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Thread: Castle Story 1/7: Out of this World | event information on page 1

  1. #411
    Executive Chef
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    The Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by stormaurora42 View Post
    ....... I hope you find loads of happiness from what we are able to accomplish in-game and that at least sharing comraderie means it doesn't affect your mood too much. 😥❤️
    (I know this is the Game forum so we're sharing Game angst, but I am guilty of letting it affect me too 😂❤️ )..........
    My mood if affected, but not only by this event. Lockdown has been extended here in The Netherlands..
    But you're keeping the spirit's up at least! (even your reasons for editing are fun to read )

  2. #412
    Executive Chef
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    I feel like I am continually moaning about this event, which is highly unusual for me as I normally go with the flow. However I though that Portal Pillars were supposed to spawn from the Oxa's when we got to the step that requires the Larvae drops. I have now collected from all 3 twice and no portal pillar spawns.

  3. #413
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    Quote Originally Posted by belbar22 View Post
    I feel like I am continually moaning about this event, which is highly unusual for me as I normally go with the flow. However I though that Portal Pillars were supposed to spawn from the Oxa's when we got to the step that requires the Larvae drops. I have now collected from all 3 twice and no portal pillar spawns.
    It's .....random.
    That's why I'm setting timer in 1 hour increments to collect from Portal.
    In a way I'm glad I don't have to think about this crazy stuff for an hour. Everything else is done.

  4. #414
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by riverly View Post
    It's .....random.
    That's why I'm setting timer in 1 hour increments to collect from Portal.
    In a way I'm glad I don't have to think about this crazy stuff for an hour. Everything else is done.
    I used gems to speed up hallowing? Water. Nothing😥

  5. #415
    So I just got to goal 9 last night, and today I still need 6 more hydronous waters to make the first oxa saddle. Am I reading everyone posts correctly in that I will not be able to finish this event?? I usually finish every single event with many days to spare and I never spend money or gems, ever. I have been playing every single day, basically checking in constantly but the lack of drops and long timers have really screwed me. It seems very unfair if that is the case.
    There are seemed to be a lot more purchases for this event that others. And they are pricier too. I?m not happy that I?ve had to invest so much into this event and now, according to others posts, I most likely won?t even be able to finish and get the rewards.

  6. #416
    Quote Originally Posted by stormaurora42 View Post
    Thanks ladlasse! I did remind myself it's just the story and of course written in advance. When i'm relieved at reaching the next goal and looking forward to the next "reward" of story progression it does feel a little hardy har har. ❤️

    It just looks to me like it was *meant* to stretch 'til the last day, maaaybe one day wiggle room, since we haven't had word on the 4 hour timer (really, was it supposed to be 4 hour crafting time which would be annoying but slow us down "reasonably", or did they actually intend to change it to a 4 hour collection timer which literally DOUBLES that last stretch?)

    An early post said they'll continue to consider any feedback from this Event for the future, so I had really started to wonder a few days back if they're waiting to see if everyone shifts tone after finishing and goes "Oh that wasn't that bad  " "guys relax it took a lot of time but was doable if you -" and "this type of event isn't for anyone, just accept-" instead of "Omgg I made it  Never again please" echoing still. Sorry to unload this little "we haven't heard therefore" conspiracy because barring life circumstance someone should be checking in since we all know just overcoming the first bugs/hurdles players alert to isn't enough.
    Unless... it's as intended, they're busy elsewhere so left this for now and they're awaiting feedback for the next iteration?

    I hope you find loads of happiness from what we are able to accomplish in-game and that at least sharing comraderie means it doesn't affect your mood too much. ❤️
    (I know this is the Game forum so we're sharing Game angst, but I am guilty of letting it affect me too ❤️ )

    Thank you! ❤️

    This is a good way to look at it, in my opinion, and definitely makes it feel like yep this event designed to pose a challenge (even for those with energy stockpile because it ALSO requires frequent check-ins, even for those who purchase Value Packs because they only get you to the next hurdle, for pretty much everyone except those with loads of time/patience and those willing to expensively gem and spend ahead) was left like this on purpose. Doable, but not for everyone, and only just. 

    I usually try to make it quite clear why i've invested real $ in a Value Pack or Gems or whatever else, hopefully that feedback when shared is considered by the marketing team.

    Allow me to expand on your point. ❤️

    Without the lure of 10 Expansion Permits, I would not have purchased any Value Packs at all. 
    As is, I went full ham. ❤️

    I actually did consider how it would look if this event was a "big money maker" but I hope they realize and see that was BECAUSE of, as you mentioned, the Awesome deal in the Value Pack!
    (Anyone on the fence who may not have considered it because the Event item spread wasn't that great was likely swayed by that as well- at least one player posted in forum that the 10!! Expansion Permits were the deciding factor.)
    I'm not trying to speak for everyone of course, just sharing again what i've seen of the conversation to reiterate the points we've made.
    The fact that the deal is infrequent also makes it enticing, and overruled my "vote with your $" itch because I was voting and sharing simply that great value. I would have purchased it without the event items too as the fact that multiple purchases just boosted me barely to the next hurdle was a little ridiculous. Unfortunate that it's tied to such a Triple Threat event!

    If they want to see the real why and have it numerically proven for their financial consideration, simply offer that same deal (Lower-price package holds 10 Expansion Permits) in a different kind of Event in a few months or at the same time next year and then DON'T !! offer it next time we see a Triple Threat event type (but keep the Event items the same). 
    Tying a package only to a specific event type really skews their data.

