View Full Version : Winter Ball Event! | Cindy and Stanley and Yetis | till Jan 3

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12-26-16, 11:02 PM
I just got 5 yeti furs from my first yeti in 4 days - thanks S8 - maybe this is doable now.

12-27-16, 02:23 AM
I completed the event with taming a yeti and 2 steed! Which is rare because this is only the second event I've been able to complete! So don't give up! Not sure this will help but I have 2 stables, I did 1st one then waited til everything collected had vanished before going to the second, sometimes even tapping something else in between.. on rocks I hit only 4 at a time, that way if that round didn't produce much I didn't waste energy, on flowers I have about 10, I did whites then blues.. For me whites were more productive.. And of course I gathered thread and bells while waiting for dance mission to complete etc. I left the 3rd dance and trophy to be last and it worked fine placing the trophy as the very last step. Good luck to everyone still trying!

12-27-16, 06:59 AM
I still have to collect 9 yeti furs to complete and tame the yeti.

12-27-16, 08:23 AM
I need 2 fur to get tha Yeti, which I want so I can get my gems back. Not sure if I want to finish the quest to get Cindy. My game is having trouble loading again and she is not storable. No point for me to play if I can't set up my kingdom just to get it to load.

Overall happy sight the event as it caused no holiday disruptions. I liked we could get extra steeds and snow people too.

12-27-16, 08:33 AM
I'm a bit concerned about Cindy. She's trying to walk on the water in my moat! ;)

12-27-16, 09:09 AM
I got the 20 gems back after I "tamed the yeti". just an FYI. good luck!

12-27-16, 09:34 AM
I'm a bit concerned about Cindy. She's trying to walk on the water in my moat! ;)

Oh, no! Is Stanley not living up to her expectations? Hoping she doesn't intentionally jump in.

12-27-16, 10:06 AM
If ur energy was increased by 12, that means you got caught in a gem trap and somehow accidentally purchased the 12 energy and will be down 20 gems. It has happened to all of us which is why we keep asking for a gem confirmation button.
Yep, I found that out a little later when I missed some gems :( Ah well, luckily I already bought my apple tree. I wont be able to buy a yeti trap, but that's okay, that quest is quite useless anyway. I have a yeti already :)

In my first kingdom I'm crafting the second steed. I think that will be enough for me.

12-27-16, 10:53 AM
This event started for me while I was out of town and extremely busy. Then I got sick with the flu while still out of town. Then Christmas snuck up on me. What a crazy 2 weeks. However, I played casually without using gems and was able to complete all of the goals with no frustration at all. I found it to be extremely doable without stressing.

Good luck to those still plugging away. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!!! Happy New Year to S8 and it's loyal players!

12-27-16, 11:17 AM
Can someone help? I can't seem to get the Yeti to come out. I'm up to gathering map pieces and have not seen him on the past 3 tries. Time is running out.

12-27-16, 12:07 PM
Only 44 fur despite my active playing. Oh well. I'm just starting the last goal- 14; so I'm sure I'll get that prize. The event is a little frustrating (yeti fur drops and spawn rate), but I was happy I didn't have to be on my phone 24/7. I would have liked to get 2 steeds, it's really pretty. Just wasn't into more chopping since there's still a lot of chopping to do to complete goal 14.

12-27-16, 01:46 PM
Got Stanley today! I'm very happy about it since I was stuck on gold nuggets for ten days and didn't think I'd be able to participate in the rest of the event. He's such a slow walker! Like he's walking on one of those moving sidewalks they have at the airport except his sidewalk is going the opposite direction that he is so he barely moves forward when he steps.

12-27-16, 03:07 PM
I wondered if Stanley learned to moonwalk in those dancing lessons. It looks like it.

12-27-16, 03:23 PM
It looks like I'll definitely get Cindy but not the yeti. Oh, well.

I need 2 fur to get tha Yeti, which I want so I can get my gems back. Not sure if I want to finish the quest to get Cindy. My game is having trouble loading again and she is not storable. No point for me to play if I can't set up my kingdom just to get it to load.

Overall happy sight the event as it caused no holiday disruptions. I liked we could get extra steeds and snow people too.

I need 19. Don't think I'll get there.

12-27-16, 06:20 PM
I finished this quest yesterday with 9 days remaining and no gems used. It is doable. Just stick with it. I was frustrated for awhile with no yetis spawning or map pieces, but they do appear. When it came time for the invitations, I remembered someone saying they only got them from blue flowers. I have 3 blue flowers, so I just used those. With just 3 flowers to harvest every 3 minutes, it didn't take long for me to get the 5 invitations. I figured every so many harvests, one would have to show up. I now need 4 more furs to get yeti and my 20 gems back. If I don't get a yeti to spawn (haven't in the last few collections), then I guess I'll spend the 20 gems for the 4 furs in order to get the yeti. I'll get the 20 back anyway. Otherwise, I'd still be out 20 gems with no yeti. I agree with the others who said this was a good event. A little frustrating sometimes, but that's because I always want to move on to the next level. They did make the silver threads and jingle bells easy to acquire, and the gold threads weren't too bad. I did buy a lot of rocks and ice trees, but the ice trees weren't too expensive.

12-27-16, 07:43 PM
I finished this quest yesterday with 9 days remaining and no gems used. It is doable. Just stick with it. I was frustrated for awhile with no yetis spawning or map pieces, but they do appear. When it came time for the invitations, I remembered someone saying they only got them from blue flowers. I have 3 blue flowers, so I just used those. With just 3 flowers to harvest every 3 minutes, it didn't take long for me to get the 5 invitations. I figured every so many harvests, one would have to show up. I now need 4 more furs to get yeti and my 20 gems back. If I don't get a yeti to spawn (haven't in the last few collections), then I guess I'll spend the 20 gems for the 4 furs in order to get the yeti. I'll get the 20 back anyway. Otherwise, I'd still be out 20 gems with no yeti. I agree with the others who said this was a good event. A little frustrating sometimes, but that's because I always want to move on to the next level. They did make the silver threads and jingle bells easy to acquire, and the gold threads weren't too bad. I did buy a lot of rocks and ice trees, but the ice trees weren't too expensive.

Did you finish one quest or both? Did you get Cindy and the Yeti?

12-27-16, 08:36 PM
Still stuck on getting Map pieces. Won't get a yeti, I'd rather spend the energy on two steeds as they will look great pulling one of my carriages

The luck of the post. Got my final map piece now to look for bells and golden thread. Only 47 fur so not going to try for yeti. Don't care if I don't get Cindy. I think Stanley is playing fast and loose with Sabina. They always seem to be skulking around the kingdom together!!! Poor Thurston, maybe I should get Cindy just to save that relationship ����

12-27-16, 09:26 PM
Both quests done! It is very do-able if you hang in through some droughts on the required items. No gems necessary.

