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Thread: Organizing Your Castle

  1. #1
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Organizing Your Kingdom

    How do you guys organize your buildings? Do you try to put certain buildings next to each other? Do you put out most of your buildings or do you keep several in storage? I have a little Halloween section in my Kingdom right now, and all my craft buildings together. I recently redecorated mine, and I'd love for people to post what they do or possibly post pictures. I'll attach a picture of mine (sorry about the parts that are badly edited together).

    During this last redecoration, I decided to bring out a lot more buildings than I usually have. Like, I had put up my Glimmerbat, but brought him out for my scary section. I also brought out the Troll Castle and Kaz's house, which I hadn't really had out since that quest line. And the windmills. If I have too much stuff out, it makes me feel kind of overloaded. So I'll probably put a lot of stuff in storage when the Thanksgiving quests come out.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	16431  
    Last edited by brenstal; 11-04-14 at 01:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Executive Chef
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    May 2014
    United Kingdom
    I have all my royal buildings in the centre with a wall around them, the Sawmills, Workshops and Mines in one area, after all they need the resources from the mines, Troll stuff in another, Kitchens and Potion shops are near Ivy on another side of the wall and everything else in what was left. The Spooky Section isn't quite finished but need more money for expansions first. My jousting arena which is way too small for an arena was placed in a rush to join in with everyone for the anniversary tournament and will be moved when the right space opens up. I had a clear vision of the idea of what it was going to look like, I'm certainly getting there.

  3. #3
    Executive Chef
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    May 2013
    Well, until recently when my kingdom got over run with too much stuff from the past few events, the center piece of my kingdom is a large HI to welcome visitors. On one side is my castle surrounded by watchtowers and other royalist buildings with an orchard of trees and benches out in front. Exactly opposite are the farmers and crops (that's psychological). On one side is my university section with wizard schools, libraries, thomas' house etc. Across from that is the industrial area with all working and crafting area. There's a beautiful pink enclosure for Sabina and the farthest point away from everything is Ivy. She likes her peace plus I'm afraid she might explode something. Animals move around wherever the mushrooms and misc grass is growing.

    When we get more expansions I plan on redoing the majority of the kingdom and make smaller neighborhoods with more scenes to enjoy. Right now everything is very utilitarian.

  4. #4
    Nightclub Owner
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    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    I have mine organized in quarters, like a small village. The royal garden is of course somewhat crowded now. I have also very few buildings in storage, try to have 2 of each on display. Also useful when quests come.

    Note that is the state of my forest before Valentine this year, so some changes through. But the organization is the same.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  5. #5
    Fashion Designer
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    Sep 2014
    I had fun reorganizing when the flowered shrubs were on sale. I now have sections surrounded by hedges. Imagine a diamond shape, with a village of houses and resources in the center. The is a royal section on the upper left, a section of tall royal building on the upper right side. There is a pink section on the front left side and a creepy section in the front right, where my HH now lives. I. The front left corner, next to the pink section is my farm and animals Interspersed throughout are animals, flowers, mushrooms and such. In the front corner I hide my excess resources like rocks. Check it out at DanzPlace since I am hopeless at screen shots.

    I hope this makes sense...

  6. #6
    Executive Chef
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    Mar 2013
    I'm not that into decorating, I don't have the touch for it. So I keep my Kingdom practically: animals by animals, in the middle some ponds with some tree's, plow fields in the north-east, a row of crafting buildings, 2 rows of buildings that give goodies, and somewhere as far away as possible, coin-buildings that only have use when needed during goals.

  7. #7
    Executive Chef
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    May 2014
    Like Shibuya, my little city has "quarters" as I call them, too.

    The bottom right is obviously the farm quarter. The far right is the Manufacturing quarter with all my crafting buildings. The part the juts out the bottom left is my Park with tons of trees and conservatories. Connected to that, in the center of my city, is the Faerie Quarter. The sun tile paths through the faerie quarter, unlike the other city-block like ones, meander about and are conducive to getting lost lol. Top right is my new Spooky Quarter which I am SO happy to have. Between the park and the farm is the Troll Quarter. And top left is the financial district - all my coin-generating buildings. I put the jousting arena next to the Troll Quarter since they enjoy a good joust too. And it is an essential part of all the designs I've had that paths connect all buildings and all parts of the city. And walls helping to define the limits of the quarters. I also have a gate into the troll quarter from the woods for Kaz slip home some day without having to parade through the rest of town. And I try to keep at least one of every building type out at all times. I don't collect from my market, so if a quest pops up for me to, I don't have to dig it out of storage and wait 22 hours.

