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Thread: Has anyone ever finished the "sister sister" goal?

  1. #131
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Konradsville View Post
    I now finished this Goal.... Finally! And honestly?! No reward apart from the same amount of chrystals as for a golden trade???? No continuation, no nothing?
    Really? I just did the last exchange, so will finish in 5 hours.
    Boy, that's by far the most frustrating quest. No fun at all.
    20 exchanges for 10 gems is too much, time consuming, not interesting.
    Got more gems from the Baron. I think 10 exchanges for 10 gems is more appropriate.

  2. #132
    Rhino Keeper
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    May 2013
    Done, exchange came back with a script n an apple.
    Then 10 gems from the quest.

  3. #133
    Rhino Keeper
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    Oct 2011
    it will be a looong...longgg....long time for me. I got only 11/20 over 3 months period. I missed fortune teller by chopping all the old logs, now i have no way to complete the goal.

  4. #134
    Executive Chef
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    May 2014
    United Kingdom
    There is the new Fellora plants and Faerie Bridge quest as I understand it can help with Sister Sister.

  5. #135
    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleScorpion76 View Post
    There is the new Fellora plants and Faerie Bridge quest as I understand it can help with Sister Sister.
    Yes, but those Fellora plants take two days to grow and they only give me dark seeds (I have over 250 of those). I need to expand more so I can place more plots since I can't grow both Fellora plants and keep up with regular gardening at the same time. My neighbors have gotten dark plants so I just have bad luck right now! Lol
    Kingdom of 😸Kittyville😸

  6. #136
    Executive Chef
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    Boulder, Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by jackie2006 View Post
    it will be a looong...longgg....long time for me. I got only 11/20 over 3 months period. I missed fortune teller by chopping all the old logs, now i have no way to complete the goal.
    You can still complete it, it's just going to take time. The glimmerbits still drop from Griselda's castle and the gate.
    Proud member of the Thuakie Sword Society. Close and personal friend of The Great Thuan.

  7. #137
    Rhino Keeper
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    Oct 2013
    Sonny: Yeeeehaaaaa.
    Skip: eeeaaacch!
    Sonny: yep Skip, I'm weird but also overjoyed.
    Skip: eeeaaacch.
    Sonny: well, you know those darn inscriptions I've been chasing FOREVER. I just got the last pitcher to send it off.
    Skip: eeeaaacch.
    Sonny: yes, I know they only said 3 months but obviously their math ain't so good.
    Skip: eeeaaacch!
    Sonny: I do have a surplus of the others. 12 traps and 19 rafflesia to be exact. 0 pitchers.
    Skip: eeeaaacch.
    Sonny: yes, those New flowers gave me 3 pitchers to help.
    Skip: eeeaaacch.
    Sonny: I suppose so. Thank you TL for providing another source of seeds and plants.
    Skip: eeeaaacch.
    Sonny: yes, now back to faierie stuff and those rsvps.


    Cheers all.

    PS - Maj, format especially posted for you. Good luck with your inscriptions.

  8. #138
    I hope to finish my last one next week so I can start using those same ingredients on other things

  9. #139
    Nightclub Owner
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    Dec 2013
    Glimmer Forest (A0)
    After two month "Sister Sister Anonymous" treatment, I was just getting over it. Bang today, I get the quest on this account.... I think, I need to go back to my cottage and start sniffing some glimmer dust.
    Castle Story "Tome of Knowledge", visit for: Interactive Map, Inventory Cards, Detailed Inventory, and more...

  10. #140
    Fashion Designer
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    Jan 2014
    What is it about the Sister Sister quest that seems to have so many people's skivvies in a knot?

    I don't remember seeing a thread much longer than three pages no matter what the topic is, that someone and usually many someones haven't thrown in a complaint about Sister, Sister.

    Why? This seems to be causing more stress than all of the other stresses combined, including gem traps. It is not a main quest. It is a background quest made purpously difficult to finish so that people like myself who have finished all of the other quests can keep our Quest Books. You don't need to do it. Finishing it gives you practically nothing. If you have any other quests at all to do there is no compelling reason to even think about this one. It is not a big deal.