So S8 ...IMHO the yeti would be a better kingdom walker ...raising his arms in greetings to everyone he passes, RROARRRRR! Haha! These other 2 cast offs from fairytale land aren't as interesting as the more mischievous or even darker types. I would of passed on the Cindy quest, but once it hits my book I just can't help myself. You get a few yeti fur from helping Stanley win, that's a good idea from S8, but pursue taming the yeti over getting Cindy if you have to make a choice.

12-27-16, 10:19 PM
Both quests done! It is very do-able if you hang in through some droughts on the required items. No gems necessary.

So S8 ...IMHO the yeti would be a better kingdom walker ...raising his arms in greetings to everyone he passes, RROARRRRR! Haha! These other 2 cast offs from fairytale land aren't as interesting as the more mischievous or even darker types. I would of passed on the Cindy quest, but once it hits my book I just can't help myself. You get a few yeti fur from helping Stanley win, that's a good idea from S8, but pursue taming the yeti over getting Cindy if you have to make a choice.

Don't forget that every dance lesson also gets you yeti fur.

12-27-16, 11:26 PM
Don't forget that every dance lesson also gets you yeti fur.
I think the only easy dance lessons are the beginner ones. The others are too hard to do just to get a fur, and sometimes the options for any dance lessons are gone.

12-28-16, 01:45 AM
★ i have my bad share of gem traps while doing the yeti quest.

twice lost 250 gems.. so much for accidentally tapping a half-baked alicorn ):

12-28-16, 06:43 AM
I am devastated! I finishing the 3rd Advanced dance lesson, but after clicking the castle to collect the trophy nothing came out but a yeti fur and the Game was still on 2 of 3 Adventures, also, my map pieces are all gone, and also the invitations. Before, it was all complete! And there is no Cindy at all! Please help, i'm afraid i dont have the Time to collect it all again, and the map pieces are not available anymore!

12-28-16, 07:12 AM
I am devastated! I finishing the 3rd Advanced dance lesson, but after clicking the castle to collect the trophy nothing came out but a yeti fur and the Game was still on 2 of 3 Adventures, also, my map pieces are all gone, and also the invitations. Before, it was all complete! And there is no Cindy at all! Please help, i'm afraid i dont have the Time to collect it all again, and the map pieces are not available anymore!
First try resetting your game.. (turning off and then on again)
It seems to me you have to do another Adventure of Advanced Dance Lessons before you've finished and receive the Trophy. This adventure did give Yeti furs before giving the Trophy. When you place the Trophy Cindy will appear in your kingdom.. you will have to look for her.
The Winter Ball Adventure, which is different, you have already done as your map pieces and invitations have been used.
Have a look in your GuideBook to see if everything is checked off correctly.

12-28-16, 08:11 AM
Oooh yes. I apologize for being such a dumb...troll...
I Chose the wrong Adventure, took the Winter Ball instead of Dance lesson.Now ill try to finish it this way around, Hope that Cindy will arrive after the 3rd Dance lesson...
Thanks very much for your fast reply!

12-28-16, 09:04 AM
I was one of thise players that bought and chopped the yeti trap too soon and was forced to get 70 yetis before getting my gems back. I was very worried due to the slow drop rate that it would'nt happen, so i focused saving my energy prinarily for yetis. I am happy to say i was able to finally get my gems back. It appears I may finish the Winter Ball as well, so I'm going to admit that while I didnt enjoy the Yeti, I was able to collect without additional gems and time to spare. Thanks to the forum I knew how many sleigh bells and thread were going to be needed in the final stages so i could start collecting ahead of time.

12-28-16, 09:11 AM
I just seing Cindy out from Sabina's house!!! I colected something beside Sabina's house. And I shock when she suddenly pop up in front of sabina's door. Not like she walking tru the wall. But appear... Now I'm wondering what is She doing there when sabina's out. Lol

12-28-16, 09:33 AM
I'm having the same problem. No yetis from the stables 😳

12-28-16, 10:54 AM
I finished everything this morning and just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this! For once I am done with time to spare, got my gems back & ended up with more gold than I had to start with (due to all that chopping).

12-28-16, 11:04 AM
Oooh yes. I apologize for being such a dumb...troll...
I Chose the wrong Adventure, took the Winter Ball instead of Dance lesson.Now ill try to finish it this way around, Hope that Cindy will arrive after the 3rd Dance lesson...
Thanks very much for your fast reply!
you're welcome! ..and she will arrive :)
instructions didn't say which goal to do first.. you just have to complete them all.
Good Luck!

12-28-16, 04:48 PM
Got Cindy. I have 8 more yeti fur - we'll see if I get them. I'm not spawning them with any ease. Four more before the third might not work.

12-28-16, 05:47 PM
I need to craft dancing shoes which means I need dance enchantment. But I can't craft it - what have I done wrong?

12-28-16, 06:56 PM
I need to craft dancing shoes which means I need dance enchantment. But I can't craft it - what have I done wrong?

Look in the potion shop. You need the frost magic from the yeti's. The craft takes 30 min.

12-28-16, 09:51 PM
I'm almost at the end but no yetis appear when I click on the stables. Yes, there are no other monsters on the game. I've already clicked it about 5 times and nothing.

12-28-16, 10:15 PM
That's quite normal..... They'll appear soon. Just try and collect as many times as you can to increase your chance.

(Duplicate post removed)

12-28-16, 10:30 PM
S8! Getting sick of these Timed Challenges!

12-29-16, 04:41 AM
When do the invitations start appearing? I'm done with the second Advanced Dancing course and have tapped over 200 Blue Penstemons and White Iceland Poppies but have so far gotten no invitations :mad:

12-29-16, 05:39 AM
When do the invitations start appearing? I'm done with the second Advanced Dancing course and have tapped over 200 Blue Penstemons and White Iceland Poppies but have so far gotten no invitations :mad:

Only when you are requested to find them, before that you won't get them.

12-29-16, 06:43 AM
I don't know when I got a request for invitations, but I'm doing the advanced lessons and I've already gotten my invites ready for last dance. I just happened to get some while I was gathering blue petals for an elven trade.

