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Thread: Castle Story 1/23: The Slumbering Princess | event information on page 1

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!

    Castle Story 1/23: The Slumbering Princess | event information on page 1

    ! Click on any of the following links for more information
    Quote Originally Posted by PikaSquirrel View Post
    Please make sure your game is updated to 2.3+!
    Useful Links | Main Story Goal Guide | Building Guide | Inventory Guide | Story Outline Guide | The HUB! sub-forum | The Town Square & Crown Guide | The Elven Outpost | The Baron's Game Tent Guide | Monster Hunt Guide | Adventure Guide | Information Nugget #5 - Beasts | Update Guide | New Player Guide | Add Me Forum | Bugs & Issues Forum | Time Zone Converter (compare where you are with United States-California-San Francisco) | Forum Rules

    Please stay on topic. All non-related event posts will be removed.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-23-20 at 12:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Event Information

    Prize information:

    * Upgrade the Princess Bed - drops coins as shown on the upgrade screen plus post event items shown below.

    * The prize for completing the Individual community goals is Princess Celeste (resource item on your board) who drops Spellbound Dew

    * Open Faerie Chests and use the Faerie Atrium to put together the Baron's rollicking band! Grimaud has a chance to drop Golden Nuggets, Golden Apples and Golden Eggs (and likely other items)

    * Prince Delsin has a chance to drop Coins, Longswords, or Light Armor!
    * Princess Celeste drops Spellbound Dew!
    * Grimaud - has a chance to drop Golden Eggs, Golden Nuggets, or Golden Eggs!
    * Circadian - has a chance to drop Coins and a rare chance of a Simple Feast!
    * Trumpeter drops Coins!
    * Drummer drops Coins!

    * Help! I can't see the upgrade button? If you do not see the upgrade button, click somewhere else on the board and then click back on the item. The buttons should return. Force close if still not showing. The goal to upgrade may not appear till we are a few goals in. Follow the goals below to see when the upgrade button is supposed to appear.

    * Help! The event drops aren't going into my inventory! There is a counter on the top right of screen and all drops go there. They do not go into inventory.

    * To get the first individual prize, you need to collect 20 drops.
    * When you reach the first individual prize the next one opens up for you and will show you how many event drops you will need for the next individual prize.
    * Once you reach a certain amount of event drops, you are eligible for any and all of the prizes that are earned by the community (shown on the second row).
    * The total number of event drops is updated on the counter as soon as they drop, not when they are collected.
    * Be mindful that upgrading resets the timer back to 2 hours (or whatever is applicable for the event).

    Community Event: Princess and the Pleaseblossom:
    Milestone numbers to be confirmed....
    Individual Prizes:
    1. 20 | 1x faerie chest
    2. 100 |50 crowns
    3. 350 | 1x faerie chest
    4. 650 | 100 crowns
    5. 1000 | Princess Celeste - drop spellbound dew (more details in inventory post below)

    Community Prizes: unlocks at 500 Pleaseblossom
    1. 1x 10 energy crate
    2. 1x 25 energy crate
    3. 1x 50 energy crate

    Summary of what to do:

    1. Community event - collect Pleaseblossoms by visiting the Princess Bed. The community event awards crowns along the way and the 5th individual prize is Princess Celeste

    2. Upgrade the Princess Bed to Level 6. You find the materials from the Plush Plant (coin purchase), Plush Tree (gem purchase), chickens, hatchery, all trees, red mushies, farmhouses (spawns event monster) and spawning skunkupines.

    3. Daily goals to collect from 10 animals, defeat 4 monsters, chop 4 rocks (personally I use the tree in a log) which reward Faerie Chests that drop bottled Faeries.

