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Thread: Bakery Story Recipe Inventory and Chart!!

  1. #151
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by songai4239 View Post
    What about the love muffins,molten lava cake and the 2011 goal recipes? The first two I mention were remove forever (i think) ,but there's no way to get the 5 Christmas goal recipes
    Did anyone respound to my post?

  2. #152
    Farm Supplier
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    Quote Originally Posted by sehana View Post
    I've added the cashflow column in which it shows the actual amount of coins you lose while you are waiting for your previous cooked items to sell.
    I don't understand the logic of this column. Wouldn't the sales (receipts earned) depend on your bakery set up, value/serving of what is on the counter.....
    Could you please explain the math here?

    Btw - thank you so much for all your hard work on these spreadsheets. Truly an amazing endeavor!

  3. #153
    Farm Supplier
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    Quote Originally Posted by sehana View Post
    After you're logged into Springpad and you are at the Checklist,you will see at the top with a button with a plus sign and spring it [+ Spring it!]. that's how you 'save' it to your account to start checking off items
    Thanks very much for the help. The Spring It button was easy to find, once I knew what to look for, on my computer. But I still can't find it on my tablet. Oh well.
    Springpad is a pretty cool app for sharing, but, really lacks in the functionality department. I ended up copying the data and pasting in Excel.

    Once again thanks for all you do & share with us commoners >^?^< Cheers!

  4. #154
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by songai4239 View Post
    What about the love muffins,molten lava cake and the 2011 goal recipes? The first two I mention were remove forever (i think) ,but there's no way to get the 5 Christmas goal recipes
    Quote Originally Posted by songai4239 View Post
    Did anyone respound to my post?
    The love muffins and molten lava cake were part of 2012 Valentine's goals. So they aren't available unless TL decides to create goals for those again

    Quote Originally Posted by kofekat View Post
    I don't understand the logic of this column. Wouldn't the sales (receipts earned) depend on your bakery set up, value/serving of what is on the counter.....
    Could you please explain the math here?

    Btw - thank you so much for all your hard work on these spreadsheets. Truly an amazing endeavor!
    How it was explained to me or what I got from the example that was given, was...

    Lets take the Orange Leaf Cookies
    If you have only one Autumn Oven

    Orange Leaf Cookies = Cost: 5040, it sells for 9000 for a profit of 3960


    Well you aren't going to see the profit right away, so you bake another batch of Orange Leaf Cookies
    3960-5040= -1080

    so you lose out initially and will take forever to get that profit going.

    This, I was told was significant information for lower level players or players that do not have a lot of coins. So I was asked if I could add that column.

    Quote Originally Posted by kofekat View Post
    Thanks very much for the help. The Spring It button was easy to find, once I knew what to look for, on my computer. But I still can't find it on my tablet. Oh well.
    Springpad is a pretty cool app for sharing, but, really lacks in the functionality department. I ended up copying the data and pasting in Excel.

    Once again thanks for all you do & share with us commoners >^?^< Cheers!
    hmmm, I guess I should mention that it is easier to add to your notebook within a browser on a PC or laptop as it is sometimes difficult to find within the device app. :/
    But I'm glad you found it
    Last edited by sehana; 01-14-13 at 09:03 PM.
    PM/ Profile |Gamerologizm Fan Link in Forum (previously known as Supreme Dynasty) | Transfer Method
    Dragon Egg Chart - (I've given up on Dragon because most Dragons are unobtainable for me.
    Restaurant & Bakery - Feeling discouraged to keep up with; Not happy with gem hikes.
    IDs: Sehana (main)

  5. #155
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    i see

  6. #156
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by songai4239 View Post
    i see
    Sorry Hope TL does decide to re-release past goals, especially if it requires unlocking a recipe
    PM/ Profile |Gamerologizm Fan Link in Forum (previously known as Supreme Dynasty) | Transfer Method
    Dragon Egg Chart - (I've given up on Dragon because most Dragons are unobtainable for me.
    Restaurant & Bakery - Feeling discouraged to keep up with; Not happy with gem hikes.
    IDs: Sehana (main)

  7. #157
    Quote Originally Posted by sehana View Post
    How it was explained to me or what I got from the example that was given, was...

    Lets take the Orange Leaf Cookies
    If you have only one Autumn Oven

    Orange Leaf Cookies = Cost: 5040, it sells for 9000 for a profit of 3960


    Well you aren't going to see the profit right away, so you bake another batch of Orange Leaf Cookies
    3960-5040= -1080

    so you lose out initially and will take forever to get that profit going.

    This, I was told was significant information for lower level players or players that do not have a lot of coins. So I was asked if I could add that column
    I said in another thread that egg tart is better cash flow than red velvet cake but someone disagreed. They said that only 43,000 dishes can be served in a day (unless we leave the device and application open). So I think we need to divide 43,000 by 24 and multiply by the number of hours it takes to cook something. You can expect to serve 1791.6 dishes per hour...

    I'll see if I can do the formula and see if it seems more accurate.

    There's also the issue of number of counters and what are dishes you might be serving...

    Cash flow is a tricky column

  8. #158
    Executive Chef
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    "my own little world"
    Quote Originally Posted by sunk818 View Post
    Cash flow is a tricky column
    I agree cash flow cannot be determined as a generalized number for a dish. Too many factors affect cash flow. Some of the biggest factors are...

    SELL RATE of food in YOUR bakery. (This number varies GREATLY depending on your table arrangement)

    Number of counter of existing food

    Number of appliances

    All these factors change each dishes cash flow.

  9. #159
    Do we know if we will ever be able to get the appliances that were limited again? or even able to get the removed ones that we would like even though they I guess didnt have a high popularity... (i'm guessing that's why they were taken off)

  10. #160
    New Resident
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    Jun 2011
    Question, how can we unlock old goals? I have locked goals from about a year ago. Can they be unlocked now in any way? Can't find info on it.

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