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Thread: Castle Story: OLD Main Goal Guide - SUPERSEDED

  1. #51
    Executive Chef
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    Thurston was introduced with the November 20, 2012 update
    - A new character to rescue in the woods! Thurston the Knight has a tale to tell and a sacred quest to complete, but you'll have to help him out of his predicament first.
    - Players of Level 15 or higher who fulfill certain conditions may encounter a new monster, the Glimmer Troll. And there are rumors of a Troll King

    1. A Mysterious Sneeze .Rewards 1,000 coin 3xp
    . Find the Mysterious Sneezing
    * Expansion to Boxer Boy : 800 RP. 7 WL. 50,000coin

    2. Just Warming Up .Rewards 1,200 coin 8xp
    . BUILD a Street Torch (Lv.6 . Decorations menu 1,800 coin
    . SEW 25 Hides Into Blanket (hides from cows)
    . FEED Thurston 3 Hearty Stew (Lv.15) (2hr: each> 8 carrots. 8 roast chicken. 4 water)

    3. Trouble with Trolls .Rewards 400 coin 2xp
    . BUILD a Magic Forge (6,200 coin. 3 Royal Beam. 3 Royal Block. 4 Super Glue)
    . LET Thurston know you r ready

    4. The Enchanted Blade .Rewards 500 coin 3xp
    (need it to battle glimmer trolls
    . FORGE an Enchanted Blade* (1 Longsword. 1 enchanters essence. 20 silver ore)

    *Enchanted Blade craft in Magic Forge. 4 hrs.
    .1 Longsword: magic forge 2hr. 5 iron ore . 1 jewel
    .1 enchanters essence: potion shop 2hr.5 Glimmerdust. 5 water. 5 mermaid scales
    . 20 silver ore
    *Enchanted Blade disappears from craft menu BUT does stay in your inventory/storage.

    5. Thurstons Pants .Rewards 1000 coin 4xp
    . FIND a Glimmer Troll (check places that yield coin or goods
    . Beat Up Glimmer Trolls (Until you Find Thurstons Pants

    6. Hooked .Rewards 1,200 coin 5xp
    . FORGE a Heavy Fishing Hook (You will need it to fish up the helmet!
    Magic Forge 4 hr> 50 iron ore. 1 enchanters essence

    *Need more iron ore? get as gift from neighbors OR iron rich rock Available at the Market>Nature>Other 5,200 coin collect 8x and get 8 iron ore plus stone etc.

    7. Thurstons Helmet .Rewards 1,200 coin 5xp
    . FISH Out Thurstons Helmet (in one of the ponds or wells

    8. Thurstons Breastplate .Rewards 1,000 coin 5xp
    . FORGE a replacement Breastplate Magic Forge 4hr. >30 iron ore. 30 silver ore

    SL: Rule 219 of the Knights Code states: To lose thine fancy armor is to lose thine honor! This will release me from my burden of shame!

    9. Thurston Gets Dressed .Rewards 1,000 coin 5xp
    . GIVE Thurston his Helmet
    . GIVE Thurston His Breastplate
    . GIVE Thurston his Leggings

    *Thurston unlocked. Tap green arrow to complete (he now walks around the Kingdom)

    SL: Thurston> Rule 782 of the Knights Code states: Protect thine liege from all perils!

    10. Defeating Peril .Rewards 5,000 coin 15xp
    (requires a skunkupine to trigger this goal)
    . BEAT Up 10 Skunkupines (found in the garden or when watering flowers
    . BEAT Up 10 Fangbeasts (one almost always shows near the chickens/hatchery
    . Beat Up 10 Glimmer Trolls (anywhere you collect coin

    11. A Lieges Trust .Rewards 250 coin 1xp
    . ASK Thomas about Thurston (Thomas is probably at his house)

    12. Drowning Sorrows .Rewards 1,200 coin 6xp
    . VISIT a Tavern to Talk to Thurston (if you don?t have one, build one)
    Tavern Lv.14: 3,200 coin.3 royal block.3 royal beam. 25 wheat. 5 super glue

    13. A Knights Past .Rewards 2 gems 10xp & left over food(hearty feast)
    . PAY Thurstons 25,000 coin Bar Tab

    SL: Thurston off to check the battlements. Rule 87 of The Knights Code states
    Thy walls shall be high, to shoot down upon the enemy like ?pew pew pew?

