Quote Originally Posted by LuckyTania View Post
Hi. I'm planning to build a few rose ovens now that they are available again. Am I okay to build them and request parts even after the end of the mini goal or do I have to complete them before the end of the goal?
Once you've purchased an appliance, you will own it forever so you can take as long as you like to build it.

I'm not sure how new you are to the game so I'll include a few things to consider before purchasing a bunch of them. Feel free to ignore them if they're things you already know, lol.

One thing to keep in mind is that until it's fully built, the appliance(s) will have to remain on your board. You can't store an appliance until it's fully built so even without being usable, it will count toward the appliances you can have out at once. (For example, if you have 15 appliance slots open and purchase 5 Rose Ovens, the incomplete appliances will take five slots leaving only 10 open for fully built appliances to use for actual cooking.)

The other thing to keep in mind is that you'll need to unlock all 3 new recipes before the current goal ends (12 Feb) or they will remain locked indefinitely. In that same vein, if you've missed the previous releases of the Rose Oven some recipes will remain locked to you. With the newest goal the Rose Oven now has 12 recipes, half of which are goal-locked and half of which should be open to anyone.

If you've not used it before, there's a link to the Recipe Guide in my signature below that you may find helpful. It tracks every recipe and appliance in the game and which items are goal locked. That way players can know how many recipes they can access before purchasing an appliance. Hope this helps get you started