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Thread: Castle Story: OLD Main Goal Guide - SUPERSEDED

  1. #291
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011

    Some items MUST be Crafted when the GOAL Appears for them to count towards the goal.

    Many of the things you have to craft to get the princess free requires level 25.

    CHAIN 16: Princess Sabina Faire
    Thread: Princess Sabina Faire

    A Mysterious Song .Rewards 1,000coin 3xp
    . FIND the mysterious singing SEARCH
    EXPAND to the girl with the Tangled Tresses
    have 2900 Royal Points. 20 Wisp Lantern. Spent 150,000 coin

    1. Hungry For Freedom
    . Give 5 Cabbages to the Trapped Girl
    . Give Hearty Stew to the Trapped Girl
    . Give Breaded Fish to the Trapped Girl
    REWARDS: 1,600 coin 12xp

    2. Discriminating Tastes
    (You have to do the Cocoa Chain before doing this goal and yes the cakes you MAKE you can GIVE here)
    . Give 3 Cake Slices to Sabina
    . Give 50 Strawberries to Sabina
    REWARDS: 1,800 coin 14xp

    3. Cutting Loose
    ( MUST Forge 6 NEW for this task to complete the goal; you can use what is in your storage but you will still have to wait)
    . Forge 6 New Longswords
    . Saw Slowly at Sabinas Hair (1 sword)
    . Chop Carefully at Sabinas Hair( 2 swords)
    . Swing Wildly at Sabinas Hair (3 swords)
    REWARDS: 1,800 coin 14xp

    SL: Sabina wants you to find a knight in shining armor
    Guess who.

    4. Chivalrous Methods
    . Befriend a Knight In Shining Armor
    . Ask Thurston to help free Sabina
    REWARDS: 2,100 coin 18xp

    5. My Hero
    . Track Thurston Down and Talk to Him
    REWARDS: 200 coin 2xp

    SL: Thurston quotes the Knights Code

    6. Contrite Knight
    . Forge 3 Stout Axes
    Magic Forge: 2 hrs. 10 iron ore. 1 wood beam
    REWARDS: 1,900 coin 12xp

    SL: asks Old Thomas if he has heard of Princess Sabina Faire.
    Old Thomas looks for and finds the scroll ?

    7. The Legend of Princess Faire
    . Take 'The Legend of Princess Faire' Scroll
    REWARDS: 100 coin 3xp


    8. Sabina s Tale PART 1
    . Give The Scroll Back to Thomas
    REWARDS: 5 gems 5xp

    9. Cutting It Close
    After completing goal #6 Contrite Knight
    . Chop Away At Sabina s Hair
    REWARDS: 1,200 coin 5xp

    * then 2 more goals appear on Kingdom Goals board.

    SL: Ivy's Idea
    SL: Old Thomas finds the next section of the poem

    10. Solvent Solutions
    . Ask Friends for 30 Skunk Solvent
    . Scatter 40 Blue Petals
    . Scatter 40 Red Petals
    REWARDS: 2,800 coin 16xp

    11. The Legend Continues
    . Take Part 2 of The Legend of Princess Faire.
    REWARDS: 100 coin 3xp


    12. Sabina's Tale, Part 2
    . Give the Scroll Back to Thomas
    REWARDS: 5 gem 5xp

    SL: OT off to try and find the ending
    SL: Ivy's Solution stinks

    13. Still Caged
    (after completing goal #10 Solvent Solutions)
    . Reassure Sabina
    REWARDS: 5 gem 5xp

    SL: Old Thomas just uncovered the last of the poem

    14. Fate Of A Princess
    . Take Part 3 of The Legend Of The Princess Faire
    REWARDS: 100 coin 3xp


    15. Sabina s Tale, Part 3
    . Ask Thomas about the Magic Scissor
    REWARDS: 5 gem 5xp

    16. The Magic Scissors
    . Forge The Magic Scissors (2 days)
    * (use the Magic Forge)
    *2 Mithril
    (to craft in magic forge - need 4th shard from the Tablet of Tabernum)
    Or rely on adventure, mining or Sir Pigglesworth (very rare)
    50 Iron Ore
    6 Enchanters Essence (potion shop 2hr)
    REWARDS: 2,500 coin 15xp

