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Thread: Feedback: Android parity discussion (continued)

  1. #1
    Admin Community Manager [S8] Elsa's Avatar
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    May 2011

    Feedback: Android parity discussion (continued)

    Thank you to everyone who has been providing feedback so far. We appreciate it! This thread has reached quite a few pages. Let's start a fresh thread and continue the conversation.

    Recap from the previous thread:

    • Developing for Android is more difficult due to the multiple operating systems and variety of devices. We're working to resolve the parity, but it takes more time due to the development process. We want to make sure we introduce features that include as many devices as possible.
    • We currently aren't able to provide a deadline to ensure that we don't present expectations that may not fall on a specific date/time. We rarely announce big feature updates or games prior to release, with the exception of our weekly teasers/content blogs.
    • The Android platform is supported. Any rumors stating otherwise are false information.
    • Players have said they would like to see more transparent updates or blogs about Android progress/updates.
    • Players have said they would like to be caught up before new features are implemented.
    • Players have said they would like simultaneous updates to all platforms.

    Please be familiar with the forum rules & policies and keep the thread constructive. If you have a question or concern regarding a moderator action, please submit a thread in Forum Disputes.

  2. #2
    Fashion Designer
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    Dec 2012
    Thanks for setting us up, Pony When I saw the other one was locked I was so worried at first!

    It's great to have the facts right there, too. Everyone will be on the same page when it comes to understanding the Android situation!

  3. #3
    Executive Chef
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    west Tennessee
    Yes, thank you, this was a good idea.

  4. #4
    I really want to believe this is being worked on, I do. My wife and I have put some money into this game, and would love to do it some more, but until there is proof and not words your working on Android, it's hard to justify what feels like funding iOS players updates. I pay money they get the new stuff. That's the reality until you catch up Android : we pay for iOS updates. Every time you release updates for iOS and not us that's what it equates to. That's why it's so frustrating, if you can't update us you shouldn't be taking money. Your more than willing to take money but give nothing back in updates.

    I don't want to be this negative, I don't. Just getting some honest feedback out here. Whatever is being done, it's just not enough or fast enough period. Other studios and games keep parity across platforms, so each week that goes by and it doesn't happen the excuse rings very hollow. If other studios can do it, and you can't, that excuse doesn't hold water.

  5. #5
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jan 2013
    Thanks Pony! I'm so glad I have learned to copy and paste before posting on forums, she locked it as I was typing a reply.

    I am also sending the valentines requests, some of my best neighbors are ios. Sadly alot of my Android neighbors have stopped being so active. I used the same get daily visits from one, not any more. He/She is still gifting and accepting / sending map requests; but that's it. I'm sad seeing stuff like that, but I understand the why. I'm fairly certain he/she has all (if not then nearly all dragons). My egg count is hovering barely above two, I don't visit nearly as often as I used to. I just started returning visits and visiting neighbors who gift me, for a few weeks all I rarely visited anyone.

    I'm just waiting to see what happens at this point. My gut tells me something is coming, but I've put my excitement back in check. I don't want to get overly excited over a bunch of vague hints. Yes Pony said we are getting the valentines version, but we don't know what it will come with. My hope is we will at least see the pink dragons since it goes with the theme. I have a feeling the trading will be a little longer out. I think I remember Jake saying the pink dragons were in the works prior to the trading being released, so we would have those sooner. Only time will tell...

    I have resisted the urge to download the valentines ds on my husband's old IPad. I was worried I would be disappointed to see our version when it comes out. I even thought about switching my bs and ds to the IPad from my phone, but that was only a brief thought. I don't want to play on that huge monster of a tablet. The darn thing is heavy compared to my Nexus 7. I just don't like using it. Since I can experience what I am lacking playing on android devices, why torture myself even looking. No point unless I decide to switch to the IPad, which isn't going to happen.

  6. #6
    New Resident
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    Jan 2013
    I've been playing Dragon Story on android since last summer. I really do enjoy the game, but I'm just so incredibly frustrated about the disparity. To me, it's basically equated to the fact that Android is playing half of the game that the IOS players are. We don't have the goals, the dragons, the buildings, the collection bonuses, and other features that they do.

    That said, I have a question that I must have missed the answer on, if it's ever been asked or answered before.

    If/When Android gets our Crafting update, will Android get gemstone dragons that are free in Android only, and which IOS would have to pay Gold to get?. Hear me out - I mean, fairs fair, right? IOS already got certian gemstone dragons that were craftable (Free), but Android can ONLY get for Gold (real money).

    Why shouldn't Android get that perk once we catch up? Give us certian free breeds of dragons that IOS would have to pay for if they wanted them? Otherwise, it's basically just TL sticking it to Android users for TL's own lack of updates to that platform. When there's disparity between identical games, every other game developer insures that there is still something exclusive to each version so that way each one has their own appeal.

  7. #7
    Fashion Designer
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    Dec 2012
    To be fair, no one sane is actually buying the gemstone dragons for that much money.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I dont really agree with the "cant get deadlines" maybe thats part of the problem...every job I have ever had has enforced deadlines to make sure progress is happening and it is an expectation that deadlines be met or workers get in is it thar that same theory isnt practiced by developers.... I am not complaining or being rude...just expressing my feelings and opinions on deadlines....maybe if they had some then there would be a little more pressure to complete the project..... my 2 cents....any way I cant wait for pink dragons ...I realllllly want the album too! Maybe we will get those with the valentines update?!?!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by sollia View Post
    To be fair, no one sane is actually buying the gemstone dragons for that much money.
    I agree and i know I sure wont! But you never would be intetesting to see statistics on gold purchases and devices...

  10. #10
    Executive Chef
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ryumia View Post

    If/When Android gets our Crafting update, will Android get gemstone dragons that are free in Android only, and which IOS would have to pay Gold to get?. Hear me out - I mean, fairs fair, right? IOS already got certian gemstone dragons that were craftable (Free), but Android can ONLY get for Gold (real money).
    Fact is, you'll eventually get them. I wouldn't think it unfair that iOs would have to wait the same time that Android did for updates - how many months is it now? Lol - but it being permanent would be fair exactly HOW? Remember it's not the players' fault that the updates keep getting postponed! That doesn't even make sense.

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