    Unfortunately I technically finished it months ago because despite trying not to balance out dark plant production, I got what everyone else seems to want with a passion which was an near perfect balance of ingredients. Since I had no other quests over ninety percent of the time, I sent in the silly plants and got the twenty Inscriptions well before I should have been on my second one from what I have been reading here. I even made several extra Inscriptions, and I sat on them for months in the hope that we would get a second long term quest since I lose interest in playing when there is nothing left to do and I have so many items stockpiled that I am running out of items to make. I am down to needing only four more Ornate Beams before that too goes grey like most of my other items. I want Sister, Sister back!

    I deeply regret sending it in during the Halloween Event because it appeared that the game was picking up speed and I mistakenly figured that there was a good possibility that I would have plenty to do and that the updates would keep me busy. No luck there. Not even a Halloween Party after everyone got dressed up for one. So here I sit with no Quest Book again, and in nearly every thread someone is moaning about Sister, Sister!

    TL, How about putting up a trading post for Quests? I would happily pay a pile of my useless coins to get someone's unfinished and despised Sister, Sister Quest and get my Quest Book back It would make at least two of us happy.

    Just kidding about that, but trying to make a point here. Sister, Sister, despite what some might believe, is not evil personified. I am pretty sure that it was not put out here to torture anyone. It is simply a meaningless placeholder for us bored upper level folks who are at the point where we don't have a Quest Book and we might get bored and go elsewhere.

    Seriously, if you have any other possible quests to do, do them first. Don't even consider doing Sister, Sister unless you have hit a slow spot between quests and happen to have the ingredients sitting in your inventory to send out for an Inscription. Do that, and before you know it you will be done with Sister, Sister, no mess, no stress.

    I have officially finished Sister, Sister and I hope this post is on topic and doesn't offend anyone and get me banned. It is not meant to. It is meant to reduce the obvious widespread stress that this innocuous quest has seemed to cause among many otherwise happy CS players. Please, it is not necessary to complain constantly about Sister, Sister. It won't make the quest go away.

    The way to reduce the stress that this quest causes is to pretend it doesn't exist. You will have no need for it unless you would otherwise lose your Quest Book because there is nothing left for you to do. If you get to that point Sister, Sister is not stressful because it is the only thing left. If you have absolutely nothing else to do except grow dark flowers, you will be surprised at how quickly this quest gets done.

    Then like me you might wish they had asked for 40 instead of 20 Inscriptions, something that seems absurd I know, unless you are sitting here with nothing to do because your quest book has gone poof, and even filling up your Inventory with personal goals is close to being done. I am at the point where between quests I am sometimes have a hard time finding somewhere to spend my 40 energy. Then for me it becomes stressful to see the black flag pop out because I have no room to put even rare drops.

    My advice, for what it's worth which admittedly is not much, is to pretend the Sister-Sister Quest is invisible until you open your Quest Book and it is the only quest left. If you have absolutely no other quests, then it is likely you will have more than enough resources to pour into growing dark plants and sending them out in exchange for Inscriptions. By that time, like me you will probaby have the plants coming out of your pockets and be glad you have a place to send them. The time to stress out is when you have 99 each of all of the dark plants and are growing them to have them disappear from your greenhouses because you need to do something with the energy you earned. Then maybe it is time to gripe about Sister, Sister if it is still causing you stress.

    Gripe like I am doing now that you wish it had lasted longer!

    I am pretty sure that Sister, Sister was not put out there to stress out anyone and it makes me sad to see so many people who have plenty of other actually exciting quests left to do, worrying about finishing this one instead. Please, at least consider putting Sister, Sister on the back burner for a while and enjoying the other quests in your Quest Books! This is such an awesome game and there are so many really fun things to do instead of stressing over not having the correct ratio of Pitcher Plants to Raffselias. I suspect that when you get to the point where you have nothing at all left to do but think about your dark plant ratios, you will be happy to have that to do as opposed to making up your own quests.

    I really wish that TL had not made Sister, Sister available to anyone who still had umfinished quests ahead of them, but I can understand why they didn't because then they would have likely been inundated with complaints that there was a quest that everyone could not get right away. It appears to me that they can't release any quests as it is that don't generate a number of complaints. I think we would likely still be getting the same number of complaints about Sister, Sister had it been released only to those who had caught up with everything else, because it would then be unavailable to most of those playing the game. It is a no win situation, but apparently that is part of being a leading game producer. Ya can't please everyone.

    Please folks, can we try to move on and enjoy the parts of CS that we do enjoy? Especially since you probably don't need to be doing the Sister, Sister Quest if it is stressing you out.

    As they used to say decades ago when I could still go out dancing, Don't worry, Be Happy!

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