Statues and I still have the Full Inventory message.

Could you please advise what should be sold and how many of them please?
Basically, the Snowman requires how many Carriages? I'd like to know before I sell them all for no reason...

This has been fixed. Players should be able to craft the Snowman now!https://forums.storm8.com/images/smilies/cool.png

I've asked about this... Will check first thing in the morning on my report and I'll ask Kooky to post any update if there's a response before I'm up. Don't sell anything else.

12-15-16, 02:33 PM
I like that we're crafting SnowWomen to go along with our SnowMen from last year.

However, did anyone else think it was a typo the first time they saw "snowoman" in the dialogue? I hate to admit that it took me a while to catch on to what it was supposed to be. Here's what went through my mind (without the benefit of the picture, I might add):

"What's a sno-wo man?"
"Oh, it's a snowman with an extra O as a typo...no, wait, there it is again."
"Maybe it's supposed to be an Irish snowman (Snow 'OMan)."
(Smacking forehead.) "Ohhhhhh."


So hilarious!!! I'm cracking up!

12-15-16, 03:09 PM
This has been fixed. Players should be able to craft the Snowman now!https://forums.storm8.com/images/smilies/cool.png

Thank you, that's much better:) Now only sad about my watchtower and unicorn statues that can't be replaced:rolleyes: But I guess that's ok, lol...Good that the issue was fixed so speedily:)

12-15-16, 03:32 PM
For people frustrated and giving up I wouldn't worry about finishing this. I'm at the step where I have to fight four yeti. I only have two stables because that's all I can build. I'm at level 50. I've checked my stables six times and gotten no yeti. It's going to take days to finish this step alone. I don't think you can complete this without gems and I refuse to spend any.

ETA It took 16 hours for me to get a yeti. Plus the yeti only gave off 2 feathers or whatever it is we are collecting to get the yeti. I don't see how it's possible to get the yeti either without spending gems.

12-15-16, 03:44 PM
I don't know about this one.... I do like to have a yeti, which seems achievable, but I'm not so sure about princess whatshername and Stanley. But I started the event anyway.I had the necessary nuggets in storage.

We'll see, I hope we can craft some nice things (like the snowoman, no problem here :) even before Kooky Panda's post)

12-15-16, 04:16 PM
I'm skipping this one. Last thing I want is two more non-storyline characters tromping through my kingdom. Wish I could get rid of the genie and witch as is. You guys have fun, though!

I agree with you. I think the witch is cute but now that Halloween is over I would like to store her. Main characters, fine, but these extra characters are another kind of clutter in my crowded kingdom. I will, however, try the quest because... That's what i do here... follow the quest steps....

12-15-16, 04:31 PM
Sounds like the same old stories, as far as, many players being disappointed with these events. And, yet, S8 workers must be incapable of listening. The artwork is great. There are so many of these events that have had too many glitches. This is a game not a challenge to see how many players get to be frustrated. S8, the next event should be tried out by your creators, before you forward it out to the real players of this game. I haven't played this game for as many years as others, but, after reading all the comments from other events to the next, there are always issues that haven't been thought completely out. So much energy used up for slaying these creatures. Leaving our inventory with excess scraps of items needed, but then never used up anymore in other events.
The only thing I have going in this event, I get to build snow-women. I'll pass in slaying the yeti!

12-15-16, 04:39 PM
Yeti is boring. I will not be getting him. Firstly, he is not that pretty. Secondly, he does not fit into the kingdom. Thirdly, this game is supposedly castle story not a zoo story. With the amount of random animals we have been getting lately, the name should soon be changed.

I am however super excited about new kingdom walker. It's great to have Cindy for good.

12-15-16, 04:40 PM
Chapter 9

1. Slay enchanted yetis ( 50hits) (0/1)
2. Gather frost magic ( from enchanted yetis) (0/5)
3. Make dancing enchantment
(5 frost magic, 10 water, 20 sap) 30min

12-15-16, 05:19 PM
can we get those outfits that the rulers are wearing in the picture for the dancing lesson pic.

can i please change my clothes, they are starting to look so drab, and that princess cindy or whatever CAN NOT look better then me! i do all the work around here lmao

12-15-16, 05:21 PM
Chapter 10 (I think)
Dance like no ones watching

1. Visit Ivy's hut
2. Enchant Stanley's dancing shoes
(1 dancing enhancement from chapter 9, 75 icy buttons from icy willows, 5 wool from sheep - 2 hrs workshop)
3 take an intermediate dancing lesson 3 hrs. Uses shoes, shirt and pants from previous chapters

Reward 500 coins and 50 xp

12-15-16, 05:26 PM
Currently on part 6 "A Stable Environment"
Collect from stables x 4
Slay Yetis x 4
Throw snowballs on Yetis x 50

Collected from stables x 5 times without seeing a single Yeti. Which I find strange based on the reports from other players.
No beast on board, of course.
Do I need to complete the side goal of buying the yeti trap for 20 gem in order to make the yetis reappear?

