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Thread: Bakery Update 10-22-14

  1. #81
    I really don't like this. I mean, are you kidding? It's autumn and halloween is right around the corner. I couldn't be more disappointed with this game lately. You guys don't listen to your players. Might just take a very long break from these games...

  2. #82
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    .....70 gems...well I won't be buying that then. I would rather get a couple items I like in November than 70 on a smaller piece...really...just wow

  3. #83
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    I'm SO excited and happy, just plain ole giddy when I saw the offering over on RS and then bakery. Then I thought again of how much it costs and I really want two, but am not so sure now. It sucks that they don't realize how many more they would have sold, netting them a large income, if they had it more affordable.

    See some people think, we want a certain clientele who can afford our high wares. BUT those who are wise make it affordable for more people to buy and take the money, then run. Be wise TL. This is too much.

    No idea what I'm gonna do, but have four more days to wait for a gem sale before I know whether ill cave in or not. This sucks!

  4. #84
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ashrb View Post
    For the players in the Southern Hemisphere - We just had several months worth of Spring/Summer updates. For the players in the Northern Hemisphere - We have not had Autumn updates in nearly a year. At the end of the day, this company is American so anyone who says seasonal decor is irrelevant should remember that this company will most likely always cater to their own country first when it comes to holiday's and seasons. We are all aware that this game attracts players globally, but it's not our responsibility that there are players currently in different seasons, so you can't expect players in the Northern Hemisphere, whom have not had Autumn updates in nearly a year, to beg TL for Spring/Summer updates when we aren't in those seasons and literally just got out of those seasons. That's TL's concern and their desire if they choose to cater towards that. If I were playing a game that was based in another country or different hemisphere, I wouldn't expect them to cater to my country just because the decor felt irrelevant.
    It's also not as if they didn't give us ANY Halloween items. We got a goal update full of them, all for coins and a free prize or two, for those that completed the goals. Unless you have a maxed out sized bakery, the items in the update is enough to decorate with, if you so choose to do so. And if you do have a maxed out bakery, then chances are you were at least around for the last round of Halloween/Fall items, so you should be all set or very close to it. And it's not to say that the next goal update won't be all autumn/fall themed, as well. Just because Halloween is coming up doesn't mean that every single update for that month needs to include something Fall or Halloween related. In fact, that isn't the case for any season or time of the year. They can, and should, incorporate various themes always to satisfy those who may find these items pleasing and want to purchase them instead.

    It seems like they honestly can't win because when they run a theme into the ground like Summer, they get criticized for that saying "Switch it up already!" and if they don't give enough, it's "Keep the theme going!". If they completely ignored an obvious theme like Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc., then that's one thing. But as long as they do give you something to use in order to cater either your entire bakery, or at the very least sections of your bakery to that theme, then that really seems quite sufficient...IMO, of course. In the past, it seems that they were constantly bombarding players with these items, so I can see some may just feel used to it and expected the same thing again this year. But I think that they are allowed to not always do the same thing and try something new either to keep fresh ideas rotating in their updates to bring new players in or keep older players "on their toes" and not just waiting for the obvious update each week. This forum obviously represents a good section of the TL games' fans, but we have to remember that we are not the only ones and this isn't the only way to get feedback to them, so we are not representative of the ENTIRE TL community. Just the ones that choose to go to a forum frequently to discuss different things.
    I am no longer accepting new neighbor requests at this time, I have more than enough for now. Thanks!

  5. #85
    ****Iam very upset also this is Halloween month can someone please tell the LavaTeam for more Halloween stuff (no boxes).but more halloween stuff please two weeks without halloween stuff seriously?..what are they thinking holiday season starts this month....

  6. #86
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Honestly, it's a steep price, but if you didn't buy it this time, and it was never offered again, and you saw it in another bakery maybe 6 months from now, how would you feel then?

    Too often I've read (mostly in Fashion Story) of LTOs being offered, people thinking it's too expensive and so of course don't buy it, then regret it months later once they see it in someone else's game and they realised they missed out big time, then beg for TL to bring it back! I missed out on the breakfast buffet as it was offered before I started playing but now it's here, there's no way I'm not getting it! My only regret was not getting the Coffee Bean display LTO when I was a new player (and didn't want to spend the gems) and I would pay a steep price for that LTO now!

    Quote Originally Posted by orleansparish View Post
    I'm SO excited and happy, just plain ole giddy when I saw the offering over on RS and then bakery. Then I thought again of how much it costs and I really want two, but am not so sure now. It sucks that they don't realize how many more they would have sold, netting them a large income, if they had it more affordable.

    See some people think, we want a certain clientele who can afford our high wares. BUT those who are wise make it affordable for more people to buy and take the money, then run. Be wise TL. This is too much.

    No idea what I'm gonna do, but have four more days to wait for a gem sale before I know whether ill cave in or not. This sucks!

  7. #87
    So disappointed: a total off topic update, with poor and unworthy stuff

  8. #88
    ****Iam very upset also this is Halloween month can someone please tell the LavaTeam for more Halloween stuff (no boxes).but more halloween stuff please two weeks without halloween stuff seriously?..what are they thinking holiday season starts this month....

  9. #89
    Not at all happy with no halloween stuff upsets me the holidays are here need more holidaus stuff please

  10. #90
    Ah fall in Hawaii or in Florida... their well-known piles of golden leaves, chilly temperatures and scarfs and gloves.... no? Oh my mistake I was told those states were in the US.... why should fall be so traditionally designed even if within the same country - coz thats the point TL is an American company so they should offer typically American updates - seasons themselves are not alike????

    Whatever, the breakfast buffet is obviously overpriced but thats a huge well designed item so I might indulge. YET, if it is offered for Black Friday for half the price then I think Ill be entitled to scream blue murder. So I think TL should make the statement clear: for players who want the breakfast buffet buy it now it will never come back or if it does the price wont be lower.

    Not sure however if a mod can ask TL for that kind of confirmation. If not the doubt will remain and thats really unpleasant
    If you play with a cat, you should mind his scratch.

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