    Everyone's getting my early morning rambles so i'll back away from my phone keyboard slowly now.

    Have a wonderful day, all. ❤️
    I would have purchased several of these value packs for the expansion permits alone. However, I normally do purchase for the unlimited energy, because in most cases there is A Lot of CHOPPING to do! I simply don’t have the energy droppers that a lot of the other long time players have and am fortunate enough to be able to spend a certain amount per event.

  7. #417
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by riverly View Post
    It's .....random.
    That's why I'm setting timer in 1 hour increments to collect from Portal.
    In a way I'm glad I don't have to think about this crazy stuff for an hour. Everything else is done.
    Is it really? I just collected from all three Oxas and had the Portalpillar Gigantus spawn each time. Did I just get extremely lucky? Guess I'll find out in my next rounds of collections...

  8. #418
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    Quote Originally Posted by RonjaR82 View Post
    My mood if affected, but not only by this event. Lockdown has been extended here in The Netherlands..
    But you're keeping the spirit's up at least! (even your reasons for editing are fun to read )
    Ahh oh dear, things are quite stormy worldwide at the moment, aren't they...
    It was snowing here but began to melt (for some strange reason, late snow and it's not Spring yet!) so i'm trying to appreciate the colors of the game amidst winter's unique beautiful chill.
    Best of luck!! 😥❤️❤️

    Aww 😂 Thank you, I worry at times about just piling on in

    Quote Originally Posted by lilkingdome View Post
    I would have purchased several of these value packs for the expansion permits alone. However, I normally do purchase for the unlimited energy, because in most cases there is A Lot of CHOPPING to do! I simply don?t have the energy droppers that a lot of the other long time players have and am fortunate enough to be able to spend a certain amount per event.
    Yes~ Oof, i'm so glad you're able to! ❤️
    I did invest the equivalent of a few event's packs worth into Alicorns and other Energy droppers from various sales, and it certainly removed some stress about needing to rely solely on free energy refills (that just doesn't work if you don't have 12+ hrs a day, like... I do 😅 )They certainly do pay off over time! ❤️

    It's so cool to see how everyone's preferences to pay for advance resources (like droppers) vs. finishing each event one by one and spending just a little bit each event is different (especially if saving up isn't possible).. so many situations, just sharing thoughts and possible strategies as usual. 😊

    Quote Originally Posted by margatini View Post
    So I just got to goal 9 last night, and today I still need 6 more hydronous waters to make the first oxa saddle. Am I reading everyone posts correctly in that I will not be able to finish this event?? I usually finish every single event with many days to spare and I never spend money or gems, ever. I have been playing every single day, basically checking in constantly but the lack of drops and long timers have really screwed me. It seems very unfair if that is the case.
    There are seemed to be a lot more purchases for this event that others. And they are pricier too. I?m not happy that I?ve had to invest so much into this event and now, according to others posts, I most likely won?t even be able to finish and get the rewards.
    If you've been checking in constantly, you might be in luck! Be sure to read the estimation posts again (if you have time or at least one of the more complete ones) this time keeping an eye out for numbers that best relate to your situation. Most of the heartache is coming from people who simply can't manage 6 collections from items with 4-hour timers per day on top of managing to balance the various other timers as little as 1 hour (for Gigantus spawn from the portal too, to collect larvae after Goal 11 since Oxa aren't always spawning them) or who find the requirements ridiculous and don't think the event should be THIS borderline-impossible for any players who aren't glued to their screen at regular intervals "challenging". The next big hump after Goal 9 will be getting all 3 Oxa crafted, because the Portal Larvae don't start dropping until Goal 11. Thankfully you'll be able to start collecting Portal Ore from your Oxa as soon as your first Oxa is crafted, but collecting everything else to craft 6 Portal Keys will be a long stretch ... it's possible if you can pull off a crazy level of activity with long hours or (yep unfortunately) willing to spend a bit (more; ugh), impossible if you don't have time to check in or are past the "literally possible" (let's call that the actual Hour Time required for the last steps given crafting and collecting times) stage...

    Ediiit: apologies, I accidentally submitted before I was finishing typing. 😂

    I'd carefully consider what's possible for you and what suits your lifestyle, decide what you're willing to give compromise or effort wise, and make the decision to either play through and get to wherever you can or strive/push for the full completion if it's doable for you. Some players hold a line refusing to sacrifice sleep, which is a smart thing for their health, others have strict rules for work can't check in as demanded or needed etc. so not everyone is able to pull it off even if they're willing or want to given how close to the wire the Event is designed to be. I don't know if we'll be getting any further adjustments in this event from S8, but either way I wouldn't give up quite yet. 🥰 At least, until you've thought it through! Hope the math and life's willingness to cooperate and allow you to do it, paired with the event itself, works out if you decide you want to try!

    I wouldn't miss any collections while pondering though, just in case. It is very close! ❤️
    Last edited by stormaurora42; 01-13-21 at 01:56 PM.

  9. #419
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by queens_ransom View Post
    Is it really? I just collected from all three Oxas and had the Portalpillar Gigantus spawn each time. Did I just get extremely lucky? Guess I'll find out in my next rounds of collections...
    Extremely lucky. I've had 2 out of 2, 0 out of 3 twice and this time a fangbeast spawned.

  10. #420
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by HuckleTown View Post
    Extremely lucky. I've had 2 out of 2, 0 out of 3 twice and this time a fangbeast spawned.
    Oh wow! Well, I guess my luck will turn now... Hopefully your drop rate increases soon!

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