I feel your pain. I am at this stage as well, finally got 1 this morning. My neighbour says they are prolific, so where are ours. People are posting about stage 10, I just want to get past this part and I bought the trap, so that's not the problem.

12-15-16, 05:38 PM
This has been fixed. Players should be able to craft the Snowman now!https://forums.storm8.com/images/smilies/cool.png

Thanks panda for the update. I verify that this is fixed on my end. Still doesnt justify the 2 dragon statues and 10 rp lost for no reason. Nor the one fay lost in the quest....

12-15-16, 05:40 PM
same! collected my 2 stables 7 times (thats a total of 3hours x 7 = 21 hours! a whole day wasted waiting for the yeti!) now and not a single yeti only wolves! they made the bear appear often enough! but this is so annoying!

12-15-16, 06:17 PM
The Yeti is a rare guest at my place too. And I thought NOT buying the trap was my mistake :)
I did seven stable collections without luring the Yeti out. On the eight collection a Yeti appeared, which I fought, and which counted towards the goal. The following three collections after that have not spawned anything but dissapointment. 2h16min left till next collection ♻️♻️♻️ :rolleyes:

I haven't missed a collection even speed one up it is frustrating get one out of 24 hours I don't like this. Then they have all this other stuff on sale we have to collect witch looks like another chop chop Halloween that doesn't produce. These are susposed to be doable and fun. This has become animal kingdom. Then you can't get items from the cabbage shop because they have royal points. Time to regroup and get back to castle story. I haven't been able to do anything with the rune thing because it always wants the items we need in the events too lol. They really need to fix the drop rate on the stables. On all of it really.

12-15-16, 06:42 PM
Are you kidding me? Definitely not selling royal decorations to craft snowman. This will be the first quest I won't be doing since I started playing :( Really disappointed.

Woke up this morning and was able to craft the snowman :) Patience paid off :) Happy now

12-15-16, 06:47 PM

im getting no yetis (from the last 4 checks of two stables, so 8 checks in total). I have turned sound on, and hear no animals on the board, and can't see any....but can someone please have a look for me? Am I missing something? Surely yetis can't be THAT rare when we need so many?

12-15-16, 07:02 PM

im getting no yetis (from the last 4 checks of two stables, so 8 checks in total). I have turned sound on, and hear no animals on the board, and can't see any....but can someone please have a look for me? Am I missing something? Surely yetis can't be THAT rare when we need so many?
Having read every post, I'm afraid that this is normal.... sorry to be the bearer of bad new. A few of the goals give you yeti fur, and defeating them can give you more than 1 sometimes. I think if you're collecting every opportunity, you will get enough yeti fur to craft him within 20 days.

12-15-16, 07:02 PM
I am also having the same issue as newzealander. Not getting any yetis when I go to the stable. No other monsters in my kingdom. So frustrating.

12-15-16, 07:15 PM
Chapter 11
Tap your heels three times
1. Prepare Stanley for the ball (just click prepare- you're done)
2. Take Stanley out to the tavern
3. Pick out a gift for Cindy at the jewelers

Reward. Stanley

12-15-16, 07:39 PM
Having read every post, I'm afraid that this is normal.... sorry to be the bearer of bad new. A few of the goals give you yeti fur, and defeating them can give you more than 1 sometimes. I think if you're collecting every opportunity, you will get enough yeti fur to craft him within 20 days.
Thanks for boosting my spirits, Spirit! (See what I did there? I make even myself laugh sometimes!). I will ask Santa for a little patience in my Christmas stocking this year. I seem to have misplaced mine!

12-15-16, 07:42 PM
Thanks for boosting my spirits, Spirit! (See what I did there? I make even myself laugh sometimes!). I will ask Santa for a little patience in my Christmas stocking this year. I seem to have misplaced mine!
You're so funny :) made me laugh too! Here, you can have some of my patience.... I have loads! ha!

12-15-16, 09:54 PM
Chapter 11
Tap your heels three times
1. Prepare Stanley for the ball (just click prepare- you're done)
2. Take Stanley out to the tavern
3. Pick out a gift for Cindy at the jewelers

Reward. Stanleywe get Stanley as a reward.?
I'm just speechless.
What are the writers drinking, er I mean thinking?

12-15-16, 10:03 PM
Some ppl mentioned about gold mine. What is it exactly? Can someone help? From all my years of playing, I haven't heard or seen one. Did I miss it somehow?

