Quote Originally Posted by AnnirasSweets View Post
The perfect number of neighbors is going to vary from player to player; each player will have their own ideal number. Some prefer to keep it between 20-30 while other like to have as many as possible. I think the actual number doesn't matter as much as the type of neighbors you have.

Ideally, you'll want neighbors who have a similar playing style as you. So, if you gift from reading walls then you'll do best with neighbors who do the same whereas others will want neighbors who don't do goals but gift food daily. If you have neighbors that match your playing style it makes a big difference in the speed your gifts come in and it helps to ensure you get the gifts you prefer daily.

If you have neighbors that don't help your daily playing, there's no shame or harm in removing them from your list. I keep a note on my wall that clearly states what kind of player I am and that I only accept neighbors who are okay with that and share a similar outlook on the game. If a player adds me and then seems to have a very different expectations to my own, I'll delete them and leave a note on their wall explaining why. Usually it's something along the lines of, "It seems our playing styles are very different so I've removed myself from your list so you can find a better fit for your group." There are so many players in this game that it's all but assured each player can have their ideal neighbor group!

And if you ever find yourself in need of new neighbors, the BS Add Me thread is a great place to find new ones. You can leave your s8 information and requirements for others to find or you can go through the list to invite some to join you. Most players leave a little note detailing what they look for in a neighbor which helps players to curate their lists as they see fit.

As for the gifting.... For the most part, declined gifts do NOT count toward a player's daily gift total however, some players do have an issue where declining does count toward their totals. Those that suffer from this issue tend to be players who are very strict on what gifts you send and they usually gift/request from walls instead of mass gifting. If you're not sure if this is something that applies to your bakery you can spend a few days checking your parts after accepting/declining gifts. You should be able to see pretty easily if you're able to get your full 20 gifts even with declining some.

Sorry if this was a bit long, I tried to keep it short but I have a habit of over explaining things sometimes, lol. If there's anything you're still unclear on, please don't hesitate to post any follow up questions
Thanks you for your help. I think I might need a very long list of neighbor i need to informed...😅😅