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Thread: Nightclub Drinks Inventory & Chart !

  1. #21
    On the chart, what does "Profit/Hr" mean VS "Most Profit"?

    It says Dictator is the ultimate "Profit/HR" drink at $3,000 per hour.. but that doesn't make sense because they sell for 1.3 profit per drink... and only give $2 gross per sale. And i have never once come back to $3000 more in my bank after an hour from a pile of exclusively dictators.

    where as if you had a $4.05 profit per drink product that sells for $5 per drink, wouldn't that automatically be more "Profit/HR"? Especially at the "point of sustenance"? (Point of sustenance: The point at which you can crank out more drinks than can be sold. For instance, Once you have atleast 15,000 of any type of drink on the table, you can freely mix Goodvibes across 8 mixers before you even sell all 15,000. your making 33,000 Goodvibes in 2 days, which by math, means your 100%+ efficient. so for every 1 Cycle of goodvibes across 8 mixers in a 2 day period, you can sit back and relax for over 5 days without ever touching the mixer again, making money the whole time. You'd make back the money you spent mixing them within a day, and for the next 4+ days your raking in pure profit of $4.05 per drink. without ever touching the game again.

    I understand why you'd need dictators if you started off with absolutely no drinks, i mean, you NEED to crank them out to get going. But If i already stockpiled 80,000 GoodVibes (a 4.05 profit/drink) - which can last well over the 2 day period to make more, wouldn't adding a 2 coin drink to my tables full of 5 coin drinks ultimately dilute my profits per hour?? since they now have a chance to go drink the cheap drink instead of my better ones and waste $3 per sale in the same amount of time??

    I mean, if i had $0 in my bank account with 50,000 goodvibes on the table VS $0 in my bank and 50,000 dictators on the table, How can dictator make $3,000 dollars per hour?? if i come back in an hour, that means i get $3000 after an hour has passed from people drinking only dictators??

  2. #22
    So, What im saying is, Once you have enough mixers, the dictator's initial advantages of "speed" are grossly out-matched by the more profitable $4.05 drinks that can pay for themselves much quicker over a much longer period of time, for less effort, and for much more money per hour.

    Am i missing something? If i make 2 seperate accounts, 1 of them only make dictators, and 1 go straight for the $4.05/per unit profit type of drinks as soon as they can acquire them safely (having enough mixers to churn them out without going dry before the next batch). Explain to me how the dictators will make more money than say, Goodvibes?

  3. #23
    Executive Chef
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    Sorry Just logged in today. I will see about your question
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  4. #24
    Executive Chef
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    It's actually not going off the amount of time it actually takes for the drinks to sell as there are some variables to account for. what the chart is actually doing is dividing the amount of hours into singular hours. since dictator is at 1 min, it just multiplies to get up to the hour.

    So the "__/hr" is just based on numbers and not actual selling time because of the variables of layouts, if a person is actually in their club or not and what type of drinks they have out.

    Hope that clarifies things a little Sorry about the confusion.
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    IDs: Sehana (main)

  5. #25
    This is a shame that ive spent over a 100.00 and the game had a glitch n took my 25 gems and over 10,000 stratofortress drinks and they tell me they dont take request for this. What kinda game yall running yall remind me of scammers shall not waste my money on this game.

  6. #26
    Moderator (volunteer) Paul__'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QUEENWOLF1964 View Post
    This is a shame that ive spent over a 100.00 and the game had a glitch n took my 25 gems and over 10,000 stratofortress drinks and they tell me they dont take request for this. What kinda game yall running yall remind me of scammers shall not waste my money on this game.
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