    After collecting scissors from Magic Forge
    Continue with

    17. Love And Trust
    . Have The Magic Scissors
    . Use the Magic Scissors to CUT Sabina Free
    REWARDS: 500 coin 5xp

    * unlocks: Princess Sabina

    SL : just call me Sabina wants her own cozy cottage

    18. Strictly Ornamental
    (this is a MUST craft - inventory does not count)
    . Craft 1 Ornate Block (Workshop: 6hr)
    2 Royal Beam. 15 Living Wood. 10,000 coin
    . Craft 1 Ornate Beam (Workshop: 6hr)
    2 Royal Block. 15 Jewel. 10,000 coin
    . Mix 1 Magic Cement (Potion Shop: 12hr)
    2 Architects Paste. 15 Silver Ore. 15,000 coin
    REWARDS: 4,000 coin 12xp

    * unlocks: Adventure Traverse the Desert Sands

    2 new goals appear on Kingdom Goals

    SL: Thurston does not want to be call Sir Sweaty
    SL : Sabinas dream home plans include
    Capstone on northern foundations shall be the Heart of the Sands
    (a huge ruby cut into the shape of a heart. There's only one in the world!)

    19. Overheated
    . Forge A set of Light Armor
    (this is a MUST craft - inventory does not count)
    REWARDS: 2,500 coin 10xp

    20. Heart of the Sands
    . Send Knights on an *Expedition
    Across the Desert
    . Obtain The Heart of the Sands
    *Adventure: Traverse the Desert Sands 1 DAY
    1 Sweet Feast. 5 Light Armor. 9500 coin

    REWARDS: 2,400 coin 6xp

    * unlocks: Sabina's House

    21. Sabina's House
    . Place and Build Sabina's House
    Find it in the Market
    REWARDS: 5,000 coin 20xp

    Wow: went from cozy cottage to dream home to House
    Sabina s House : 0 Cost. 100 RP. 350/4hrs
    3 Ornate Beams. 3 Ornate Blocks. 4 Magic Cement. 1 Heart of the Sands
    Note: what was in my inventory did count towards the build.

    22. Wigging Out
    After building Sabinas House
    . Ask Friends for 75 Hair Donations
    REWARD: 2,500 coin 25xp

    23. A Grateful Princess
    . Accept Sabinas Gift of 100,000 coins
    REWARDS: 100,000 coins

    *after collecting from Sabinas House the first time?
    SL: 1st visitor and Sabina remembering a time in her tower
    When she had another lonely visitor & she gives you ?

    * the Jeweled Talon! A charm from Sabinas necklace.

    24. A Cry In The Night
    . Find The Forgotten Roost- VIEW*
    . Go to the Roost with Sabina
    REWARDS: 1,200 coin 8xp

    * The Forgotten Roost:
    3200 Royal Points. 25 Wisp Lanterns. 300,000 coin
    AND Possess The Jeweled Talon

    25. Sabina's Song
    . Have Sabina Continue Her Song
    REWARDS: 500 coin 1xp

    * unlocks: The Forgotten Roost

    SL: an egg falls out

    26. A Mysterious Egg
    . Use the Magic Forge to Incubate the egg GO
    REWARDS: 2,400 coin 15xp

    *GO takes you to the Magic Forge where you see Incubate Egg

    CRAFT Takes 2 Days to hatch


    Collect from Magic Forge : Congratulations!
    You've crafted a Baby Manticore
    place in your kingdom

    27. Little Manty
    . Raise Little Many into an Adult *
    REWARDS: 8,000 coin 25xp

    *FEED every 6 hr : 7 times to adult (include the 1st time just after incubation)
    Last edited by Dabag; 03-17-15 at 04:26 AM. Reason: to put all Sabina goals in one place

  2. #292
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    CHAIN 16: Princess Sabina Faire

    EXPAND to the Girl with the Tangled Tresses


    Now hear the tale of Princess Faire, whose sisters loss her father grieved,
    And swore that to the afterlife his other daughter wouldn?t leave.
    He built a magic tower stout in stone and spire and winding stair,
    And at the apex did he seal for all her years the Princess Faire.

    There she stayed with living dolls and talking books that read themselves,
    As feasts of cake and strawberries were served to her by hidden elves,
    And though she wished for someone else with whom these blessings could be shared,
    Each new day stretched into the next without a friend for Princess Faire.