    4. Faerie Atrium - use the bottled Faeries rewarded from the daily goals in the Faerie Atrium to trade for prizes.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 02-06-20 at 06:55 PM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Goal Information

    Goal 1:
    * Place the Princess Bed
    * Gather plush pollen 0/1 | clear plush plants
    * Gather pleaseblossoms 0/1 | visit the Princess Bed
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +2 academy scrolls
    (yes, it's definitely 2 scrolls for this goal and the next goal is 3 scrolls)

    Goal 2:
    * Gather faerie pillow 0/2 | tend red mushroom circles
    * Gather golden feathers 0/2 | tend chickens
    * Gather plush pollen 0/5
    * Prepare Mattresses 0/1 | Workshop, 30 minutes - 2 faerie pillow, 2 golden feathers, 5 plush pollen
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +3 academy scrolls

    Goal 3:
    * Gather soft bark 0/5 | clear trees - any will work
    * Gather height potions 0/1 | visit Ivy's Hut
    * Gather plush pollen 0/5
    * Prepare Support Beams 0/1 | Workshop, 2 hours - 5 soft bark, 1 height potion, 5 plush pollen
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +5 academy scrolls

    Goal 4:
    * Gather skunk thread 0/2 | defeat skunkupines - found by chopping the plush trees
    * Gather soft fabric 0/1 | collect from Hatchery
    * Gather plush pollen 0/10
    * Prepare a Blanket 0/1 | Workshop, 1 hour - 2 skunk thread, 1 soft fabric, 10 plush pollen
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +1 Grimaud trap

    Goal 5:
    lower levels is 1 of each craft
    * Prepare a Mattress 0/2
    * Prepare Support Beams 0/2
    * Prepare Blankets 0/2
    * Gather Cymbals 0/4 | Grimaud spawns from Farmhouses
    * Upgrade the Princess Bed to Level 2
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +5 academy scrolls

    Triggered with Goal 5: (the Castle Adventure goal)
    * Clear a Plush Plant or a Plush Tree 0/1
    * Defeat Grimaud 0/1
    * Gather Troll Pillows 0/1
    * Journey on a Dreamland Adventure 0/1 | Castle Adventure, 4 hours - 1 Cymbal, 5 Troll Pillow, 1 Golden Egg
    * Find Circadian | random reward from the adventure. Not many players will receive this though...
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp

    Goal 6:
    lower levels is 1 of each craft
    * Prepare a Mattress 0/3
    * Prepare Support Beams 0/3
    * Prepare Blankets 0/3
    * Gather Cymbals 0/4
    * Upgrade the Princess Bed to Level 3
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +5 academy scrolls

    Goal 7:
    lower levels is 2 of each craft
    * Prepare a Mattress 0/4
    * Prepare Support Beams 0/4
    * Prepare Blankets 0/4
    * Gather Cymbals 0/4
    * Upgrade the Princess Bed to Level 4
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +5 academy scrolls

    Goal 8:
    lower levels is 4 of each craft
    * Prepare a Mattress 0/5
    * Prepare Support Beams 0/5
    * Prepare Blankets 0/5
    * Gather Cymbals 0/4
    * Upgrade the Princess Bed to Level 5
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +5 academy scrolls

    Goal 9:
    lower levels is 6 of each craft
    * Prepare a Mattress 0/8
    * Prepare Support Beams 0/8
    * Prepare Blankets 0/8
    * Visit community kingdoms 0/5
    * Upgrade the Princess Bed to Level 6
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +1 Mystery Box which contains: +20 academy scrolls, +100 crowns, + Prince Delsin (resource item)

    Prologue Goal if you reach the 5th Individual Prize and win Princess Celeste:
    * Welcome Princess Celeste 0/1 | if she doesn't appear automatically to place on your board, force close your game and check your inventory. Usually fixes things!
    Rewards: n/a

    Daily Goals: A Faerie Dire Situation
    Goal 1:
    * Tend to animals 0/10
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +1 Faerie Chest

    Goal 2:
    * Clear rocks 0/4 | any rock, plant in a log, old log also work
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +1 Faerie Chest

    Goal 3:
    * Defeat monsters 0/4 | auto spawn from Lair of Beasts, Sparing Pit & Prison, plus found in the event trees and of course dire boars from the mushies
    Rewards: 100 coin, 10 xp, +1 Faerie Chest

    Atrium Antics
    Goal 1:
    * Place the Faerie Atrium 0/1
    * Open a Faerie Chest 0/1 | You don't need buy one! Use of the of the free ones from the daily goal.
    Rewards: NA

    Goal 2:
    * Trade for Pleaseblossom
    * Trade for Drummer 0/1
    * Trade for Trumpeter 0/1
    * Trade for Grimaud 0/1
    (also a trade for 1000 coins)
    Rewards: +10 green faeries
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 01-24-20 at 04:01 AM.

