Quote Originally Posted by christina_ne View Post
i think you should be able to earn gems like you do coins. i purchased this game for my 4 year old granddaughter and i to play together. she wants to do things NOW!, not wait. For that you need to have gems. I have not found a way to get gems, other than buying them--which is what I have had to do. Under the FAQ section on how to get more gems, all it says is where & how to buy them. If there is another way to get them, you do not advertise the answer & should. Since we started this game on Easter, we have not earned any; if you can earn them, you need to speed that process up with several ways to earn them. I will not continue with this game unless this is changed, as it becomes very expensive.
There are one or two tasks that allow you to win gems, but they generally aren't the easiest and most of them involve downloading and playing other games in the series. I have 40 at the moment and most of them have been from these kind of tasks, but I find them really annoying.
I agree we should be able to win more but I guess it shows you don't get anything for free these days