12-29-16, 07:12 AM
i don't think I'm going to do these timed challenges anymore. They're basically impossible unless you gem ahead and I, not spending actual money on a "free" game. I've checked my stables 8 times and have gottened nothing but two fang beasts! It seems like every challenge I can get through half the tasks in a reasonable time frame and then I get stuck unless I spend money on gems to skip things!! This is obnoxious.

12-29-16, 08:05 AM
I have started and stopped this quest so many times. I really was just happy for the steed, but then I would get a yeti pop up or invite drop, so then I would start again. Now I'm at the point of no return, using hundreds of energy on rocks and trees and yetis. Good grief. I've got corn I need to harvest and fish to catch!!!! Lol.

12-29-16, 08:45 AM
Well I finally finished both this and the Yeti and after waiting almost 1 Yeti a day, I'm pleased it finally got finished. Was starting to wonder if it would get done. But see,s storm8 did listen to our requests for quests to be more time friendly at these important holidays. Now for some normal quests would be appreciated. Got to finish the Elves quest line. Plenty of steps to go so something to keep me busy til next Thursday. Or maybe an update this evening. Who knows. 😀

12-29-16, 10:16 AM
Energy, energy, energy. Whereforth are thou energy!!!

12-29-16, 02:45 PM
I am trying to collect from my 2 stable for the past two days. Not even a single map piece is collected. Dont have enough gems too... Its going to be another event where after spending all the inventory and time.. no goal is achieved..

Feeling sad :( .. Why cant the stables give a map piece at least twice a day ?

Map pieces are found among the Yeti it just so frustrating trying to get them to spawn! I now leave my stables until last to collect its worked on occasion but you just have to keep trying.....sorry

12-29-16, 03:14 PM
OK HERE COMES A RANT!! Once again with the slip of a finger I've lost 120 gems after accidentally hitting castle that what was on an adventure!! WHEN OH WHEN will youse put in a clause "Do You Want to use X amount of Gems?" After all you ask do we wish to purchase or why not make it password protected come on S8 it's not BRAIN SCIENCE!! Next the 20Gems I stupidly bought the Yeti Trap with!! I still need 24fur which is 24 Yeti's multiplied by 50 hits which is 1,200 ENERGY!! This is by far the biggest joke yet....and NOT a funny one!! I had even read on forum using trap may give back gems after you deal with Yeti.....NEWS FLASH....NO it DOESN'T!! There is no way I will achieve this as Yeti's are as rare as Hens Teeth!! We should all be credited back the gems just for competing in the Quest!! So why not do something for the Community and give us back our Gems? Yeah it may only be 20Gems but I've now been wiped out through no fault of my own!! I am livid at this point just in case you hadn't noticed!!!😡😡😡

12-29-16, 03:31 PM
* Depending on when you buy the trap, you will either get your 20 gems back by fighting the yeti that appears when you use the trap OR you have to collect the entire 70 fur and craft a yeti to get your 20 gems back. A change went through on this during the event.

Thats is What Is Posted On Forum Notes!!! Very very unfair😡😡

12-29-16, 04:09 PM
Wow - I got 5 fur off a yeti. So I actually got the yeti, Cindy and Stanly. Now I need to work on alicorns.

12-29-16, 04:22 PM
I haven't gotten a silver drop from my tamed Yeti in the last 3 or 4 collections. Anybody else notice this?
And I'm not even close to max on my silver...lol.

12-29-16, 04:23 PM
I went until chapter 14 to get all the pics: https://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?96167-Winter-Ball-Event!&p=1378010&viewfull=1#post1378010

Now I don't finish it, not interested in getting another walking character. The game is too instable to clutter the board with another non essential element!

12-29-16, 05:02 PM
I haven't gotten a silver drop from my tamed Yeti in the last 3 or 4 collections. Anybody else notice this?
And I'm not even close to max on my silver...lol.

I was wondering what he would drop. His collection time seems long.

12-29-16, 07:03 PM
I got silver, jewel from my yeti

12-29-16, 11:36 PM
I'm on my 5th day of trying to find a 5th random map piece. I have 1 tap left to finish off my only random yeti of today. Have decided that if a map piece doesn't appear I'm DONE with this game. Although I've been a player since right before the Love Shack, the double random randomness of this storyline has finally caused me to be ticked off enough to quit. Will see if the power of the post works. If not, farewell neighbors and fellow forum members!

12-30-16, 12:07 AM
No map.....DONE!

12-30-16, 01:14 AM
im level 50, 5,000 and something exp. and I have had the hardest time with this event. I have a timer set to check my stables, even a few times at night also, and i have been stuck on the map quest for 6 days, and still need 2. Not only are the drop rates of the map rare but I can't spawn a yeti more than once maybe twice a day to save my life, even checking at night also. I have a better chance of hitting the lottery!!! Ahhhhhh!!! All I want to do is quit this event but I'm so mad about my 20 gems bc of the fast one they pulled with the yeti traps. I have never had trouble finishing an event when I have had the whole time to play it.

12-30-16, 01:54 AM
* Depending on when you buy the trap, you will either get your 20 gems back by fighting the yeti that appears when you use the trap OR you have to collect the entire 70 fur and craft a yeti to get your 20 gems back. A change went through on this during the event.
This was posted quite early in the event, but I've just bought the trap and this information is incorrect. The only way to redeem your 20 gems is to complete the whole goal which is to craft the yeti. Post 2 updated. All pictures will be complete shortly.

12-30-16, 02:31 AM
I don't understand why there is such inconsistencies concerning the spawning of yetis. Just through playing the game normally, I got a yeti about every 2 or 3 times. There was a time during the event I had to park my troll, because I did not want another walker, but I then changed my mind to do the quest. I finished pretty easily.
To those who are quitting because of this event, all I can say the prizes aren't worth it. It was obviously a time filler for the holiday season. I'm sorry things didn't or won't work out, but really it was not worth all the energy needed. 90 energy to fight the yeti over and over and then 100's and 100's of energy for bells and thread. For something that is not beneficial.
Maybe just park a troll, and just play normally. Kinda a break for yourself. Just let the goal expire to get it out of your book. Just my thoughts.
PS: I really, really didn't see a need for another walker and in fact I wish I could store some that I have. Please, please no more walkers!!!!
And another thought-this is the second Christmas season that I felt we were let down. I saw no "giving" spirit at all. I wanted some energy boxes, but nope. Didn't happen.
And one more thing- don't fall for the goals that require gems. To me that is a deceptive ploy. It borders on being dishonest. IMO.

12-30-16, 03:40 AM
For me , the rewards for this event are not just the final prizes (my place is so full that Cindy is very adept at hiding! Stanley, on the other hand, makes sure he is noticed ..)