    I LOVE decorating my queendom - it's one of my favorite aspects of the game. And I tend to completely redecorate the entire thing about once a month.

    Love this thread and hope to see more interesting parks and design philosophies!

    ETA: Oops - I cut off the top of my castle! Well, I'm sure you all get the idea anyway.
    Last edited by zenobia42; 11-04-14 at 11:20 AM.

  8. #8
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I love this question!

    I spend much time in my Kingdom, and I rarely go more than two days without at least a minor remodel, because I like to make my Kingdom look like I would like it to be if I lived there. I like to make it comfortable and unique. I like my visitors to enjoy my maze and petting the crabapple topiary dogs by collecting hearts from their noses where I have put Glimmerdust Troves. I like my kingdom to be a reflection of me and my personality. It took time to reach the upper levels and collect many items and buildings and decor. My Kingdom didn't look like it does now even a month ago, and five momths ago it was completely different. I like to project growth as well stability, and of course I try to add the seasonal festivities as well as the main storyline items in a way that is a reflection of me. At times I have hidden objects or buildings where as little of them can be seen because I dislike the color or form of the items, but they are necessary at the time. I have played enough to have many decorating options. I am flattered if people copy parts of my Kingdom, and many of the decorating ideas I use now are based upon things I love from my neighbor's Kingdoms. What I can't do is rearange other people's Kingdoms, although I have been asked to do do on rare occasions.

    My suggestion to anyone who wants to do more than just pile things in is to look around at other Kingdoms to get ideas you like, then personalize the ideas into something you find pleases you. The most difficult problem I encountered was the realization that everything wouldn't fit into my Kingdom. Now that I got past trying, and forced myself to store buildings, animals, and decorations I no longer need, I have much more room. On Thursdays I come here first to see if I will need stored buildings for new quests. That is why on some Thursdays my Kingdom appears terribly untidy

    I have found that the happier neighbors are with their Kingdoms, the happier they seem to see mine. It is possible to make a new Kingdom personal, and you can do much with garden plots besides plant the food of the hour. That no two Kingdoms are alike is one thing that makes this such an awesome game!

  9. #9
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I have reorganized my kingdom several times. Sometimes for fun, sometimes for utility, often for aesthetics. I tend to group things that are related (like jousting and windmills). My workshops and library and observatory are near Old Thomas' house. Ivy's house is near the potion shop, and so is the purple cow.

    I like my trees so I tend to keep a lot of them around, which can get messy at times. Then I make a bunch of wood beams and glue and chop a few down. I want it to feel like it is a wood that is being developed into a kingdom instead of a bunch of trees that are being razed for a medieval housing development.

    Once, frustrated by the inconsistency of scale on some of the buildings, I tried reorganizing everything with the larger things at the front (bottom of the screen/ south) and the smaller at back (top/ north). At the moment, I have tried to put most of the character houses back in the general vicinity of where the characters were when we met them for the first time. The exception is Thurston, whose ballista would be aiming into my kingdom in my favorite rotation for his fort. Not a good idea I thought, as jumpy as Thurston gets.

    And then sometimes I do things like this because, like most of us on this forum, I heartbloom Castle Story.
    Another day in Team Lava Land, another collection of coins, another trip to that change machine at the grocery store...

  10. #10
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2011
    There's not enough room on the map to organize your buildings to make them "pretty" unless you're willing to give up some degree of safety (gem traps) and convenience. If you're decorating you're sacrificing some amount of practicality (grouping to allow for easier collection/management of resources), speed (store unnecessary coin buildings with long collection times: cathedrals, marketplaces, etc.), safety (do not put your alicorns next to something you always click or sooner or later you'll eat a gem trap).

    Also certain combinations of buildings look good but once you see where you have to tap to collect from them you come to realize you've just built a gem trap for yourself so you're forced to reorganize things accordingly.

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