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Thread: Remove 2012 Holiday Content

  1. #111
    Quote Originally Posted by sweetstuff525 View Post
    Wow maybe your right ... Just read it and it does say that

    Ps I also took a screen shot of it for proof lol
    Yeah, it's not very nice of them. In fact, it seems like they are trying to provide as little information as possible on purpose.

    Sorry, I should have provided the link sooner so everything made more sense

  2. #112
    Grand Emperor
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    May 2011
    Frozen Turtle does say the mastered recipes on the regular appliances will remain. That's kind of surprising. I believe there's some extra programming they would have to do to keep the recipe for some and not others, but if that's what they said, then they should keep their word.

  3. #113
    Grand Emperor
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    Quote Originally Posted by device2 View Post
    Yeah, it's not very nice of them. In fact, it seems like they are trying to provide as little information as possible on purpose.

    Sorry, I should have provided the link sooner so everything made more sense
    Yes, I think they are providing as little info on purpose. And also giving as little notice as possible. This way you'll rush and try to do everything in case it might go away.

  4. #114
    Fashion Designer
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    Oct 2011
    Even thought holiday items will be removed, don't go all crazy! I know from past experience after you buy holiday appliances you can access the recipes in them at any time, so purchase them as you get the parts as gifts, and focus on the goals and regular holiday recipes from the Gerry first holiday update I knew they were going to be removed, so thinking that way from the start, now I only have 1 holiday recipe on the regular oven to perfect. And I don't think the most recent snow ice stuff and those goals are part of the holiday content, so set those goals aside till after the Christmas goals if you haven't yet completed them.

  5. #115
    Fashion Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by nmishii View Post
    Yes, I think they are providing as little info on purpose. And also giving as little notice as possible. This way you'll rush and try to do everything in case it might go away.
    Unless your a really new player you know there going to remove it from the start! So from the start play knowing its going to be removed but don't go all crazy and rush all around, that's what I did and I'm not worried at all! I have all the holiday goals done, and only have 1 recipe to perfect!

  6. #116
    is gingerbread chair, table, wallpaper will be removed ?

    how about coffin counter, bat chair, bat table ?

  7. #117
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by vanilla_vodka View Post
    is gingerbread chair, table, wallpaper will be removed ?

    how about coffin counter, bat chair, bat table ?

    Probably, as they're holiday-related decor

  8. #118
    Farm Supplier
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by catgirl477 View Post
    Unless your a really new player you know there going to remove it from the start! So from the start play knowing its going to be removed but don't go all crazy and rush all around, that's what I did and I'm not worried at all! I have all the holiday goals done, and only have 1 recipe to perfect!
    I played a long time ago on a diff device (I quit over some issues that have since been fixed), so even though I seem fairly "new" starting over on a diff device, I knew it "might" happen that recipes might disappear, so when a recipe was released on a regular appliance, I did my best to master them if I thought they might be considered holiday/seasonal & I finished quite a few. BUT without a list, I'm unsure whether I got them all or not, I could easily have missed some. But since I don't know which are which, I haven't bothered to even attempt any of them, I've just been cooking what I want, working on the new goals mostly & trying to cook higher coin earning items... there's no point in rushing & cooking things that may or may not disappear, I won't be rushed or panicked. But sadly, many people are panicked. And even more don't even have a clue what's coming, they don't even know anything is going away, because many people are still playing the Xmas versions, and TL couldn't be bothered to put the pop ups in those versions. What a surprise!

    That's another thing that really irks me in timing... the cooking contest that just ended AND the brand new goals in both RS & BS. How can people attempt to master holiday recipes AND complete goals, especially with RS cooking looooong 2 day recipes for goals, and BS had 50 recipes one goal, and now 40 of the brand new recipe... there's NO way to cook those AND holiday recipes. Very, very poor timing TL!! You could have done better on the timing no matter what, and you COULD provide a list of what is being removed. I'm beginning to think you actually LIKE angering your players... a little masochistic maybe? You like torturing players with problems, confusion, issues, traps, etc! That's a sad, sad way to run a gaming company!

  9. #119
    Executive Chef
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    I hope you guys are wrong. I have too many receipes mastered because I knew that January 7th was going to happen...eventually. Now, you telling me they going to stay if they are mastered.

    Why couldn't they bring back Tombstone Brownie? I wanted to master that receipe in BS.
    I play all the games but these days I have been showing more interest in Farm, Bakery, and Pet Hotel Story. But I do check the other games like three times a week. =)

  10. #120
    Fashion Designer
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    Aug 2012
    they do everything backwards....they should remove mastered recipes and leave us the ones we need to finish. It's no rocket science, but of course everything is done with as little sense as possible

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