I love the sleigh bell steeds. - got 2 so am very happy with them.

The icy willows have added just what was needed to my faerie respite and I am looking forward to the challenge of working out how to best use those I have (with extras in storage) once I have put all my Christmas decorations away. Trees are one of my favourite decorations :)

Having recently rewatched Shrek, I imagine the yeti as a similar gentle giant. I think the pink ghost is quite taken with him ;)

12-30-16, 04:02 AM
I zoomed right in on my yeti and he kind of seems lost. I put him next to a Christmas gift box, but it's like he's looking at it not knowing what to do :)

I love the steeds too! Looking forward to another redecorating spree to match them to places. Overall, this has been a good event. I don't mind all the chopping etc as there is a purpose.

For all those still going, good luck! I put a nice screenshot of Cindy in the pics area amongst the pink trees.

Happy New Year to you all :)

12-30-16, 08:11 AM
This was posted quite early in the event, but I've just bought the trap and this information is incorrect. The only way to redeem your 20 gems is to complete the whole goal which is to craft the yeti. Post 2 updated. All pictures will be complete shortly.

Hi SW. I posted this quote on the page previous to this one. I have to say its a bad day when game developers are misleading their paying customers!! S8 are pushing players away with all this deception!! It's been a very unfair quest. I myself bought the trap as I thought using it redeemed the 20Gems.....NOT! I also lost 120Gems to the Gem Trap with the slip of a finger!! That's 140GEMS gone in one quest!! Nobody can afford to lose that many...well I can't anyway! I can now understand why so many have left sadly I've lost many nbrs! As I said in my previous post we should all be credited our gems back just for taking part in this quest! I still need 23fur to complete the Yeti not to mention the 1000 odd energy needed to **** the Yeti should they spawn. Feel really let down by S8 been a player since the dawn of time now concidering leaving!!

12-30-16, 08:55 AM
Part 12, goal two. This is ridiculous!! I have been tapping the stables all of yesterday and today and I have not got one yeti yet which means I also don't have any pieces of map! I am so annoyed. There is 5 days left and now two have been wasted. This is worse then relying on 20 or so neighbours to accep an invitation as a goal. Which thanks to my nieighbours I missed out on the last one because they took so long to accept, or didn't at all and I am sick of spending massive amounts of money to buy gems in all of the S8 games in order to get through the tournaments and events! I play your games every day and it is so fustrating to lose out when you have spent some hours time when (in this case) the yetis won't appeR so I can't collect any map pieces and move forwards (after all I have done so far!). Raaah!!

12-30-16, 09:06 AM
I found this too. I had lots of farm houses and cottages and jewellers ect out and I couldn't purchase another tavern without removing from the game or my storage other items. It was extremely confusing and wrong. I would like to know why exactly this happens too and what to do about it.

12-30-16, 09:27 AM
I'm nearing the end of the event. I found 5 "Piece of Map" in my inventory. Are these the required items in Part 14, Go the the Winter Ball, or is it a different 'Map'? Thanks in advance. :)

12-30-16, 11:47 AM
I don't understand why there is such inconsistencies concerning the spawning of yetis. Just through playing the game normally, I got a yeti about every 2 or 3 times. There was a time during the event I had to park my troll, because I did not want another walker, but I then changed my mind to do the quest. I finished pretty easily.
To those who are quitting because of this event, all I can say the prizes aren't worth it. It was obviously a time filler for the holiday season. I'm sorry things didn't or won't work out, but really it was not worth all the energy needed. 90 energy to fight the yeti over and over and then 100's and 100's of energy for bells and thread. For something that is not beneficial.
Maybe just park a troll, and just play normally. Kinda a break for yourself. Just let the goal expire to get it out of your book. Just my thoughts.
PS: I really, really didn't see a need for another walker and in fact I wish I could store some that I have. Please, please no more walkers!!!!
And another thought-this is the second Christmas season that I felt we were let down. I saw no "giving" spirit at all. I wanted some energy boxes, but nope. Didn't happen.
And one more thing- don't fall for the goals that require gems. To me that is a deceptive ploy. It borders on being dishonest. IMO.

I would agree. I decided early on that I didn't care if I won it or not but went ahead and played. I got two non story related walkers and a yeti that doesn't give off any spectacular drops so I'd say it's not that big of a deal. I'm more excited about the elves.

12-30-16, 12:24 PM
I'm nearing the end of the event. I found 5 "Piece of Map" in my inventory. Are these the required items in Part 14, Go the the Winter Ball, or is it a different 'Map'? Thanks in advance. :)

Yes.. they're the same invites you will need to do the Winter Ball Adventure

12-30-16, 01:00 PM
Yes.. they're the same invites you will need to do the Winter Ball Adventure

Thank you. :)

12-30-16, 03:06 PM
I stupidly spent 20 gems on the Yeti trap, but luckily, Ive spent the last few days gathering 70 furs to craft the Yeti to get my 20 gems back. Currently, I have to 8 hours to collect from the crafted Yeti. Does anyone know what it drops?

12-30-16, 03:15 PM
I stupidly spent 20 gems on the Yeti trap, but luckily, Ive spent the last few days gathering 70 furs to craft the Yeti to get my 20 gems back. Currently, I have to 8 hours to collect from the crafted Yeti. Does anyone know what it drops?

Mine dropped fur and white petals. Others have said silver but I've not had him drop any.

12-30-16, 03:28 PM
Aww, I was hoping the Yeti would drop something unrelated to the Winter Ball Event. Ive decided to back out of the main event, even though I want Stanley and Cindy, because I can't get the 5 Golden nuggets. I wonder if the Yeti will drop something different once the event is over? Like something to replace the Yeti fur?

12-30-16, 03:56 PM
Does anyone know if we can store the Yeti? I don't want to place him if he's going to be a permanent fixture in the kingdom.

12-30-16, 04:08 PM
Does anyone know if we can store the Yeti? I don't want to place him if he's going to be a permanent fixture in the kingdom.yes he can be stored. My first collection was white petals which I'm maxed on. So basically nothing great.

12-30-16, 04:40 PM
Did you finish one quest or both? Did you get Cindy and the Yeti?

I'm sorry rulerofjennyville I haven't been reading the forum since I finished the event. When I posted, I only had finished getting Cindy. However, shortly after, I was able to spawn a yeti and it gave me 5 furs. I had enough to create a yeti with fur to spare. I was able to finish both events.

12-30-16, 05:25 PM
I'm sorry rulerofjennyville I haven't been reading the forum since I finished the event. When I posted, I only had finished getting Cindy. However, shortly after, I was able to spawn a yeti and it gave me 5 furs. I had enough to create a yeti with fur to spare. I was able to finish both events.