  4. #4
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    The Glimmerwood!
    Inventory Information - added to the Guides

    Princess Bed (Level 15+) (2x2) limit 1 Cannot be sold
    This item was only available during the event it was released.
    Collection time: 2 hours during event, 12 hours post event
    Speed up: 8 gems during event, 48 post event
    Drops: Pleaseblossoms | post event drops: coins, earth wisp, expansion permit, spellbound dew, wisp lanterns, trade tickets
    Cost: 12000 coins
    Level 1: no build required | +200 coins | Drops: 1 Pleaseblossom
    Level 2: 2 each of Mattresses, Support Beams, Blanket, 4 cymbal | +250 coins | Drops: 2
    Level 3: 3 each of Mattresses, Support Beams, Blanket, 4 cymbal | +300 coins | Drops: 3
    Level 4: 4 each of Mattresses, Support Beams, Blanket, 4 cymbal | +350 coins | Drops: 8
    Level 5: 5 each of Mattresses, Support Beams, Blanket, 4 cymbal | +400 coins | Drops: 15
    Level 6: 8 each of Mattresses, Support Beams, Blanket | + 1400 coins | Drops: 25

    Lower level requirements:
    Level 1: no build required
    Level 2: 1 each of Mattresses, Support Beams, Blanket, 4 cymbal
    Level 3: 1 each of Mattresses, Support Beams, Blanket, 4 cymbal
    Level 4: 2 each of Mattresses, Support Beams, Blanket, 4 cymbal
    Level 5: 4 each of Mattresses, Support Beams, Blanket, 4 cymbal
    Level 6: 6 each of Mattresses, Support Beams, Blanket

    Quote Originally Posted by SgtBeebo View Post
    Celeste should be dropping Spellbound Dew as soon as she's won, but it won't be a guaranteed drop unless you've reached Lv. 5 buildings, as you shouldn't need Spellbound Dew until you're upgrading your buildings to Lv. 6. It won't be a guaranteed drop until then, but once you need Spellbound Dew for Lv. 6 buildings it will be guaranteed to drop between 2-4 Spellbound Dew each collection.

    Info: A sleepy beastie slumbering away in Dreamland. Has a chance to drop Simple Feast as it snores.
    Found: adventure drop during The Slumbering Princess event
    Drops: coins - 1075, 2075, 3075, 4075 or 11075, simple feast
    Collection time: 12 hours (speed up 48 gems)

    Info: A handsome prince who's eternally dedicated to his princess! Visit him for a chance at Longswords!
    Found: reward for completing The Slumbering Princess event
    Drops: ~600 coins, longswords (not every time)
    Collection time: 3 hours

    Info: A golem that loves percussion. Come hear its tune to get Coins.
    Crafted: Faerie Atrium during The Slumbering Princess event
    Drops: 200 coins
    Collection time: 2 hours

    Info: A loud troll making a ringing sound with his cymbals. Come hear its tune for a chance to get coins, Golden Nuggets, Golden Eggs, or Golden Apples.
    Crafted: Faerie Atrium during The Slumbering Princess event
    Drops: 1224/2124/~10000 coins, golden apples, golden eggs, golden nuggets
    Collection time: 5 hours

    Grimaud trap
    Info: Chop to lure Grimaud!
    Found: market, 20 gems during The Slumbering Princess event
    Drops: chop to lure event monster

    Plush plant
    Info: A downy plant with gentle fabric leaves.
    Found: market, 1000 coins during The Slumbering Princess event
    Drops: chop for event items. Decoration post event

    Plush tree
    Info: A soft, fluffy tree with plush branches.
    Found: market, 40 gems during The Slumbering Princess event
    Drops: chop for event items. Decoration post event.

    Princess Celeste
    Info: A beautifully slumbering Princess. Visit her to find Spellbound Dew! Guaranteed drop of spellbound dew once reaching level 5 buildings.
    Found: 5th individual prize in during The Slumbering Princess event
    Drops: ~500 coins, 2-4 spellbound dew (guaranteed)
    Collection time: 2 hours

    Info: A tone-deaf gnome that has lungs of steel! Come hear its tune to get Coins!
    Crafted: Faerie Atrium during The Slumbering Princess event
    Drops: 200 coins
    Collection time: 2 hours

    Princess Bed
    Drops: coins, earth wisp, expansion permit, spellbound dew, trade tickets, wisp lanterns
    Information about this item can be found in the Building Guide.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 02-14-20 at 09:08 PM.

