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View Full Version : Achievements Impossible to Unlock?

05-16-11, 11:30 AM
Why is it that some Game Center achievements are impossible to unlock? There are achievements for gaining level 1 mastery in items that can only be given as gifts, or only exist in your personal closet. As far as I know, there is now way to gain any mastery in these items. (I am level 28, and am rank 1 of all clothing except the princess collection.) The list is as follows:

White T-Shirts
Orange Chiffon Tops
Cotton Floral Tops
Sheer Dot Tunics
Pink Bow Corsets
Skinny Jeans
Contrast Pumps
Studded Ankle Boots
Licorice Heels
Mew Mew Satchels
Cherry Shades
Red Scarves

All these Game Center achievements so 0% completed. Is there any way to unlock them? Or will this just have to be addressed in a future update?

06-06-11, 09:32 AM
I really hope someone answers this. I would really like to know too!

06-06-11, 10:51 AM
could they be collection items that have yet to have been released?

06-10-11, 05:14 PM
We can't get achievement because we don't order them. You have to order them in order to begin achievement. It would be nice to have them for ordering but they aren't.

06-10-11, 05:18 PM
We can't get achievement because we don't order them. You have to order them in order to begin achievement. It would be nice to have them for ordering but they aren't.

But might they be coming soon?

06-13-11, 05:18 AM
Anyone from Teamlava please respond, ive been wanting to complete the achievements every since it got out.

06-13-11, 05:19 AM
We can't get achievement because we don't order them. You have to order them in order to begin achievement. It would be nice to have them for ordering but they aren't.

How do we order them then?

06-13-11, 10:38 AM
How do we order them then?

You don't, they aren't for ordering at this time. Perhaps in a future update TL will let us have more clothing lines that have those items in them.

09-23-12, 12:29 PM
I think the items were available when I first downloaded the game a year or two ago. I seem to remember the pink corset being part of a Halloween costume. I had actually taken the app off my phone until recently because I didn't have time to play. When I re-downloaded it I noticed that many items were different. I hope team lava either updates game center or re-adds the items that are missing (I have aquired all other achievements) it's very frustrating to be stuck under 100%.

01-15-13, 11:23 PM
I wonder about that to. Is it for android/google play? Sorry:( idk! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

01-17-13, 07:00 PM
I'm not sure either. I think I the goals are really old, and haven't been updated in a long time. Maybe the items got removed from the catalogues (like the holiday removal)? The goals should be update though, to clear all confusion.

01-17-13, 07:01 PM
Sorry, I meant updated* in the last sentence.