    14. Royal Defender .Rewards 2,500 coin 8xp
    . CONSTRUCT a Ballista (Workshop Special 1 day: 20 wood beam. 30 iron ore)
    . RALLY 60 Stout Knights to Garrison your walls

    SL: Rule 156 of the Knights Code: Thine parched throat shall be soothed by only the rootiest of root beers!

    15. Thurstons Thirst .Rewards 2,100 coin 6xp
    . UPGRADE a Tavern to Lv.4
    Lv.1 to Lv.2 2 fancy beam. 2 fancy block. 20 fish. 20 water
    Lv.2 to Lv.3 4 fancy beam. 4 fancy block. 25 roast chicken. 6 bread
    Lv.3 to Lv.4 2 royal beam. 2 royal block. 4 grits. 4 pasta
    (Lv.4to5: 3 breaded fish. 4 royal beam. 4 royal block. 10 truffle)

    16. Thurstons Fort .Rewards 2,000 coin 6xp
    . PLACE and Construct Thurstons Fort
    0 coin. 1 Ballista. 3 Builders paste. 5 Royal block. 5 Royal beam

    17. Forging Excalibam .Rewards 2,000 coin 10xp
    . FORGE the Legendary Sword Excalibam (you cannot defeat the Troll King without it)
    (will have to do goal Secrets of Mithril before you can forge Excalibam)

    *Excalibam craft in Magic Forge 20 hrs.
    1 Mithril. 5 Enchanters essence 10 Troll essence
    .1 Mithril
    . 5 enchanters essence( potion shop 2hr. 5 Glimmerdust. 5 water. 5 mermaid scales)
    .10 Troll essence ( dropped by trolls when defeated

    * Excalibam disappears from the craft menu but you will see it in your inventory

    18. Secrets of Methril .Rewards 800 coin 3xp
    . SEND Knights to Explore The Dark Caves (Adventure from Castle
    1 day: 1 Spicy Feast. 2 Lumin Essence. 5000 coin
    . ACQUIRE 1 Mithril (thru adventure or other *means)
    *usually 1st time on this adventure, the knights bring back the Mithril

    Notes: Mithril: mining deep mine or rare Sir Piggy drop or Magic Forge if you have completed the goal for the 4th Shard (Tablet of Tabernum)

    19. To The Troll Kings Lair .Rewards 500 coin 2xp
    . FIND the Troll Kings Lair (expand there, and defeat the Troll King!)
    Expansion : 1800 RP. 15 WL. 135,000 coin & Excalibam.

    20. Defeat the Troll King .Rewards 500 coin 20xp
    . DEFEAT the Troll King (99 strikes to defeat (Banish him from the Glimmer Wood!

    When Troll King defeated tap on the arrow to complete the goal.
    Then you also receive the BIG RUBY and 450 ROYAL POINTS
    Last edited by Dabag; 02-01-14 at 02:26 PM.

  2. #52
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011

    Last edited by maguar; 12-17-12 at 04:29 PM. Reason: Updated images

  3. #53
    Executive Chef
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    Thread: Castle Story: One Year Anniversary Update

    One Year Anniversary
    Just Jousting You!
    Preparing The Heart
    Rumor Has It
    Thomas? Grand Blueprint

    Tavern Etiquette
    I Scream For Ice Cream
    Skunku-pie Free Event
    Jousting Food List
    Jousting Materials List
    Putting It All Together

    The Jousting Arena

    For Glimmerwood!
    Cold Metal Feet
    Rooty Beers
    Chill Out Potion
    Souspine Chef Ivy
    300 Knights

    The First Match
    Intermission One
    The Second Match
    Intermission Two
    The Final Match
    Champion Thurston
    Last edited by Dabag; 08-28-14 at 02:26 PM.

  4. #54
    Executive Chef
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    Thread: Castle Story: One Year Anniversary Update September 12, 2013

    MUST TAP> GIVE to take item from your inventory/storage
    GO> takes you to the buildings you need to collect from to advance within these quests.