You probably got more. Don't go by me -I tend to get worse drops than everyone else. I've yet to get any tokens from the Lorelie fountain and I won that in the challenge that gave me the feast table. Everyone else gets gold tokens off of it - all I've ever gotten is water and fish.

12-30-16, 06:47 PM
I am having trouble spawning yetis from the stables. I still have 18 fur to go and have had no yetis appear the past 4 times.....which means I may not get the yeti....however, I am still going to keep at it and try. If I go ahead and finish the Cindy-Stanley event, (I only have the 2 hour ball dance adventure left to go) will the stables continue to spawn yetis or does that shut everything down?

12-30-16, 07:31 PM
I am having trouble spawning yetis from the stables. I still have 18 fur to go and have had no yetis appear the past 4 times.....which means I may not get the yeti....however, I am still going to keep at it and try. If I go ahead and finish the Cindy-Stanley event, (I only have the 2 hour ball dance adventure left to go) will the stables continue to spawn yetis or does that shut everything down?

Yetis still spawn after this, so good luck!

12-30-16, 07:39 PM
Yetis still spawn after this, so good luck!

Thank you. :)

12-31-16, 01:33 AM
The Yeti spawn rate increases after you complete the event. I am getting one spawn almost every time I collect from stables, and their drop rate has increased. Mostly getting 2 or 5 Yeti fur each time. Before I finished, I was only getting 1 fur at a time and spawning about 1 in 6 stable collection. I know the official word is that the spawn rate is never decreased during events, but it's just so much of a coincidence that they never appear frequently until you have completed whichever event is running and then you are over run with them.

12-31-16, 06:25 AM
I managed to get my yeti yesterday (despite mostly only spawning one every 6 stable collections) and I have done all the dance lessons for part 14, except I can't do the final ball, because I haven't got ANY invites from flowers! It's been days of collections and I've done everything else for that part, so I thought I would at least have a few of the 5 invites needed, but I haven't even got 1!!!

12-31-16, 06:43 AM
I managed to get my yeti yesterday (despite mostly only spawning one every 6 stable collections) and I have done all the dance lessons for part 14, except I can't do the final ball, because I haven't got ANY invites from flowers! It's been days of collections and I've done everything else for that part, so I thought I would at least have a few of the 5 invites needed, but I haven't even got 1!!!make sure you are collecting from Iceland poppies or blue penstemons. these are the only flowers that will drop map pieces. And maybe check your inventory, but mine automatically checked off the goal book when I found mine.
Again this doesn't sound right to me. I do not understand the inconsistencies of these drops at all!!! Go figure.

12-31-16, 07:08 AM
make sure you are collecting from Iceland poppies or blue penstemons. these are the only flowers that will drop map pieces. And maybe check your inventory, but mine automatically checked off the goal book when I found mine.
Again this doesn't sound right to me. I do not understand the inconsistencies of these drops at all!!! Go figure.

Yes, I've definitely been collecting from the right flowers - good news though, I've actually had 2 invites drop since I posted my message here! Haha :)

12-31-16, 07:13 AM
Yes, I've definitely been collecting from the right flowers - good news though, I've actually had 2 invites drop since I posted my message here! Haha :)yay! Power of the post.

12-31-16, 07:17 AM
*tap, tap*

There WILL eventually be actual yetis in the yeti portion of this event, right? Hello? This thing on?

12-31-16, 09:14 AM
I completed Stanleyand Cindy ages ago and I can assure you my Yeti spawn has NOT increased!! I still need 20fur which means I need over 1000 energy!! I also bought the trap as it stated using it would redeem the 20Gems Back!! This was NOT the case. I'm disgusted with this quest and they way we have been deceived. I certainly won't get the Yeti as I won't have the time to complete even if the Yeti actually spawn. I've collected twice already today NO beasts were on my board and NOT 1Yeti!! Absolute farce!!!

12-31-16, 09:18 AM
I finally got the dang yeti. After being stuck at 69 yeti furs for what seemed like forever, I just couldn't take it any more. I spent 5 gems in the workshop for one more fur and crafted the yeti.

Yeti sightings did NOT increase for me after getting Stanley and Cindy and when I DID get one to finally pop up, they only dropped ONE freakin fur. Incredibly slow-going and frustrating.

I don't even care about the five gems at this point, I'm just glad that this event is over for me. This has been the most grueling, least enjoyable quest and I'm glad to see it end.


To everyone who is still at it, good luck. I know how disheartening and frustrating this has been, but don't give up. There are still five more days. Set a timer on your phone and stagger your stable taps.

12-31-16, 09:22 AM
After I finished the goals, I make sure I have another beast parked before I collect from stables. I don't want to have to fight another yeti, if one spawned.
Second collection from my yeti-white petal.

Hap hap happy New Year!

12-31-16, 02:05 PM
On the final goal and hoping that these ridiculous drop rates don't screw me over after getting this far!

01-01-17, 12:45 AM
Yeti drops: jewels, silver, creep tooth, rat tails.. more or less like the royal kittens and puppies.

01-01-17, 12:51 AM
I completed Stanleyand Cindy ages ago and I can assure you my Yeti spawn has NOT increased!! I still need 20fur which means I need over 1000 energy!! I also bought the trap as it stated using it would redeem the 20Gems Back!! This was NOT the case. I'm disgusted with this quest and they way we have been deceived. I certainly won't get the Yeti as I won't have the time to complete even if the Yeti actually spawn. I've collected twice already today NO beasts were on my board and NOT 1Yeti!! Absolute farce!!!

Trap did not indicate refund of gems when buying. It showed they would be refunded AFTER completing Yeti Goal at the bottom of the goal page. This is different than what we were usually offered.. but was shown refund gain after Yeti was completed.

Yeti spawns every 6 to 8 collections from the Stables.. more often when Cindy is completed I found. Hope this helps to encourage you along alittle further.

01-01-17, 06:28 AM
finished :)
but why stanley and cindy are running one after the other instead of dancing together ? LOL
bad karma ? LOL

01-01-17, 09:53 AM
Happy New Year everybody.

I have Cindy and Stanley roaming my kingdom now, but the marriage was a bit of an anti-climax. I would expect them walking together more.

In my other kingdom I will not make it. I was so focused on getting gold thread and bells, that I forgot I needed horse hair as well. Now I hope to get at least enough horse hair for one steed...Had to buy extra horses too and I'm short on cash right now. Too bad, because I really like the steed, more than the yeti and Stanley and Cindy.

