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Thread: Remove 2012 Holiday Content

  1. #221
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kooky panda View Post
    Red velvet cookies are still under the regular oven on the christmas game for IOS.
    They are not on the regular bakery game(for IOS)
    I'm glad Frozen Turtle posted that they brought back the red velvet cookies to the oven, I hope that meant in the regular version!!! Because it makes no sense to leave it only on the "Christmas version" when that version is OUTDATED with bugs/issues! For some reason, during the holiday season, TL chose NOT to update Xmas versions, and instead only updated the regular versions. So leaving recipes on those OLD versions is pointless, since many of us quit playing those versions & went back to regular versions due to bugs & issues!

    This whole recipe removal thing was botched! Taking very, very old recipes (incl an 8-coin)... taking things that have nothing to do with seasonal or holidays... taking recipes from specialty appliances. Way too many issues. Very disappointed... but not surprised! TL has proven they simply don't care, plain & simple!

    As to giving "constructive feedback" that Frozen Turtle asks for... I posted a list of taken recipes, and bolded the ones that made no sense to me, that don't appear to be holiday/seasonal. I understand taking foods that are specific to holidays. But basic everyday foods, just because you released them DURING a holiday season does not MAKE them holiday/seasonal! So my "constructive feedback" would be to bring those BACK for say 30 days, and give us a chance to master them... THEN take them away!

    And feedback for the future... take things away SLOWLY... and give us enough advance notice AND most importantly A LIST of what will be taken!! Then again, we've been asking for that list, and I thought it was pretty "constructive" back then... yet we were still ignored. Would have gone much smoother had you just provided a list... common sense & simple!

  2. #222
    Farm Supplier
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    Aug 2011
    Maybe it's just me, or this is old information, but just checked my regular oven on BS Christmas, and the podium cake, love muffins and molton lava is back.

  3. #223
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011

    Appliances REMOVED as of Jan. 08/09. 2013

    Checked the - Regular Version of BAKERY STORY
    No longer available for purchase

    Fireplace Oven - Released Dec.2011
    Strictly for style - same recipes as regular oven - not popular

    Truffle Maker - Released Jan.20.2012 - Valentines - 2 recipes
    Fruit Chocolate Dip - Released Jan.20.2012 - Valentines - 2 recipes

    Turkey Oven - Released Nov.13.2012 - 3 recipes

    Coffin Drink Machine - Released Sept.27.2012 - 3 recipes

    World Games Oven - Released Aug.05.2012 - World Games - 3 recipes
    Healthy Sweets Machine - Released Aug.05.2012 - World Games - 3 recipes

    Candy Cane Maker - Released Dec.09. 2011-Christmas - 2 goal recipes
    Re-Released Feb.02.2012 - 2 recipes

    Marzipan Oven - Released Dec.09. 2011 -Christmas - 1 recipe

    Emerald Oven - Released Mar.15.2012 - St.Patricks - 3 recipes

    Witches Cauldron- Released Sept.28.2012 - Halloween - 3 recipes

    Winter Wonder Oven - Released Dec.11.2012 - 3 recipes

    Dehydrator - Released Jan.13.2012 - 1 recipe

    Sugar Coater - Released - Jan.13.2012 - 1 recipe

    Candy Hatchery - Released Apr.05.2012 - Easter -4 recipes

    Santas Oven - Released. Dec.27.2012

  4. #224
    New Resident
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    Jan 2013
    I can't find pool pie anymore, do you still have the recipe?

  5. #225
    Executive Chef
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by krabed View Post
    I can't find pool pie anymore, do you still have the recipe?
    That's why it was removed. It was part of the World Games app.
    I play all the games but these days I have been showing more interest in Farm, Bakery, and Pet Hotel Story. But I do check the other games like three times a week. =)

  6. #226
    New Resident
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    Jan 2013
    so it was removed? I didn't realized it was part of the holiday collections

  7. #227
    Executive Chef
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by krabed View Post
    so it was removed? I didn't realized it was part of the holiday collections
    Yeah, it was removed.
    I play all the games but these days I have been showing more interest in Farm, Bakery, and Pet Hotel Story. But I do check the other games like three times a week. =)

  8. #228
    Personally, I'm not holding out any hope we're going to get back any of the removed recipes. The TL staff quote about the poll kinda seems like a diversion tactic to me to focus on the poll/poll results and not the messy removal process or the way it was handled:

    Quote Originally Posted by FrozenTurtle View Post
    Hey everyone!

    The Red Velvet Cookies have been added back to your regular Oven. You may need to force-close and restart your app to see them again. Any seasonal items/recipes which you have unlocked should also available to you once again.

    Unfortunately, there was a miscommunication with the Game Teams and recipes which were mastered will not be coming back at this time. I apologize for passing along that information! In regards to these specific recipes which were removed, please do provide us with some constructive feedback. We did bring back some of your favorite Christmas 2011 items this past year, so let us know what your favorite recipes were. No guarantees it will return to the game, but we will definitely pass along the more popular requests. Again, sorry!

  9. #229
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I posted this elsewhere also, but I don't think they should remove recipes from the specialty appliances. Once you buy an oven or whatever with a certain number of recipes you should be allowed to finish them at your own pace. If you want to cook Santa cookies in July you should be able to. They should just remove the appliances for any future sale to make room for new appliances. If they want to remove recipes from the regular appliances they should give several weeks notice of the specific recipe. To me that is the only fair way and giving notice does not harm anyone.

  10. #230
    Fashion Designer
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    Oct 2012
    I never buy more than 4 specialty ovens at a time. Sometimes I buy only 1. With that strategy I have cooked recipes as they came out, and easily mastered them, then looked forward to cooking something else. Realistically nearly every player has the opportunity to master each recipe as it comes out, and have the recipe sit on the counter for AGES.

    I'm happy that some recipes came and went. I focused on them and am done with them. TL, thanks for bringing back the old seasonals during Halloween and Christmas! I cooked A FEW... But really focused on the new seasonals I hadn't mastered, because seasonals are, well, SEASONAL, and likely to be pulled. (Still not happy candy canes are gone from candy cane maker!)

    I only wish that, now and again, if some haven't completed a seasonal goal, that the goal would show up again the next season - only on devices that hadn't completed it - for us to give it another try. This programming is apparantly possible and used with the goals for adding and playing other games. I understand if TL wants to encourage us to play in the moment by NOT returning the option to complete old goals, but the unattainable locked items we see in our menus are a slap in the face for those who cannot buy/cook them.

    I suppose removing the locked item for some would would require the recipe to be removed for everyone... And that's not fun for those who won the goal. I could wait another year looking at mince pie locked in my menu if I knew the goal would reappear next year. But, hey, it's still winter, so a shot at it could still be given... And then seasonal reopenings of goals that only appear on the devices that haven't completed them.

    I may post this in the suggestions thread...

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