Are all these issues going to be fixed Storm8? Especially the gifting issue. I am unable to gift my neighbours. I don't visit bakeries as it is a waste of time, my neighbours are the same about not visiting, so not being able to mass gift each day is a real issue for me. I can not gift my neighbours! Even if I decided to visit each neighbour individually to gift them that way I can't because of the lagging that is now in the game. It takes 2 minutes to visit a neighbour because I have to wait for the bakery to if I only visited 20 neighbours that's 40 minutes just to gift....I don't think so. Getting real tired of this.

Also why have all the info boxes, i.e. my wall, newsfeed, any box that pops up really....become so big? They are huge now. It looks like something a five year old would play. Please fix these issues and others that have been posted in previous posts as soon as possible, it's making game play difficult, frustrating and boring. Thank you.