I was actually going to ask for more strawberry content prior to this update, so I'm actually really happy we got some I like that the tile worked well with the previous minty update, and I loved the new couch

I am a little disappointed by how gem-heavy the rest of the update was, though, and I agree with a lot of other commentators that a new recipe would have been much appreciated Strawberry Shortcake would have been the obvious addition, but Strawberry Tarts would have been great, too. It's sad that both this update and the last one could have had a recipe associated with them (and that too, on basic appliances), but didn't.

I'm also a little concerned that this update didn't bring May goals... the 25th seems really late into a month to release goals. I'm wondering if June's will be released earlier and will overlap with May's, or if May's will be skipped completely