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Thread: Castle Story: Pyre Caverns Event GLITCH Thread

  1. #91
    New Resident
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    Jun 2014
    As many of the players I've stuck with the 'what came first' task. Hope this will be fixed and we'll recieve any compensation on resources and gems we spent on the glitch.

  2. #92
    Rhino Keeper
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    Nov 2013
    Let me say first that, overall, I liked the adventure. The 3 dragons offer was a good move to satisfy everyone. The hardcore players can aim for the 3 dragons while the casual players or the players who joined later can have the chance to get 1 dragon. In other adventures these players could end up without anything. And the people in the middle can aim for 2 dragons. I got 2, btw. That is a very good move, in my opinion.

    Now the glitches, under my point of view. First one, I do not get what this means.


    First, I cannot understand what do you mean by "COMPLETING THEM QUEST" The bolded portion looks like a grammatical mistake to me, or a typo, I am not sure. If the whole sentence means that it does not matter if we do not complete them on time, then why these quests are time limited in first place? If it means that we can hatch the egg without having to complete the limited timed quests, then why bother to even try the quests? That sentence baffled me.

    Second, I got a second pyre egg. Then I tried to hatch it but I couldn't. Why do you guys gave me a second pyre egg if I cannot hatch it? I was so confused that I had to come to the forum for answers.

    And that is my third complaint. Does this forum have spoiler tags?
    Spoiler: show
    In my opinion, people should be able to complete adventures without the need to check the forum, and if, for some reason, you need to check the forum, clues about how to solve the adventure should be placed in between spoiler tags. I do not understand why people check the forum to see what is needed to complete the adventure the minute the adventure is available on line. For me it spoils the whole concept of 'adventure'.
    Last edited by tromalyt; 06-03-14 at 03:16 AM. Reason: I thought this forum didn't have spoiler tags.

  3. #93
    Fashion Designer
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by TinksThots View Post
    They've ruled out the most obvious solution - simply return the resources we gave to the quest that mistakenly triggered without the required egg when we tapped 'FINISH' on the expired goal.

    It wouldn't be too difficult to write a script to locate all players who are currently sitting on the goal with the dead 'Place' button, remove that, and then plunk a treasure trove into their inventories containing the lost resources. Why they ruled that out right away is anybody's guess. :-/
    I imagine it is actually extremly complicated to identify the lost resources for each individual player and custom make a trove to replace them. What about players who stopped partway through the dead quest lines? If title were only a handful of players it would be easier but I suspect there are rather a lot, including those who don't read the forum or don't know of its existence.

    I imagine they ruled it out early on because they are more knowledgeable about how the game is programmed and what their limitations are.

  4. #94
    I also clicked finish for the Sparkling Egg and the quest line continued with Ivy and the ruler discussing what a wonderful sparkling egg they found. So I thought maybe this was a gift from TL and continiued playing, spending 50 jewels and 50 silver. The only thing that stopped me was that I only have 3 large diamonds yet. But jewels and silver are gone.
    Last edited by kooky panda; 06-03-14 at 04:48 AM. Reason: removed third party game reference

  5. #95
    Just like everyone else I am stuck on the place the egg part too and didnt realize it was a glitch until I came to the forums to see why I couldn't 'place' the egg. I am pissed I wasted time and many resources and allowing us to buy the egg for 200 gems pisses me off more. It was not my fault and now u want me to pay gems to fix it I don't think so. If u can't give the resources back, which I agree shouldn't be a big deal as people are stuck on the quest, then give us the egg. You should be fixing the issue not wanting us to give up our hard earned gems to fix it, that's bologna. I'm about done with this game I gave up so many mithril that I need 20 of for another quest and apparently it's all for nothing. Smh.

  6. #96
    I too, am disappointed with this quest. Can't remember how many times I did the pyre cavern quest, but am sure you said everyone would get the eggs they needed, well! No I got a second ultramarine egg instead. Then as the quest was about to expire, used my gems to keep sending the knights off to the cavern, about 6 times just kept pressing the speed up and still no sparkling egg, so eventually I just bought it. Think this quest was just designed to make us spend our gems, and buy more.

  7. #97
    Rhino Keeper sabbywabbys's Avatar
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    So im stuck on the "what came first" quest. It wont let me hatch the egg because i never aquired one. I did however have to give some resources away. Whichever where asked before that part of the quest came up. Im just annoyed its stuck in my quest log and theres nowhere to go.

  8. #98
    Farm Supplier
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by freesiawoods View Post
    Agree. That would have been the best solution. No other way to make everyone happy.
    Oh yes, there is a better way: they should just give everybody the required egg and let them hatch it.

  9. #99
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jul 2013
    I'm confused about people who say they got an ultramarine egg they can't use because they collected it from the last adventure after the event ended. I thought people who didn't finish the quests all got the "glitched quest line." Then why can't they use eggs found after the un-finished quests timed-out to complete the glitched quests?

  10. #100
    New Resident
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by lalapu08 View Post
    I also clicked finish for the Sparkling Egg and the quest line continued with Ivy and the ruler discussing what a wonderful sparkling egg they found. So I thought maybe this was a gift from TL and continiued playing, spending 50 jewels and 50 silver. The only thing that stopped me was that I only have 3 large diamonds yet. But jewels and silver are gone.
    I'm in exactly the same situation. I gave the Silver/Jewels/Adamant hoping that I could skip placing the egg for 200 gems, except then I reached that step with the Pyre Egg and realised it wouldn't be possible. I had never checked the forums (hence this being my first message) but I'm relieved to see I'm not the only one.
    I don't think it would be fair to other players if we get the egg for free; however, I would like either to have the chance to skip placing and get the egg (for gems), or to see the quest disappear once and for all before I lose my Diamonds. I was lucky to not have enough Diamonds for it to continue, but I fear that if the quest stays there long enough I eventually will.

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