    1. One Year Anniversary .Rewards 310 coin 2xp
    . STRIKE a pose for Old Thomas! (beat up any monster)

    SL: after a splendid display of *focused swinging*
    Thurston asks to throw a jousting tournament in your honor

    2. Just Jousting You! .Rewards 300 coin 1xp
    . APPROVE Thurstons request

    3. Preparing The Heart .Rewards 1,400 coin 5xp
    . MAKE (2) Hearty Feast(Lv.15) for the tournament (GIVE)
    kitchen 2hr each> 1 hearty stew. 1 pasta. 1 breaded fish

    4. Rumor Has It .Rewards 310 coin 2xp
    . FIND the scroll at Old Thomas? Home GO (looking for Scroll J872)

    5. Thomas? Grand Blueprint .Rewards 1,400 coin 5xp
    (will automatically complete goal, if you have the required quantities in storage
    . PREPARE (2) some Royal Blocks(Lv.14) for construction (CRAFT)
    each 2hr. 2 fancy block. 3 jewel. 3 silver ore
    . PREPARE (2) some Royal Beams(Lv.14) for construction (CRAFT)
    each 2hr. 2 fancy beam. 3 jewel. 3 silver ore
    . PREPARE (5 ) some Super Glue for construction (CRAFT)
    each 2hr. 1 simple glue. 4 glimmer dust. 5 sap

    6. Tavern Etiquette .Rewards 1,000 coin 3xp
    . GIFT (30) bags of Iron Ore to the craft masters (GIVE)
    collect from mines from mining iron rich rocks (menu>nature>other)
    . GIFT (30) some beautiful Hides to the craft masters (GIVE)
    collect from cows and stables
    . GIFT (30) some tasty Roast Chickens to the craft masters (GIVE)
    collect from chickens/hatchery
    . NEGOTIATE 1x with the Craft Masters GO (visit the Tavern) collect from Tavern
    Note: Buy only if you do not already have a Tavern. if you already have a Tavern, just need to collect .

    7. I Scream For Ice Cream .Rewards 310 coin 2xp
    . MAKE (5) some Ice Cream(Lv.23) for the tournament (GIVE)
    kitchen 1hr: each> 10 milk. 2 sugar. 5 eggs

    8. Skunku-pie Free Event .Rewards 310 coin 2xp
    . SEE how Thurston is doing (GO find him a his fort > collect from the fort)

    9. Jousting Food List .Rewards 100 coin 1xp
    . WAIT for everyone else to be ready (tap wait)

    10. Jousting Materials List .Rewards 100 coin 1xp
    . WAIT for everyone else to be ready (tap wait)

    SL: everyone checks in
    1. Old Thomas>we have the materials & the blueprint ready.
    2. Ivy > I got the food ready to go too!
    3. (You) Great! Thurston? Shall we get this started?
    4. Thurston> Aye, my liege!

    11. Putting It All Together .Rewards 100 coin 1xp
    . DISCUSS how we are going to build the Jousting Arena
    * Unlocks the Jousting Arena

    12. The Jousting Arena .Rewards 310 coin 2xp
    . BUILD the Jousting Arena (BUY)

    JOUSTING ARENA. 50,000 coin 650c/12hr
    5 Super Glue.7 Purple* Dye. 2 Royal Beam. 2 Royal Block

    *purple petals>Rocket Larkspur lv.13 Nature>plants
    Purple Dye>Potion Shop 1hr each> 5 purple*petals. 3 water

    Arena can be upgraded to level 3 and changes appearance at each level!
    Level 2 upgrade>goal #20 Level 3 upgrade> goal #22

    13. For Glimmerwood! .Rewards 1,400 coin 5xp
    . READY 1x Light Armor(Lv.25) for Thurston (GIVE)
    Magic Forge 3 hr > 6 iron ore. 6 silver ore. 1 troll essence
    . READY 1x Mithril for Thurston (GIVE)
    . READY 15x Fur for Thurston GIVE

    *Mithril: collect from Deep Mine(Lv.22). Royal Exchange>Jewelers Trade(Lv.25)
    OR if you have the 4th Shard CRAFT in>Magic Forge 2 Days> 50 silver ore)