    Last edited by Dabag; 01-29-14 at 01:36 PM. Reason: Members request

  3. #293
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    And so the weeks turned into years, each passing day just like the last,
    Throughout the tower she explored, and everywhere her gaze was cast
    No door, no lock, no key - there lay no passage from her fathers lair,
    And so behind the unforgiving stone remained the Princess Faire.

    Her bedroom was atop the spire, a single window peering down,
    Her eyes judged keenly, as she groomed, the fatal distance to the ground,
    She saw with rope it could be done, and conjured that she d grow her hair,
    And so were filled with azure skies the eager dreams of Princess Faire


    When her locks had reached a length of head to toe and back again,
    She laid a foot upon the sill and faced into the restless wind,
    But then the stillness was undone by echoes in the tower lair,
    Her fathers voice throughout the halls: You shall not leave here, Princess Faire.

    A fathers gift, her strands of gold - remembrance of her sibling gone,
    Peerless but for one device upon which evenings gleaming shone:
    A wizards firm and grasping hand clutched round a Magic Scissor there,
    And so she leapt into the night. Made free at last, the Princess Faire.

    Last edited by maguar; 05-10-13 at 03:35 AM. Reason: Dabag's request
    Have a Castle Story question? Check this thread to see if it's already been answered. For reference info check here and here. Info on goals is here.

  4. #294
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Last edited by maguar; 05-10-13 at 03:35 AM. Reason: Members request

  5. #295
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    This is NOT a Goal BUT Preparation should you wish to craft in advance.
    GOAL is *Heart of The Sands* Adventure >Traverse the Desert Sands.

    Preparing for Adventure
    Once the goal unlocks, your good to go!
    You may craft ahead, your inventory will count

    Traverse the Desert Sands 1 DAY
    1 Sweet Feast. 5 Light Armor. 9500 coin

    1 Sweet Feast

    SWEET FEAST: 6 hr (kitchen)
    5 Royal Sundae(goal). 5 Syrup. 1 Silver Platter(magic forge)

    One Royal Sundae: (2hr kitchen)
    1 Ice Cream. 2 Chocolate. 10 Strawberries
    X 5 for the sweet feast

    1 X Ice Cream (1hr. kitchen) 10 Milk. 2 Sugar. 5 Eggs
    X 5
    Milk 10 x 5 = 50 Sugar 2 x 5 = 10 Eggs 5 x 5 = 25

    2 X Chocolate (30 min. kitchen)
    1 chocolate = 5 Cocoa Beans(3hr crop)
    X 2 required for one Royal Sundae recipe = 10 beans
    Cocoa Beans 10 X 5 = 50

    10 X Strawberries (1hr crop) 10 x 5 = 50

    5 x Syrup (1hr. kitchen) 5 Sap. 1 Sugar
    Sap 5 x 5 = 25 Sugar 1 X 5 = 5

    1 Silver Platter (4hr magic forge) 20 Silver Ore. 5 Jewel.

    5 X Light Armor
    Light Armor 3hr (magic forge)
    6 Silver Ore. 6 Iron Ore. 1 Troll Essence
    X 5
    Silver Ore 6 X 5 = 30
    Iron Ore 6 X 5 = 30
    Troll Essence 1 X 5 = 5

    Grocery List
    50 Milk (collect from stables or cows)
    15 Sugar (4hr crop)
    25 Eggs (collect from hatchery or chickens)
    50 Cocoa Beans (3hr crop)
    50 Strawberries (1hr crop)

    25 Sap (collect from trees, sawmill or receive as gift)

    ( collect from mines, rocks or receive as gift)
    50 Silver Ore
    5 Jewel
    30 Iron Ore

    5 Troll Essence

    Hope my math is correct.
    Last edited by Dabag; 02-01-14 at 01:21 PM.