01-01-17, 11:02 AM
Woohoo! Just finished! I wasn't sure if I'd make it since I only had two gold nuggets at the start of the event. Now that it's over I have five gold nuggets thanks to all that rock chopping. I was able to craft two yetis and two steeds and still get both Stanley and Cindy so I'm pretty happy about that. I know a lot of people have been complaining about this event, but I enjoyed it. Especially once I got those first five nuggets to throw at the yeti. I liked having so much time to complete the event. And chopping all those rocks and trees has left me with a nice stash of fancy beams and blocks.

Good luck to all those still trying to finish!

01-01-17, 12:09 PM
Completed quest, dance lessons and all and received Cindy and Stanley. However, after the first day there has been no more Cindy just Stanley. Is this suppose to happen?

01-01-17, 01:00 PM
Completed quest, dance lessons and all and received Cindy and Stanley. However, after the first day there has been no more Cindy just Stanley. Is this suppose to happen?i thought the same thing at first, but it seems Cindy hides really well! I have to really look for her. Try expanding your kingdom.

01-01-17, 01:41 PM
Thank you to all who have replied to my questions. I an technically challenged and either loose my question or am not able to put the reply in the correct place. Happy new year to al!!!!!

01-01-17, 02:43 PM
There are 3days left on my yeti and I still need 17fur!! This is a Total FARCE!! I've collected from stables 4times today which is ridiculous because NOT ONE YETI SPAWNED!! Everytime I collect from stables I spawn a FANGBEAST?? Really this has ripped my patience to bits!! Yes I know it's only a game but I've been glued to this game desperately trying to complete what seems now to be the UNCOMPLETABLE QUEST!! Oh I can spawn every other type of Beast even pink skunkpines but can I get the illusive Yeti.....not on your nelly!! I GIVE UP!! Keep the 20 Gems cause am DONE!!

01-01-17, 02:49 PM
Trap did not indicate refund of gems when buying. It showed they would be refunded AFTER completing Yeti Goal at the bottom of the goal page. This is different than what we were usually offered.. but was shown refund gain after Yeti was completed.

Yeti spawns every 6 to 8 collections from the Stables.. more often when Cindy is completed I found. Hope this helps to encourage you along alittle further.

I appreciate you taking the time to answer. I bought the trap after reading on forum that using trap and dealing with yeti would redeem the Gems...... This turned out not to be the case as SW found out also. They changed it and the only way is to gather the fur. I have given up as I have collected from both stables 4times today and spawned nothing but fangbeasts. They can keep the gems and the Yeti am done!
Tnx agn for your encouragement

This is statement that was put on forum

* Depending on when you buy the trap, you will either get your 20 gems back by fighting the yeti that appears when you use the trap OR you have to collect the entire 70 fur and craft a yeti to get your 20 gems back. A change went through on this during the event.

Thats is What Is Posted On Forum Notes!!! Very very unfair😡😡

01-01-17, 03:16 PM
Hi, I restart CS recently. I was just at level 20. So I start the goal very late. I know you will hate me, but I am very fed up with yetis. I get one at step 7 of the goal. I have only one stable... the time to get power, and **** the yeti, I had no time to move that another yeti was here
Same with maps, I get 5 easily. And invitations with flowers. But I do buy the goal packets to finish the events. I am at 2 dance now.
I have a questions... will it continue to find yetis at the end, or my fur to get the second yeti are useless ? Should i fight the yeti that block my stable or let all this way to finish ?

01-01-17, 04:48 PM
Well, I liked the overall challenge. I didn't care if I finished or not but I managed to. For those giving up I got no yetis then I got one with five fur and that ended it. So I finished. I didn't need gems, either, though I used up six I had from daily videos to get some yetis to spawn.

01-01-17, 07:02 PM
Yes, I've definitely been collecting from the right flowers - good news though, I've actually had 2 invites drop since I posted my message here! Haha :)

Perhaps your luck will rub off on me! I became certain that the flowers must not drop invites til after the end of the third long lesson, but that doesn't seem to be true. No one wants to invite me to the ball. Boo hoo.

01-01-17, 11:38 PM
In my last 18 stable collections, I have spawned ONE yeti. Still looking for my final map piece and 7-8 more yeti parts. Pretty annoyed that the event is,almost over, and I might not complete the challenge because of luck. There should be a set rate... if you are unlucky 3 times, you should receive the drop on the 4th try.


01-02-17, 02:42 AM
In my last 18 stable collections, I have spawned ONE yeti. Still looking for my final map piece and 7-8 more yeti parts. Pretty annoyed that the event is,almost over, and I might not complete the challenge because of luck. There should be a set rate... if you are unlucky 3 times, you should receive the drop on the 4th try.


I am in the same boat, and have found myself in the same boat for several of the the quests lately. I am not sure how others feel, but I feel that quests during the holidays should be attainable for people with hectic schedules that come with the holidays. These quests are like getting HAPPY FREAKING HOLIDAYS cards from Storm 8.

I used to play a lot of TL/S8 games, I began on my Kindle. Dragon Story was one of the deciding factors in getting my first iPad. I have slowly been deleting games as my frustration with them mounted. I loved this game so much, and have been playing it since it left beta testing that I thought it would always be on my tablet, but I just deleted it.

Good bye Castle Story I will miss the game I fell in love with, not the one I deleted.

01-02-17, 03:22 AM
In my last 18 stable collections, I have spawned ONE yeti. Still looking for my final map piece and 7-8 more yeti parts. Pretty annoyed that the event is,almost over, and I might not complete the challenge because of luck. There should be a set rate... if you are unlucky 3 times, you should receive the drop on the 4th try.

I came here to express the same feelings of frustration. You epressed it much better than I could so I will just add


01-02-17, 07:33 AM
In my other kingdom I will not make it. I was so focused on getting gold thread and bells, that I forgot I needed horse hair as well. Now I hope to get at least enough horse hair for one steed...Had to buy extra horses too and I'm short on cash right now. Too bad, because I really like the steed, more than the yeti and Stanley and Cindy.
I did some math and decided it will be possible to get my steeds, providing I still have time tomorrow to get the hair. It says 2 days now, so I would expect there is time until wednesday morning.

But...When I start crafting tomorow night will I be able to collect the steeds after the event ends? Normally the game resets at 9 am for me and I will be able to collect before 9.

