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Thread: Trials and Tribute- Update 5-23-13

  1. #731
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Just got this while collecting from sparking mines with both stone and coal max.

  2. #732
    There's a thought- collect from them when you're maxed out? Worth a try!

  3. #733
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    This one I think most people have.

  4. #734
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by bowlfullofcherries View Post
    There's a thought- collect from them when you're maxed out? Worth a try!
    Yes! Very logical, which I love. Except...already have done that as that is how I know I've maxed out on a crop, say strawberries, because a little sign shows up saying I'm full of such and such...daily...on numerous things including stone, sap, mermaid scales, fish, most to all crops, iron ore, etc etc. AND...STILL...NO...NEW...BADGE

    I'm starting to slow down my play time as collecting for collecting sake is growing old.

  5. #735
    I have a red mark on my forehead. Don't ask how it got there. Lets just say the heel of my hand aches too.

    And, really?! Play less?! That's not a direction game makers should want their players going in, is it?! But it looks like I'm headed that way. Again. Okey dokie then.

  6. #736
    Executive Chef Oliver118's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    The Rainy North
    Ouch! That must have hurt!

  7. #737
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2013
    England, UK
    Finally got the Slayer badge just now.

  8. #738
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I didn't think I would ever do this; I thought I would stay with the view " just keep playing and enjoy the randomness of this challenge", but therein lies the problem. It's not a challenge, because it seems so random. I am bored with watering, chopping and collecting with no sign that I am achieving anything. Even an indicator bar showing I was on the right track would be motivating. I can't understand how, if I play as often as the average person, and I collect, water and cook alongside everyone else, I have nothing but the Explorers Badge.

    I loved the challenge of achieving, but for me the enjoyment of that has gone. It's disheartening rather than rewarding. Just my opinion, anyway.

  9. #739
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2013
    England, UK
    I got the Explorers badge at last, 2 badges in an hour.

  10. #740
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Collecting when maxed out is not the answer. I got mine when I was not maxed on wood and stone. I think it is just random! I am a senior player but have just got explorer and finally miner badges. All that watering and crop harvesting have come to naught. Exchanges have been made aplenty with no need anymore but still going on for something to do. Keep getting enchanted items in exchange as got tinker camp etc long back. Waiting for update!

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