  6. #296
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    CHAIN: Princess Sabina Faire

    After collecting scissors from Magic Forge
    Continue with

    17. Love And Trust
    . Have The Magic Scissors
    . Use the Magic Scissors to CUT Sabina Free
    REWARDS: 500 coin 5xp

    * unlocks: Princess Sabina

    SL : just call me Sabina wants her own cozy cottage

    18. Strictly Ornamental
    (this is a MUST craft - inventory does not count)
    . Craft 1 Ornate Block (Workshop: 6hr)
    2 Royal Beam. 15 Living Wood. 10,000 coin
    . Craft 1 Ornate Beam (Workshop: 6hr)
    2 Royal Block. 15 Jewel. 10,000 coin
    . Mix 1 Magic Cement (Potion Shop: 12hr)
    2 Architects Paste. 15 Silver Ore. 15,000 coin
    REWARDS: 4,000 coin 12xp

    * unlocks: Adventure Traverse the Desert Sands

    2 new goals appear on Kingdom Goals

    SL: Thurston does not want to be call Sir Sweaty
    SL : Sabinas dream home plans include
    Capstone on northern foundations shall be the Heart of the Sands
    (a huge ruby cut into the shape of a heart. There s only one in the world!)

    19. Overheated
    . Forge A set of Light Armor
    (this is a MUST craft - inventory does not count)
    REWARDS: 2,500 coin 10xp

    20. Heart of the Sands
    . Send Knights on an *Expedition
    Across the Desert
    . Obtain The Heart of the Sands
    *Adventure: Traverse the Desert Sands 1 DAY
    1 Sweet Feast. 5 Light Armor. 9500 coin

    REWARDS: 2,400 coin 6xp

    * unlocks: Sabina s House

    21. Sabina s House
    . Place and Build Sabinas House
    Find it in the Market
    REWARDS: 5,000 coin 20xp

    Wow: went from cozy cottage to dream home to House
    Sabina s House : 0 Cost. 100 RP. 350/4hrs
    3 Ornate Beams. 3 Ornate Blocks. 4 Magic Cement. 1 Heart of the Sands
    Note: what was in my inventory did count towards the build.

    22. Wigging Out
    After building Sabinas House
    . Ask Friends for 75 Hair Donations
    REWARD: 2,500 coin 25xp

    23. A Grateful Princess
    . Accept Sabinas Gift of 100,000 coins
    REWARDS: 100,000 coins

    *after collecting from Sabinas House the first time?
    SL: 1st visitor and Sabina remembering a time in her tower
    When she had another lonely visitor & she gives you ?

    * the Jeweled Talon! A charm from Sabinas necklace.

    24. A Cry In The Night
    . Find The Forgotten Roost- VIEW*
    . Go to the Roost with Sabina
    REWARDS: 1,200 coin 8xp

    * The Forgotten Roost:
    3200 Royal Points. 25 Wisp Lanterns. 300,000 coin
    AND Possess The Jeweled Talon

    25. Sabina s Song
    . Have Sabina Continue Her Song
    REWARDS: 500 coin 1xp

    * unlocks: The Forgotten Roost

    SL: an egg falls out

    26. A Mysterious Egg
    . Use the Magic Forge to Incubate the egg GO
    REWARDS: 2,400 coin 15xp

    *GO takes you to the Magic Forge where you see Incubate Egg

    CRAFT Takes 2 Days to hatch


    Collect from Magic Forge : Congratulations!
    You?ve crafted a Baby Manticore
    place in your kingdom

    27. Little Manty
    . Raise Little Many into an Adult *
    REWARDS: 8,000 coin 25xp

    *FEED every 6 hr : 7 times to adult (include the 1st time just after incubation)
    Last edited by maguar; 05-05-13 at 11:26 PM. Reason: Added next part

  7. #297
    Wonderful. I'm so using this! Gave in to my lesser instincts and forwarded the scissors by seven hours- not too bad. Had crafted the cement and block before hand, just didn't collect until the goal was triggered. Now doing the block. This is so much fun! And it's thanks to the information gathering efforts of the people in the forum. Thanks heaps, everybody!

  8. #298
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    So where does the wig quest comes in?

  9. #299
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by vchanhs View Post
    So where does the wig quest comes in?
    right after Sabinas House is Completed.

    22. Wigging Out
    After building Sabinas House
    . Ask Friends for 75 Hair Donations
    REWARD: 2,500 coin 25xp

  10. #300
    Quote Originally Posted by Dabag View Post
    right after Sabinas House is Completed.

    22. Wigging Out
    After building Sabinas House
    . Ask Friends for 75 Hair Donations
    REWARD: 2,500 coin 25xp
    If my math is not wrong, this take like 4 days?

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