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Thread: Gem Confirmation

  1. #1

    Gem Confirmation

    When going through to start several jobs at once (mostly when farming), it's easy to forget that buildings often aren't highlighted on the first click if there's something to collect there first. And because the 'finish [with gems]' button is in the same place as, say, the 'plant' button, I keep accidentally wasting gems on things I'd rather wait for, not realising until it's too late that my fingers have automatically gone to the right place but with the wrong building selected. I understand that the button it replaces in most cases does need to be gone while whatever is happening is in progress, but is there a way that the 'finish' button can be placed further away from the same spot without interfering with that? Ideally somewhere that's still obvious but leaves little chance of an accidental click.
    Thanks for your consideration.

  2. #2
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    That would be a really good improvement! The same thing just happened to me.

    I don't want to believe that this is done intentionally to trick the players into spending more gems (although one could think that this might be the case? it's either that or no one ever tested the game to find usability issues like rather obvious one) because the risk of having frustrated users that leave the game would be too high. That's at least what I hope.

  3. #3
    I agree, I think that'd be a useful change. I've only once accidentally spent gems, but I still sometimes hit the button. I'm just happy I don't have enough gems at the time to waste them ;-)

  4. #4
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I am shocked that this gem trap is placed where it is. I lose a gem more often than not when farming and this is another way this game is wringing gems out of players in every way possible.

    I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that TL built this entire thing not as a game, but to exist as a the world's largest gem trap!

    Everything costs many times over in both time and money. TL please move the button from where the plant button normally resides when farming. It is not something that should take much effort.

    Please give players at least this one thing!

  5. #5
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Lost gem again

    I lost gem again.
    I want to suggest the team of game FFS to do so, it extends an additional window that asks if I want to really use some gems to mine action. The reason is that the apple icon appears in the same place with the icon of the gems. So when I want to pull the "apple" hitting "gem". As a result I lost about 50 gems. Moreover because the "screen touch" of my iPhone I lost another 10.
    Friends, tell me please have you same problems or this is only my problem?


  6. #6
    Admin Community Manager [S8] Elsa's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by stoneflower8 View Post
    I lost gem again.
    I want to suggest the team of game FFS to do so, it extends an additional window that asks if I want to really use some gems to mine action. The reason is that the apple icon appears in the same place with the icon of the gems. So when I want to pull the "apple" hitting "gem". As a result I lost about 50 gems. Moreover because the "screen touch" of my iPhone I lost another 10.
    Friends, tell me please have you same problems or this is only my problem?

    Sorry to hear about this. Please email for assistance.

  7. #7
    Executive Chef
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    Apr 2013
    Hate to say it but yes they intentionally put the finish now button in the same place!! They could easily put it somewhere else but then we wouldn't waste gems.
    Main id: squinn1981

  8. #8
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Cquinn32, I understand that you believe in conspiracy creators? I do not believe! But they have to change location!!!

  9. #9
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    This is a nonsense. Today another 10 lost gems. I did not understand when I clicked but seems to have been on both animals under the tree because I had to wait 16 hours and already appeared heart.Ooooh! I'm tired!

  10. #10
    Rhino Keeper
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stoneflower8 View Post
    Cquinn32, I understand that you believe in conspiracy creators? I do not believe! But they have to change location!!!
    Stone, it's not a conspiracy-theory mindset at all when backed up by TL's continued silence on the 'gem trap' issue. I think I've personally brought up gem-trap issues about three times on various threads the mods have been in and not once was the gem-trap issue ever, ever addressed by TL mods/team (at most they just tell you to contact customer support for help if you messed up badly). The mods/designers just ignore it when players beg them to move the 'finish' button away from the same location as the plant button (or add on a confirmation box). I, myself, lost 38 gems last night because my finger bumped against the 'finish' button after accidentally tapping on one of my 20-hr rune prune farms when I thought it was a habitat and wasn't being as keen-eyed as I should have been. 38 gems that I worked hard to achieve---wasted on speeding a 20-hr farming that I wouldn't have minded waiting 20 hours for like all my other farms! Just because my finger twitched too fast for my brain to stop it when I realized it wasn't a habitat but my farm

    Anyway... There are two major ways a user will accidentally lose gems in this game because of where the 'finish' button is located: when trying to collect on habitats that are next to farms (like I did) and when trying to plant quickly and not being fast enough to see it hasn't switched over to the next farm fast enough. The way I see it, that 'finish' button is perfectly placed in TL's opinion and there's little to no chance that it'll EVER be moved or a 'confirmation' popup will occur when you ever click 'finish'.

    If you don't believe me that it's a purposeful gem-trap that TL will never address or want to fix, stay a while and watch as TL stays silent on the issue for the nth time. If TL actually DOES address the 'finish button' gem-trap I'll be very, VERY surprised. And maybe a bit hopeful that TL cares about its customers' #1 gripe/complaint enough to change it... but if they haven't changed it in DS all this time, they'll never want to do that for FFS. (Ask SANDS on what she thinks about the gem-trap issue that both DS and FFS have and she'll be able to give you a much, much better explanation than I ever could. I'm a lowly novice compared to her when it comes to this!).

    My opinions are my own and while you and many others may think differently (or just think we're being paranoid), those that have been here long enough have noticed that TL never actually addresses the gem trap issue or give the impression they will fix it in future versions. But, hey, maybe a Christmas miracle will occur and they'll finally fix it for a present to users (god, I hope so!). If they respond to it directly or actually say they're going to fix it, though... I'll eat a peanut butter cookie. And I HATE peanut butter cookies---with a fiery passion. That's how confident I am that TL will never fix the gem traps of the game.

    Sorry, friend, but customer support is about the only option you'll get for the foreseeable future I hope you get your gems back! I'll probably never get mine back, even if I ask customer support >.<

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