    SL: Thurston runs off

    14. Cold Metal Feet .Rewards 310 coin 2xp
    . FOLLOW Thurston to the Tavern (GO) collect from tavern

    15. Rooty Beers .Rewards 100 coin 1xp
    . TAKE away the Root Beer from Thurston (tap CHEER)
    16. Chill Out Potion .Rewards 1,400 coin 5xp
    . PREPARE some (30) Rat Tails (skunkpine) for the Potion (GIVE)
    . PREPARE a few (5) bottles of Troll Essence (GIVE)
    . PREPARE generous amounts (6) of Sugar for the potion (GIVE)
    *sugar cane 4hr crop>kitchen 15min each. 5 sugar cane = 1 sugar

    17. Souspine Chef Ivy .Rewards 310 coin 2xp
    . BREW the Chill Out Potion at Ivys Hut
    (GO tap arrow at Ivys Hut collect & goal completes)

    18. 300 Knights .Rewards 100 coin 1xp
    . GIVE the Chill Out Potion to Thurston (CHUG) just tap to complete goal

    19. The First Match .Rewards 310 coin 2xp
    . WATCH Thurston joust at the Jousting Arena! (GO takes you to jousting arena>collect)

    20. Intermission One .Rewards 1,400 coin 5xp
    . UPGRADE the Jousting Arena to Level 2 (GO)
    (to Lv.2 : 3 Builders Paste(Lv.17). 5 Longsword(Lv.15). 4 Royal Block (Lv.14) 4 Royal Beam
    . MARVEL at the brand new Jousting Arena! (LOOK)

    21. The Second Match .Rewards 310 coin 2xp
    . CHEER on Thurston at the Jousting Arena! (GO takes you to jousting arena>collect)

    22. Intermission Two .Rewards 1,400 coin 5xp
    . UPGRADE the Jousting Arena to Level 3 GO
    (to Lv.3 : 150,000 coin. 3 Lumin Essence(Lv.18) 3 Enchanted Block(Lv.19) 3 Enchanted Beam
    . MARVEL at your hard work! LOOK

    23. The Final Match .Rewards 310 coin 2xp
    . CHEER on Thurston at the Jousting Arena! (GO takes you to jousting arena>collect)

    24. Champion Thurston .Rewards 100 coin 1xp
    . I dub thee, Champion Thurston! (DUB)

    Last edited by Dabag; 08-28-14 at 02:26 PM.

  5. #55
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011
    reserved for Jousting Arena Photos

    Last edited by Dabag; 02-02-14 at 11:51 AM. Reason: add missing photo

  6. #56
    Executive Chef
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    CHAIN #13 Baron Pfeffernot & Sir Pigglesworth

    Prime Cuts

    Sir Pigglesworth

    High Steaks

    The Truffle Hustle

    A New Home

    Sir Pigglesworth Says Hello

    Necessary Truffness

    Feed the Baron

    Golden Obelisk (decoration only)

    Breakfast Of Champions

    Party Planning

    The Perfect Gift

    A Monument to Greatness
    Last edited by Dabag; 02-01-14 at 07:00 PM.

  7. #57
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    Optional Goals for The Barons Birthday (Golden Obelisk)

    Last edited by Dabag; 02-01-14 at 07:20 PM. Reason: Added images

  8. #58
    Executive Chef
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    CHAIN #13 Baron Pfeffernot & Sir Pigglesworth
    Although the Baron has been with us since the beginning; the November 20, 2012 update included Feed the Baron (recipe) And introducing Sir Pigglesworth, the adorable item-finding pig!