01-02-17, 08:13 AM
There are 3days left on my yeti and I still need 17fur!! This is a Total FARCE!! I've collected from stables 4times today which is ridiculous because NOT ONE YETI SPAWNED!! Everytime I collect from stables I spawn a FANGBEAST?? Really this has ripped my patience to bits!! Yes I know it's only a game but I've been glued to this game desperately trying to complete what seems now to be the UNCOMPLETABLE QUEST!! Oh I can spawn every other type of Beast even pink skunkpines but can I get the illusive Yeti.....not on your nelly!! I GIVE UP!! Keep the 20 Gems cause am DONE!!

That happened to me then I got a yeti with 5 fur. So you might still make it.

01-02-17, 08:14 AM
Completed quest, dance lessons and all and received Cindy and Stanley. However, after the first day there has been no more Cindy just Stanley. Is this suppose to happen?
Once you have received Cindy.. she'll remain in your kingdom. She must be hiding behind something.

01-02-17, 08:17 AM
I did some math and decided it will be possible to get my steeds, providing I still have time tomorrow to get the hair. It says 2 days now, so I would expect there is time until wednesday morning.

But...When I start crafting tomorow night will I be able to collect the steeds after the event ends? Normally the game resets at 9 am for me and I will be able to collect before 9.
The Steeds should remain in your WorkShop until you collect, providing you craft them before time-out.

01-02-17, 08:23 AM
Thank you, that saves me a lot of stress. :D

01-02-17, 06:29 PM
I am having trouble spawning yetis from the stables. I still have 18 fur to go and have had no yetis appear the past 4 times.....which means I may not get the yeti....however, I am still going to keep at it and try. If I go ahead and finish the Cindy-Stanley event, (I only have the 2 hour ball dance adventure left to go) will the stables continue to spawn yetis or does that shut everything down?

Yayyy, I finally got the last of the fur needed to craft my yeti. Didn't think I was going to make it but one of the collections (just that one time) gave me 5 fur and that made the difference. Then I had to go through a lot of collections that spawned nothing. But I made it....and with a little bit of time still on the clock. :)

01-02-17, 08:06 PM
Sadly, I am running out of time for the yeti. I am posting in hopes of a post-posting lucky collection from my stables.....

01-02-17, 10:17 PM
Omg 6 days stuck on map bit haven't had a yeti in 3 days. What's the point of these events when we can't finish through no fault of our own. We can't even get a yeti.

01-03-17, 12:50 AM
There are 3days left on my yeti and I still need 17fur!! This is a Total FARCE!! I've collected from stables 4times today which is ridiculous because NOT ONE YETI SPAWNED!! Everytime I collect from stables I spawn a FANGBEAST?? Really this has ripped my patience to bits!! Yes I know it's only a game but I've been glued to this game desperately trying to complete what seems now to be the UNCOMPLETABLE QUEST!! Oh I can spawn every other type of Beast even pink skunkpines but can I get the illusive Yeti.....not on your nelly!! I GIVE UP!! Keep the 20 Gems cause am DONE!!

26 collections from stables yielded 2 yeti's. One fave a map piece, both gave up ONE fur. I need six furs and one map piece in 17 hours
.. nt looking good. :-(

01-03-17, 04:11 AM
I haven't read every post, but it seems I am not alone in my problem. I never dreamed so few Yetis would appear in a timed event. We are limited as to the number of stables we can build and the stables have a fairly long collection period. I have been a level 50 player for a long time now. I play many times each day. I have collected from the stables several times each day. The few Yeti I have seen sometimes leave no fur. Other times, they leave one fur. Once, I received two furs. With hours to go, I still need 9 furs. Even if I wanted to waste 45 gems to get the Yeti and my 20 gems back, I couldn't. I don't have that many gems. Years ago, I set my IPa
d to to prohibit in app purchases, so I won't buy any gems. I used to play this game on two devices. When one device stopped working and I replaced it, I did not ask Storm 8 to move my old game to the new device, because I have grown so frustrated with the drop rates in timed events. I'm pretty sure that when this IPad dies, I'm done with this game. Storm 8, I don't really care that I won't get the Yeti. All these strange animals are kind of annoying. However, I would like my 20 gems back.

01-03-17, 04:21 AM
I finally got the last yeti to give the last of the map but now I only have 13 hours left. This is rediculous and frustrating. Now the rock is dropping thread randomly and I have to go to work. People should not have to play this game 24/7 in order to achieve the goal.

01-03-17, 06:35 AM
I so agree!! I have been stuck on the map pieces for the last 4 days & still do not have all of them. Timed goals should be attainable without depending on the luck of random drops. I play this game and fantasy forest on 2 accounts and will not get the goals on either.
I am very disappointed with Storm8 with how they have been running the games to try to force us to buy gems multiple times to finish the game events!!

01-03-17, 06:52 AM
Agree with everyone else posting. Totally unrealisric goals. With only hours to spare the last goal of this event is impossible, even after purchasing additional gems. I used to scoff at the people who complained about the events but now I get it. The unrealisric goals and rare drops make completing the events nearly impossible. Its so dissapointing and takes away from the fun of the game. I won't be making anymore additional purchaes for this game.

01-03-17, 09:41 AM
In three days I have found six Yeti and he has given me precisely two map pieces. All that work for nothing. I feel gutted. To make it even more frustrating I got a fangbeast instead of a yeti earlier today so more energy and time lost.

01-03-17, 10:00 AM
If you don't get it don't worry about it and don't spend the gems - the drops aren't that great to waste gems on. They're typical drops. And Cindy and Stanly are so-so but not that great and have nothing to do with the story line.

01-03-17, 11:05 AM
I finished this quest ages ago and while I have been bored out of my mind for the past week or more, I appreciate that S8 gave more than enough time to achieve all the goals. It's been very considerate of them, especially that people are busy during holiday season. All in all I love having new citizens in my kingdom, even if they don't give drops. They look nice and they make my queendom to look alive. I'm maxed on majority of things so the drops question doesn't really matter. And I prefer this to having yet another animal that would end up straight in my storage. This was the reason why I didn't even bother to cook yeti in my workshop.

01-03-17, 01:20 PM
I finished this quest ages ago and while I have been bored out of my mind for the past week or more, I appreciate that S8 gave more than enough time to achieve all the goals. It's been very considerate of them, especially that people are busy during holiday season. All in all I love having new citizens in my kingdom, even if they don't give drops. They look nice and they make my queendom to look alive. I'm maxed on majority of things so the drops question doesn't really matter. And I prefer this to having yet another animal that would end up straight in my storage. This was the reason why I didn't even bother to cook yeti in my workshop.

Yes but you had to be lucky enough to get those hard to get yetis. map pieces, etc. Some people went for days without any - I had three days with no yeti. I finished early as well but I didn't think I would and last year I didn't get the rare drops. It's not worth using gems to speed it up - you either get it or you don't.

