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Thread: Spellbound dew

  1. #1

    Spellbound dew

    Hey everyone.
    I?m level 26 The hidden forest quest just open for me, quest says spellbound dew comes from white trillium. I?ve not been able to get any harvesting for 2 days. Do I need to level up? Or any suggestion to help would be fantastic. Thank you!,

  2. #2
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Planet Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonshadow1969 View Post
    Hey everyone.
    I?m level 26 The hidden forest quest just open for me, quest says spellbound dew comes from white trillium. I?ve not been able to get any harvesting for 2 days. Do I need to level up? Or any suggestion to help would be fantastic. Thank you!,
    I had a quick look through the HUB Inventory for Spellbound Dew. From a cursory glance, it seems it does have a chance to drop from all flowers but it's a rare drop in general and super rare from flowers. There's a TON of other items that also drop it but you'll want to have a look yourself to see which items you own or are available to you.

    Ivy's Hut is a decent source as it can drop anywhere up to 4 at a time and the Spellbound Bloom (should be in the market) is a guaranteed dropper but costs gems.

    There's a thread on the release of Spellbound Dew HERE which you might find helpful for more places that drop it or tips to find it. Also, the thread for the Hidden Forest HERE and may hold other good tips for you going forward if you've not had a look yet.

    Hope that's enough info to get you started - good luck!

  3. #3
    Thank you so much for the information! So helpful and very appreciated!,

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