    1. Prime Cuts .Rewards 800 coin 3xp
    (this goal appears after collecting a prime cut from a cow)
    . GIVE 6 Prime Cuts to The Baron (Rare drop from cows & sheep

    2. Sir Pigglesworth .Rewards 1,000 coin 1xp (this goal appears when you reach level 9)
    . FIND and DELIVER the Golden Apple (rare find from adventure, or magic garden, glimmerbat habitat if you have one OR Market>Plants>Apple Tree 90 gems NOT Crab Apple Tree
    . FIND and DELIVER the Gold Nugget (rare drop, mines or rocks)
    . FIND and DELIVER the Golden Egg (rare drop. chickens or hatchery)

    3. High Steaks .Rewards 1,350 coin 3xp (follows goal> Prime Cuts
    . GIVE 30 Prime Cuts to the Baron

    4. The Truffle Hustle .Rewards 800 coin 3xp (after collecting truffle from Sir Piggy
    . GIVE 6 Truffles to the Baron

    5. A New Home .Rewards 25coin 1xp
    . PLACE Sir Pigglesworth in your Kingdom
    . FEED Sir Pigglesworth SIX times (collection once every hour)

    6. Sir Pigglesworth Says Hello .Rewards 100 coin 1xp
    . FEED 50 Strawberries (1hr crop) to Sir Piggy
    . PET Sir Pigglesworth
    *Sir Pigglesworth thanks you by finding 1 wisp lantern

    7. Necessary Truffness .Rewards 1,350 coin 4xp
    (after completing goal> the truffle hustle
    . GIVE 30 Truffles to the Baron
    Note: The Baron also rewards you with 1 super glue

    SL: once the goals for prime cuts & truffles are completed> collect a Prime Cut then The Baron appears and is looking for more Truffles & Prime Cuts. He will provide the recipe to the Kitchen.

    Now appearing at the top of the Kitchen craft menu

    Feed The Baron
    2hours. 10 prime cut. 10 truffle. 20 bacon
    Rewards you with a random item. Could be anything!

    Optional: The Barons Birthday > THE GOLDEN OBELISK (decoration)
    Note: these goals optional and not required to advance in game

    1. Breakfast Of Champions .Rewards 1,700 coin 6xp
    . GIVE the Baron 6 Bread (Kitchen 2hr : 2 flour. 2 water. 6 milk
    . GIVE the Baron 15 Oranges
    . GIVE the Baron a Golden Omelette (Kitchen 8hr 10 golden egg. 15 milk. 25 bacon
    (golden omelette recipe disappears from kitchen menu when goal completed
    . PRESENT it All on a Silver Platter Lv.25 (Magic Forge 4hr : 20 silver. 5 jewel

    2. Party Planning .Rewards 1,700 coin 6xp
    . BUY & PLANT 10 Yellow Acers (Nature>Plants>900 coin each
    . HAVE 6 Yellow Banners (Workshop 3hr : 1x6 banner pole. 4x6 cow hide. 1x6 yellow ink
    . HAVE a Dragon Statue (Market 60 gems OR Craft in Workshop
    (workshop> decorations > 8hr. 5 fancy block.10 jewel. 3 simple glue

    3. The Perfect Gift .Rewards 1,700 coin 6xp
    . GIVE the Baron 1 Gold Bar (gold bar available to craft upon reaching this goal
    (Magic Forge 4hr: 10 gold nuggets OR Nugget cost 80 gem each)
    *Note: Gold Bar disappears from forge menu when goal completed
    (now when you check the magic forge you see it costs 99,999 coin and no nuggets.

    4. A Monument to Greatness .Rewards 3 gems 6xp
    . PLACE Golden Obelisk (no skip)Magic Forge 1 day: 5 gold bars. 50 jewels
    (gold bar 99,999 x5 = 499,995 coins)

    *Note: On completion of goals. Golden Obelisk disappears from forge menu.
    Additional Golden Obelisk available in the Market: Menu>Decorations>Town: 500,000 coin
    No building required.
    Last edited by Dabag; 02-01-14 at 07:08 PM.

  9. #59
    Executive Chef
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    I hope Sir Pigglesworth has a few adventures of his own

    Sir Pigglesworth's Worth event
    (optional, 11 day timed event started Sept.10,2015)

    Note: Photos copied from update thread. Thank you AnniePMH

    Has anyone seen Sir Pigglesworth? Any ideas where he might be? Maybe he's frightened?
    Let's do everything we can to comfort him! Even pigs could use a nice, warm welcome!
    That will help him settle into his new home, I think!

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Last edited by Dabag; 09-21-15 at 12:05 PM.

  10. #60
    Executive Chef
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