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Thread: A new kingdom clash wiki yay!!!

  1. #1

    Talking A new kingdom clash wiki yay!!!

    There is finally after a long time, a Kingdom Clash Wiki.
    Here it is and info below:

    Kingdom Clash Wiki has been worked on for the past few weeks for you guys, the players. I Sillyman34 am the creator of the wiki. I am not bad at graphics ad have been able to turn the in game info screen into just the buildings or troop image. I have also had some major help from two other people where i would not have finished this without. Firstly, Lugia101101 has been second in charge and is the second director of the wiki. He is amazing at coding and does or the detailed stuff hat only runs with it. I have also had help from Kk9199, who has created the buildings and troops pages and added some info to them.
    This wiki will not be complete without you guys, I still need images for the high level buildings and information for high leveled buildings. I also need images for level 2+ troops skins. We have worked hard on this wiki but we need you guys too. Thanks so much for creating this game Firemocha, and I will thank all the people who take the time to come and help our wiki.

    But for now Sillyman34 is out

  2. #2

    More Images or Our Wiki

    Not many people know that there is a new Kingdom Clash Wiki! Well there now is a place where you can learn the stuff that you have trouble with. This wiki is near upfront completion, but we still need a few images and stats. Down below is a list of the images and stats we need. All you have to do is take a screenshot by pressing the home button and the lock button at the same time on the selected building stats screen. Please post the image below. This is an example:Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Bank_Vault1.jpg 
Views:	346 
Size:	17.0 KB 
ID:	10095

    This is the wiki link:

  3. #3
    This is the list of buildings i need!

    All troop skins for Level 3+


    Wizards Tower


    Fireball Catapult

    Champions Altar

    We also need multiple levels for these and the rest of the buildings!

    Thanks for the help everyone!!!

  4. #4
    What exactly are "troop skins"? I'd like to help build the wiki, I'm just unsure what you're asking for. I'm at level 3 troop wise and should be able to get to level 4 by the end of the night. I can take screen shots of anything you need and post them here.

  5. #5
    Rhino Keeper nachomandeluxe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Clash world
    The skins are basically the new appearance

  6. #6
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Wow, cool resource. Have to give it a deeper look

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Good job on all of that, ^_^.

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