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Thread: Castle Story: 06/12/2014 Update Team Azalea or Team Lila (Part 1)?

  1. #51
    Fashion Designer
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jessicattt View Post
    The new arches are gorgeous!
    And the flowerbed is the tiniest thing in the CS history. We can use them for scavenger hunt, you can start from my kingdom lol.

  2. #52
    New Resident
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    Azalea storyline

    So what do you think of Lila as your helper?
    Hmmm...I never thought about taking on help.
    Might be a good idea? You can assign the less pressing tasks off.
    Perhaps. But why rely on others for what you can do yourself.
    You can't do everything yourself.
    That's something I hate to accept.
    Me too, but that's why we have friends.
    I will consider it. Thank you for your counsel.

    Team Azalea, Part 2
    Craft a Faerie Flowerbed in the Greenhouse
    40 Faerie seeds, 40 Fertilizer, 30 Faeries Murmur, 3 hours

    I'm starting to feel fatigue... I've been drinking this tea thats supposed to keep me awake.
    It's boiling hot! Hot like the year of the endless summer.
    Is it working?
    I don't think so...but I'm not certain?
    Hmmm...maybe it's not for you. Have you tried a different tea?
    Azalea. Wake up. Do you want to stop here?
    No, we carry on. Let's finish this Rose Arch.
    Ok, don't push yourself to hard.

    Team Azalea, Part 3
    Craft a Rose Arch in the Greenhouse
    99 Red Petals, 60 Seeds, 40 Water, 8 hours
    Last edited by hope7162; 06-12-14 at 07:37 PM.

  3. #53
    New Resident
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    Azalea storyline

    Azalea. Azalea!
    Humm... mmhmm... huh?
    Wake up! Feast your eyes!
    Oh my... its MAGNIFICENT! But... how? When?
    When you fell asleep.
    My deepest apologies. I didn't mean to... I...
    It's ok. We hope Queen Ivinea will be impressed.
    I hope so too! Oh, this is most joyous.
    Hi there, Lila.
    Oh. Hi. Isn't it the human that ditched me.
    What do you mean?
    I waited outside your cottage ALL DAY!
    The least you could do was tell me you weren't going to come.
    I got caught up and forgot. I'm really sorry, Lila.
    Save it. Humans, they can never be trusted.
    Hey, wait!
    Thank you for your help, I will return home to let Queen Ivinea know. I will talk to Lila for you.

    Surprise, Azalea!
    Rest (at the cottage)
    Reward - 3,100 coin, 10 XP
    Last edited by hope7162; 06-12-14 at 07:58 PM.

  4. #54
    Executive Chef
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    See? All of you on team Lila are siding with...deh duh dummmm

    A murderer! A vile, evil murderer! And they look like such nice creatures...

    Hey, has anyone tried to purchase more than one rose arch? I bought one earlier today, and then I just tried to get another. I placed it and a few seconds later I got the "loading" screen and then it shoots me out to before the purchase. ??
    Proud member of the Thuakie Sword Society. Close and personal friend of The Great Thuan.

  5. #55
    Rhino Keeper
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    Team Lila Quest Chain Dialogue SPOILERS


    Team Lila Quest Chain dialogue

    Note: After choosing to help Lila in the Greenhouse.

    "Which Team Are You On?" Congratulations Window
    Ivy says : "And the drama ensues"


    Team Lila, Part 1

    Lila: I'm glad you came!
    Ruler: This feels wrong... but you're right, Azalea should rest.
    Lila: I agree! A hundred peonies and more!
    Ruler: What did you have in mind?
    Lila: I'm thinking an EXPLOSION of flowers! I promise it will be sweet! Let's get these items on my list first.
    Ruler: Sounds easy enough. Let's do it.
    Lila: Yippie! I may be small but I'm plenty strong. Let's divide and conquer.

    Kingdom Goals : Team Lila, Part 1
    Ivy says : "About to say! If Lila makes us do all the work, I'm going to ask Lady Greselda to turn her into a toad!"
    *Give Fey Crystals x5 (Has anyone seen Lila?)
    *Give Floral Glow x2 (It's been a while...)
    *Give Mythic Essence x2 (Where did she go?)
    Rewards : 3,100 Coins, 10XP, 40 Piles of Seed

    "Team Lila, Part 1" Congratulations Window
    Ivy says : "Hey Lila, where did you go?"


    Team Lila, Part 2

    Lila : Have you spoken to Azalea?
    Ruler : Where were you? Oh, speaking of which, I should go check up on Azalea...
    Lila : No! Please don't leave. I need you now more than ever!
    Ruler : I'll be right back...
    Lila : But this Faerie Flowerbed needs attention right now! It can't wait!
    Ruler : ... Ok, after this I'll go check on Azalea.