  5. #5
    Nightclub Owner
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    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    Princess Bed Mattress Support Beams Blanket Cymbal | Plush Pollen Faerie Pillow Golden Feather Soft Bark Height Potion Skunk Thread Soft Fabric | Energy Day Upgrade Day
    Princess Bed L1 | | 0,00 1
    Princess Bed L2 2 2 2 4 | 40 4 4 10 2 2 4 | 290 1,16 3
    Princess Bed L3 3 3 3 4 | 60 6 6 15 3 3 6 | 415 1,66 4
    Princess Bed L4 4 4 4 4 | 80 8 8 20 4 4 8 | 540 2,16 6
    Princess Bed L5 5 5 5 4 | 100 10 10 25 5 5 10 | 665 2,66 9
    Princess Bed L6 8 8 8 | 160 16 16 40 8 8 16 | 1 000 4,00 13
    Total 22 22 22 16 | 440 44 44 110 22 22 44 | 2 910 11,64 13
    Collector 23 23 23 17 | 461 47 47 116 24 24 47 | 3 068 12,64 14

    Plush Pollen: 4 (Plush Tree, Plush Plant)
    Faerie Pillow: 6 (Red Mushroom Circle)
    Golden Feather: 5 (Chickens)
    Soft Bark: 2 (Trees)
    Height Potion: 1 (Ivy's Hut)
    Skunk Thread: 1 (Skunkupine[Spawn: 0; Defeat: 1])
    Soft Fabric: 4 (Hatchery [25% Drop Rate])
    Cymbal: 10 (Grimaud [Spawn: 4; Defeat: 6])
    Energy per Day: 250 (Fully used for the event)

    Ivy's Hut is the bottleneck! Soft Fabric are also slow comming!