It was available in August. You had the purchase 1400 gems to get it as a bonus which is s little pricey for me so I didn't get it. Then it came up in the sidebar as a special option to purchase and it was available in the market for gems as well but I didn't have enough to purchase. Kicking myself now though. That was all back in August. Also I had it come up yesterday for 24 hours as a gift again for the purchase of the 1400 gems. Again I can't justify spending that much money all at once so I didn't buy it. I am hoping it will become available again for gems or as a special. The specials only last for 24 hours though so you have to watch for them. I am thinking that the gold mine will become available as a special soon since this event requires gold nuggets. Also apparently you can have 2 of them as your limit. Good luck!

12-15-16, 10:14 PM
It was available in August. You had the purchase 1400 gems to get it as a bonus which is s little pricey for me so I didn't get it. Then it came up in the sidebar as a special option to purchase and it was available in the market for gems as well but I didn't have enough to purchase. Kicking myself now though. That was all back in August. Also I had it come up yesterday for 24 hours as a gift again for the purchase of the 1400 gems. Again I can't justify spending that much money all at once so I didn't buy it. I am hoping it will becoPme available again for gems or as a special. The specials only last for 24 hours though so you have to watch for them. I am thinking that the gold mine will become available as a special soon since this event requires gold nuggets. Also apparently you can have 2 of them as your limit. Good luck!

The gold mine was also available for gem purchase (400?) during the black Friday sale.

12-15-16, 10:16 PM
It was available in August. You had the purchase 1400 gems to get it as a bonus which is s little pricey for me so I didn't get it. Then it came up in the sidebar as a special option to purchase and it was available in the market for gems as well but I didn't have enough to purchase. Kicking myself now though. That was all back in August. Also I had it come up yesterday for 24 hours as a gift again for the purchase of the 1400 gems. Again I can't justify spending that much money all at once so I didn't buy it. I am hoping it will become available again for gems or as a special. The specials only last for 24 hours though so you have to watch for them. I am thinking that the gold mine will become available as a special soon since this event requires gold nuggets. Also apparently you can have 2 of them as your limit. Good luck!

limit is higher than 2 because I have 7. Half price Black Friday special, 260 gems each. Ran out of gems before reaching limit. Hopefully they will be available again soon. When available, regular price is 520 gems. They are a good investment. They may be available on Boxing Day.

12-15-16, 10:20 PM
Having a slightly different problem as are a few of my neighbours,started last night. Tap stable - spawn Yeti - game resets - no Yeti. The stable however does not reset,so have to wait another 4 hours.......Unable to move on to next part as I am stuck.
Will wait the next 4 hours out & then reboot my device before attempting to tap the stable(s) & see if it makes any difference.
Very frustrating.

12-15-16, 10:22 PM
Next goal:

Mapping out the dance floor

1 slay an enchanted yeti
2 gather the pieces of the map. (0/5)

Reward ???

12-15-16, 10:26 PM
What is Boxing Day?
So it does look like we get 2 more kingdom waltzers, plus a yeti, and a snow oman. This is getting weirder and weirder. Does anybody have any insight how this all ties together???? Maybe an episode of twilight zone? Like someone I know says "this makes no sense". Any explanation would be appreciated.

12-15-16, 10:32 PM
What is Boxing Day?
So it does look like we get 2 more kingdom waltzers, plus a yeti, and a snow oman. This is getting weirder and weirder. Does anybody have any insight how this all ties together???? Maybe an episode of twilight zone? Like someone I know says "this makes no sense". Any explanation would be appreciated.

Boxing Day is the day after Christmas. In Canada, we have a lot of great sales that day. Maybe it is only a Canadian thing?

Ok, I googled it. Apparently Boxing Day is also celebrated in the UK and Commonwealth countries around the world.

12-15-16, 10:33 PM
Thanks. We just call it after Christmas Sale.
Also we have a saying- going on a wild goose chase. That is my feeling.

12-15-16, 11:41 PM
Thanks. We just call it after Christmas Sale.
Also we have a saying- going on a wild goose chase. That is my feeling.

"Boxing Day" is a tradition where you "box-up" all your unwanted gifts and give them to the needy.
Must have come from the Brits cause we have it here in Aust.

Oh no!! Why did you mention a wild goose chase?!?
Don't give Storm8 any ideas!!
Soon we'll have a Wild Goose Chase quest ... battling impossible to spawn geese to get our own Royal Goose. :p

12-15-16, 11:54 PM
Next goal:

Mapping out the dance floor

1 slay an enchanted yeti
2 gather the pieces of the map. (0/5)

Reward ???

Yes, not Every Yeti will drop map...
so it may(Will) take a while