    Kingdom Goals : Team Lila, Part 2
    Ivy says : "Geez, is Lila needy, or what! Hmm... I wonder what I can use from this flowerbed. I'm tingly with all the potions I could create with it!"
    *Craft a Faerie Flowerbed (At the Greenhouse!)
    Rewards: 3,100 Gold, 10 XP, 40 Red Petals

    "Team Lila, Part 2" Congratulations Window
    Ivy says : "Lady Greselda! Know any potions with Faerie ingredients?"


    Team Lila, Part 3

    Ruler : Ok, I'm going to go visit Azalea now.
    Lila : WAIT!
    Ruler : What now?
    Lila : Before you go, give her this.
    Ruler : That's boiling hot! What is this?!
    Lila : Tea! It'll keep her awake, I promise! Freshly picked herbs from the flowerbed we just made!
    Ruler : Uhhh... yeah, anyone would be awake drinking something this hot.
    Lila : Don't tell her it's from me though!
    Ruler : Why not? It's a sweet gesture.
    Lila : I like to be the friendly neighborhood Faerie. I don't need to be recognized for good things. I'll be here building this Rose Arch. Come back soon and help me, ok?!

    Kingdom Goals : Team Lila, Part 3
    Ivy says : "Hey, she may be quirky and needy, but at least her heart is in the right place! She's going to be a great handmaiden."
    *Craft a Rose Arch (At the Greenhouse)
    Rewards : 3,100 Coins, 10 XP, 4 Vital Extracts

    "Team Lila, Part 3" Congratulations Window
    Ivy says : "Someone paint me in front of this Rose Arch!"


    Lila's Master Plan

    Ruler : This Rose Arch was a great idea. Queen Ivinea will notice you for sure!
    Lila : Thank you! I wouldn't have been able to do it without you!
    Ruler : No problem. Glad I could help.
    Lila : But you know what makes me happier?
    Ruler : What?
    Lila : That you didn't help Azalea.
    Lila : I mean, that you didn't WAKE Azalea. She needs her rest, I'm happy to contribute my energy in her place.
    Ruler : Yeah, hopefully she comes back recharged.

    Azalea : Hello.
    Ruler : Hi Azalea. How was your nap?
    Azalea : Nap? You never came to me. I slept for hours. And missed more meetings.
    Ruler : Sorry about that... we decided it was better to let you rest...
    Azalea : That's not for you to decide. Don't tell me you'll wake me and not do it.
    Azalea : Humans. They always want the bouquet.
    Ruler : Hey, wait!

    Lila : Thanks for the help! I'm going home to let my sisters know. I'll talk to Azalea for ya.

    Kingdom Goals : Lila's Master Plan
    Ivy says : "I hope Lila talks to Azalea and smooths things over for you. But yeah, what did you expect?! You picked a side! Team Lila!"
    *Rest (At the Cottage!)
    Rewards: 3,100 Coins, 10 XP

    Lila's Master Plan - Congratulations Window
    Ivy says : "Time to wait for the Faeries to return."
    Last edited by eepopp; 06-12-14 at 10:04 PM. Reason: cleaned up stuff. added spoiler warning

  6. #56
    Executive Chef
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    Initially, I thought I'd go with Lila until I read more and agree she must be poisoning Azalea to get ahead. Also, Azalea was grateful and surprised at the offer of help and appreciated it. She prefers doing everything herself and finds it difficult to ask for help. Lila, on the other hand, seemed rude and like she expected the help and then gets angry and nasty when it isn't given.

    I agree, it is sneaky the way the greenhouse has Lila first even though alphabetically it would be Azalea. I really love the new "choice" storyline and am excited to see how it evolves :-) Thank you so much Team Lava for keeping Castle Story the Best game EVER!!!

  7. #57
    Executive Chef
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    I wrote my comment before the Lila quest line was posted and am even MORE certain I made the correct choice with Azalea. Lila is most definitely up to no good with that tea

  8. #58
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by Queenzod View Post
    See? All of you on team Lila are siding with...deh duh dummmm

    A murderer! A vile, evil murderer! And they look like such nice creatures....
    Go team Lila! They ARE nice creatures. Especially Lila. It was so thoughtful for her to get tea for Azalea to help her with her narcolepsy. It's not her fault it didn't work. She tried. Queenzod, you don't know what you are talking about. It was posted on a kingdom wall that I visited earlier that "QZ's got a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock." I agree.
    Last edited by oliverrr11; 06-12-14 at 09:10 PM.

  9. #59
    Rhino Keeper
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    Been reading with interest.

    Not up to choosing a side yet - still waiting on the pine tree's to grow so that I can chop them.

    Lila seems to be a scheming not so nice fairy,who I deduce is making a stay awake tea for Azalea with *sleeping* ingredients.......

    Team Azalea for me!

  10. #60
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by glimmergate View Post
    We're really excited that you're enjoying this update. This is the first time we've tried this "choice" goal structure and we're hoping that we can use it in the future to help add extra depth to our stories!.
    It looks like TL is finding newer ways to monetize things. If you choose one pathway perhaps some of the player base will be enticed to acquire rewards from the other pathway through gems.

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