    Faerie Chest - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Contains bottled Faeries for trade at the Faerie Atrium!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Town
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Faerie Atrium
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 40 gems // 1 Talinium Faeries
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Event Material, Poppy Faeries, Penstemon Faeries, Larkspur Faeries, Maple Faeries, Talinum Faeries, Grand Butterfly
    Events: Hot Off the Presses - August 2019, The Fast and the Fluttering - August 2019, Jack the Clipper - October 2019, Fowl Play For Dinner - November 2019, Snow Globe Shakedown - December 2019, The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Production: 30 minutes
    Prod. Speed-up: 2 gems
    Cap: 99
    Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions
    Larkspur Faeries
    Storable: No
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 3 gems
    Found: Faerie Chest
    Events: Hot Off the Presses - August 2019, The Fast and the Fluttering - August 2019, Jack the Clipper - October 2019, Fowl Play For Dinner - November 2019, Snow Globe Shakedown - December 2019, The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Cap: 99
    Maple Faeries
    Storable: No
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 4 gems
    Found: Faerie Chest
    Events: Hot Off the Presses - August 2019, The Fast and the Fluttering - August 2019, Jack the Clipper - October 2019, Fowl Play For Dinner - November 2019, Snow Globe Shakedown - December 2019, The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Cap: 99
    Penstemon Faeries
    Storable: No
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 2 gems
    Found: Faerie Chest
    Events: Hot Off the Presses - August 2019, The Fast and the Fluttering - August 2019, Jack the Clipper - October 2019, Fowl Play For Dinner - November 2019, Snow Globe Shakedown - December 2019, The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Cap: 99
    Poppy Faeries
    Storable: No
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 1 gem
    Found: Faerie Chest
    Events: Hot Off the Presses - August 2019, The Fast and the Fluttering - August 2019, Jack the Clipper - October 2019, Fowl Play For Dinner - November 2019, Snow Globe Shakedown - December 2019, The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Cap: 99
    Princess Bed L1 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Pleaseblossom
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 12000 coins
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (200), Pleaseblossom
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 1 Realm Wreath
    Princess Bed L2 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Pleaseblossom
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 2 Mattress, 2 Support Beams, 2 Blanket, 4 Cymbal
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (250), Pleaseblossom
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 2 Realm Wreath
    Princess Bed L3 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Pleaseblossom
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 3 Mattress, 3 Support Beams, 3 Blanket, 4 Cymbal
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (300), Pleaseblossom
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 3 Realm Wreath
    Princess Bed L4 - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Pleaseblossom
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 4 Mattress, 4 Support Beams, 4 Blanket, 4 Cymbal
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (350), Pleaseblossom
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 8 Realm Wreath
    Princess Bed L5
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Pleaseblossom
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 5 Mattress, 5 Support Beams, 5 Blanket, 4 Cymbal
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (400), Pleaseblossom
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Collection: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 15 Realm Wreath
    Princess Bed L6
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Drops Pleaseblossom
    Type: Building
    Class: Special
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x2
    Requirements: 8 Mattress, 8 Support Beams, 8 Blanket
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (700), Pleaseblossom; ?
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Collection: 480 minutes // 8 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 32 gems
    Cap: 1
    Comments: Drops 25 Realm Wreath. Collection time during the event was 2 hours.
    Grimaud Trap - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Chop to lure Grimaud!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Other
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 20 gems
    Drops: Grimaud
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Comments: Can be cleared in 1 actions
    Grimaud (Spawn)
    Storable: No
    Type: Spawn
    Source: Event
    Size: 5x5
    Found: Grimaud Trap, Farmhouses
    Drops: Cymbal, Pleaseblossom
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Comments: 10 HP
    Plush Tree - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A soft, fluffy tree with plush branches. Chop for HIHER CHNACE TO FIND Plush Pollen and Troll Pillows!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Plants
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 40 gems
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Plush Pollen, Troll Pillow, Wood, Skunkupine, Fangbeast, Sap
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Comments: Can be cleared in 20 actions
    Plush Plant - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A downy plant with gentle fabric leaves. Chop for a chance to find Plush Pollen and Troll Pillows!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Plants
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 1000 coins
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Plush Pollen, Troll Pillow, Wood, Skunkupine, Fangbeast, Sap
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Comments: Can be cleared in 20 actions
    Storable: No
    Info: A flower with soothing scent. Collect Pleaseblossoms to win prizes in the Community Event.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Faerie Atrium
    Requirements: 90 Poppy Faeries, 90 Penstemon Faeries, 85 Larkspur Faeries
    Found: Princess Bed, Faerie Chest
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Plush Pollen - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A fluffy pollen with a freshly laundered scent. Found by clearing Plush Plants and Plush Trees.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 10 gems
    Found: Plush Tree, Plush Plant
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Cap: 999
    Faerie Pillow - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A soft pillow for a faerie to rest its head and dream sweetly. Found by tending Red Mushroom Circles.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 10 gems
    Found: Red Mushroom Circle
    Used for: Mattress
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Cap: 999
    Golden Feather - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A lightweight feather that sparkles as if made of gold. Found by tending Chickens.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 15 gems
    Found: Chickens
