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Thread: 99 LVL Reward

  1. #1
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Land of Oz

    Cool 99 LVL Reward

    I'm sure this is in here somewhere already but I wasn't gonna read thru the hundreds of threads looking 4,it.
    I feel that there should b a reward 4 reaching lvl 99. ( I'm not saying this cause I just reached it since I reached it back in May). The reward could b gems or another oven slot. Once u reach this level there needs 2 b. an incentive 2 keep going besides maxing on equip and goals.
    Maybe an award 4 every amt of XPS. I'm not advocating 4 more lvls but maybe 4 gems. At lvl 99 I feel that coins aren't as important as gems r since everybody at this lvl r gem hungry.
    Or a special lvl 99 store where we're allowed 2 shop when we've accumulated so many xps. Then set certain amounts of XPS that would allow us 2.revisit the store.
    I feel we need something.

  2. #2
    The Honorable Panda
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    S8 FORUM
    There is a current thread on this suggestion here that you posted on.
    Please do not start up duplicate threads on the same topic /suggestion.
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