01-03-17, 02:42 PM
I had no luck even getting Yetis, let alone map pieces. This even was incredibly frustrating. I've been playing for years and this is the first time I've really, truly struggled to complete an event.

01-03-17, 03:29 PM
So has this event ended yet? I wonder how soon we'll get a monster hunt. I think that's next.

01-03-17, 03:48 PM
So has this event ended yet? I wonder how soon we'll get a monster hunt. I think that's next.

Hopefully we can get back to the storyline at long last.

01-03-17, 04:10 PM
Hopefully we can get back to the storyline at long last.

I like the Optional Updates more, because they offer Better rewards. All amazing prizes are from optional events.

01-03-17, 04:47 PM
17 mins to go and I need 97 sleigh bells and 6 gold thread so sad

01-03-17, 05:38 PM
Yeah I never reached the 70. needed 20 more.event expired. Asked if I wanted to pay the 10 gems I did. but got no Yeti disappointed. was that to just get the 20 gems back?

01-03-17, 08:26 PM
I started out quite well. Thought there would be more than enough time for this event. Out of my last 36 stable collections, I received two yeti's and one map piece. I didn't finish, but it wasn't for lack of trying.

Congrats to those who completed! I am not buying the non core story characters.

Question - if I spend the 10 on the yeti, do I get my 20 Gems back from the trap!

01-03-17, 08:37 PM
So... I thought I was buying the yeti. I spent the 10 gems and was automatically credited 20 back - with no fanfare or notification, but I knew what I started with, and had a net gain of 10. BUT NO YETI! Not on my board or in my inventory. Hmmm... wasn't I supposed to get a yeti?

*I am glad that the 20 kind of came back, though...

01-03-17, 08:57 PM
Is the event over yet? I want to collect from the stable but don't want a 50 energy Yeti to appear especially when so many players rarely saw a Yeti.

01-03-17, 10:20 PM
So... I thought I was buying the yeti. I spent the 10 gems and was automatically credited 20 back - with no fanfare or notification, but I knew what I started with, and had a net gain of 10. BUT NO YETI! Not on my board or in my inventory. Hmmm... wasn't I supposed to get a yeti?

*I am glad that the 20 kind of came back, though...
Is the option to craft the yeti still in the workshop??

01-03-17, 10:32 PM
Yeah I never reached the 70. needed 20 more.event expired. Asked if I wanted to pay the 10 gems I did. but got no Yeti disappointed. was that to just get the 20 gems back?this sounds confusing. How are you getting your 20 gems back when you are paying some more gems? It sounds like you are having to pay money to get money. Very confusing.

I had completed the goal and I never spent gems so I don't really know what's up. I'll follow other posts to figure this out.

01-04-17, 03:29 AM
I wasn't the biggest fan of this quest but I finished it easily, without spending gems, in just over a week. It's impossible to design quests that make everyone happy and excited about doing them, it is however very possible to design quests without the random luck factor and I think S8 is way overdue in taking note of how unfair it is to the players of this game. If random luck was what we wanted in a game, we'd be playing bingo, not Castle Story.

01-04-17, 03:59 AM
Please do not post unkind comments towards those players who finished the event - the forum should be a place to express success at finishing this long event as well as those who post they haven't finished. I have removed inappropriate comments from recent posts.

Thank you.

01-04-17, 05:36 AM
Sync bug
when the quests finished, I was given the option to click finish and spent 25 gems to get Cindy. When I clicked marry, I didn't get her and the goal was missing from the book. It did the same thing when I spent 10 gems on the yeti quest.

01-04-17, 06:13 AM
Is the option to craft the yeti still in the workshop??

No. Checked before spending the gems. That is why I thought I was getting a yeti.

01-04-17, 08:56 AM
😡😡Well am here to rant about the inconsistency of this quest! I played non stop since the quest began and spent the 20Gems for the trap(again false info given when buying that! I've already provided that proof!) I had 2weeks with 1yeti spawning where in the game would you say that's fair or luck? I'm now left with 58fur NO YETI and each yeti that spawned dropped 1FUR!! That was 2,900 ENERGY I used!! I visit kingdoms who have 2completed Yeti's were they just more luckier than me? Luck should not come into it!! It should be the same balance for everyone!! I will not be doing any other quests unless they are story based, it's high time the story was brought back into this game!! I am left very frustrated at this quest and how unbalanced the game has become! It seems to be the same ppl who are completing mmmmmm something's not right!! No doubt nxt up will be a monster hunt cause its not like we haven't just used up a whole load of extra energy we had lying about!! After all it seems I had nearly 3000 ENERGY just sitting about to be wasted!!!😡😡😡

01-04-17, 12:42 PM
I think we all sympathise with any one who did not complete the quest.

It was a long quest and not to finish it must feel like it's been a complete waste of time... And the loss of 20 gems just rubs salt in the wounds.

The problem was the randomness of the yeti appearing and then the randomness of the yetis drops. This has caused extreme unfairness and should not have been part of a quest like this -

It does not pay to alienate 'customers' so .... I don't think anyone would complain if the yeti, Stanley and Cindy were made available to anyone who did not complete... Perhaps for sale for a nominal price.... Not gems :-(

Hey S8 ... Show some Christmas spirit ;-) ... Everyone tried their best ... Its just Some were luckier than others

Scotslassuk- have sent you a pm.

01-04-17, 03:39 PM
Please do not post unkind comments towards those players who finished the event - the forum should be a place to express success at finishing this long event as well as those who post they haven't finished. I have removed inappropriate comments from recent posts.

Thank you.
I do not post in thread any communication I have with individual players. It's all done by private message and includes the community managers. If you have any questions or comments to make that are directed to me, you must do that by PM and not in thread. You will find that ALL posts (including the original post) regarding this issue have been removed. If you disagree with anything I do, you can file a forum dispute and discuss it with a Community Manager.

01-06-17, 10:00 AM
Sync bug
when the quests finished, I was given the option to click finish and spent 25 gems to get Cindy. When I clicked marry, I didn't get her and the goal was missing from the book. It did the same thing when I spent 10 gems on the yeti quest.

Hmm, I did not get the option to get Cindy at the end of the event (in my second kingdom). But I did manage to get two steeds, so I'm quite happy.

01-10-17, 09:13 AM
This happened to me, too. I got Cindy, but the second option for 10 gems? I couldn't even tell you what it was!! My daughter hit the button to accept it and the picture of what was for sale never loaded!!