    Used for: Mattress
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Cap: 999
    Soft Bark - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A plush piece of wood that's soft but still strong. Found by clearing Elm Trees.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 15 gems
    Found: Trees
    Used for: Support Beams
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Cap: 999
    Height Potion - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: Ivy's receipt for keeping tall things upright. Found by visiting Ivy's Hut.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 10 gems
    Found: Ivy's Hut
    Used for: Support Beams
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Cap: 999
    Skunk Thread - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A stinky thread that's surprisingly strong. Found by defeating Skunkupines.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 25 gems
    Found: Skunkupine
    Used for: Blanket
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Cap: 999
    Soft Fabric - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A soft fabric that's warm and cuddly. Found by visiting Hatcheries.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 30 gems
    Found: Hatchery
    Used for: Blanket
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Cap: 999
    Cymbal - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A loud cymbal used to make cacophonous noise for the Baron's band. Found by defeating Grimaud.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 40 gems
    Found: Grimaud
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Cap: 999
    Troll Pillow - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A firm pillow for a Gnome to rest its head after a long day of hard work. Found by clearing Plush Plants and Plush Trees.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 15 gems
    Found: Plush Tree, Plush Plant
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Cap: 999
    Princess Celeste
    Storable: Yes
    Info: ?
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Spellbound Dew
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Collection: ?
    Cap: 1
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A golem that loves percussion. Come hear it's tune to get Coins.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Faerie Atrium
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 85 Poppy Faeries, 85 Larkspur Faeries, 50 Maple Faeries
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (?)
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Collection: ?
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A tone-deaf gnome that has lungs of steel! Come hear it's tune to get Coins!
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Faerie Atrium
    Size: 1x1
    Requirements: 90 Penstemon Faeries, 85 Larkspur Faeries, 50 Maple Faeries
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (?)
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Collection: ?
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A loud troll making a ringing sound with his cymbals. Come hear it's tune for a chance to get coins, Golden Nuggets, Golden Eggs, or Golden Apples.
    Type: Decoration
    Class: Animals
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Faerie Atrium
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (?), Golden Nugget, Golden Egg, Golden Apple
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Production: 240 minutes // 4 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Collection: ?
    Mattress - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A soft plush spot to rest. Used to upgrade the Princess Bed. Made in the Workshop.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: Workshop
    Requirements: 90 gems // 2 Faerie Pillow, 2 Golden Feather, 5 Plush Pollen
    Used for: Princess Bed
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Production: 30 minutes
    Prod. Speed-up: 2 gems
    Cap: 999
    Comments: Used to upgrade the Princess Bed.
    Support Beams - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A strong beam with soft padding. Used to upgrade the Princess Bed. Made in the Workshop.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 120 gems // 5 Soft Bark, 1 Height Potion, 5 Plush Pollen
    Used for: Princess Bed
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Production: 120 minutes // 2 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 8 gems
    Cap: 999
    Comments: Used to upgrade the Princess Bed.
    Blanket - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A comfy blanket, ready to wrap around a sleeping princess. Used to upgrade the Princess Bed. Made in the Workshop.
    Type: Material
    Source: Event
    Requirements: 150 gems // 1 Skunk Thread, 2 Soft Fabric, 10 Plush Pollen
    Used for: Princess Bed
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Production: 60 minutes // 1 hour
    Prod. Speed-up: 4 gems
    Cap: 999
    Comments: Used to upgrade the Princess Bed.
    Dreamland Adventure
    Storable: No
    Info: Complete for a chance to find Circadian!
    Type: Adventure
    Source: Event
    Crafted in: King's Keep, Queen's Court
    Requirements: 5 Troll Pillow, 1 Cymbal, 1 Golden Egg
    Drops: Faerie Pillow, Golden Feather, Soft Bark, Height Potion, Skunk Thread, Soft Fabric
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Production: 240 minutes // 4 hours
    Prod. Speed-up: 16 gems
    Circadian - (Card)
    Storable: Yes
    Info: A sleepy beasty, slumbering away in Dreamland. Has a chance to drop Simple Feast as it snores.
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Size: 2x1
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Found: Dreamland Adventure
    Drops: Coins (4075), Simple Feast
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Collection: 720 minutes // 12 hours
    Coll. Speed-up: 48 gems
    Prince Delsin
    Storable: Yes
    Info: ?
    Type: Decoration
    Source: Event
    Size: 1x1
    Sell: item cannot be sold!
    Drops: Coins (?), Longswords, Light Armor
    Events: The Slumbering Princess - January 2020
    Collection: ?
    Cap: 1
    Last edited by ShibuyaCloth; 01-26-20 at 01:10 PM.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  6. #6
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    does anyone know yet if this is another leaderboard? im waiting to open the game haha!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Community Event and Atrium Antics

    Ivy Hut slowdown


  8. #8
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Prize just drops spellbound dew? And looks like community prize is just a walker?
    Queendom name - Codex Realm
    Lower Level Queendom - TheNameOfTheWind (ID: WiseMansFear )
    I accept all neighbor requests but do not visit often.

  9. #9
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    I have tended 10 animals and did not get a faerie chest. I didn't try the other two goals as I didn't want to waste the energy. Can anyone confirm when the faerie chest goals are working? Thanks.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by ratdogs4 View Post
    I have tended 10 animals and did not get a faerie chest. I didn't try the other two goals as I didn't want to waste the energy. Can anyone confirm when the faerie chest goals are working? Thanks.
    Same. Looks only cows count.

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