Quote Originally Posted by howdy2you View Post
Did your mom put the curse on you. "your going to have one that acts just like you" carma....
Yes and I told her when he gets too out of control I'll send him to her house for the weekend, then we'll see how much she likes it.

Quote Originally Posted by lylahmae View Post
My grandpa was right when he told me God makes the bad ones cuter so we don't **** them.
VERY TRUE. If my 10 yr old wasn't so adorable and funny.......................SMH He can get me so angry but I have to turn away because I can't let him see me smiling. It isn't just the things he says, it is the look he has WHEN he says them that really do me in.

Quote Originally Posted by pinkster73 View Post
My mom always said they make the first baby a good baby to trick you into having another one. My son who is older was an easygoing baby. My daughter, who is a year and a half younger, screamed until the age of 2. Like non-stop.
My 10 yr old wouldn't even let me put him down for the first 2 months. If I tried he'd scream his head off. I couldn't get anything done around the house and had to get up before the hubby just so I could shower while he was still home. He'd come home from work and wonder why NOTHING got done all day. "HELLO, your son wouldn't let me put him down to even go pee!" When I had to go back to work I had the hubby drop the boys off at daycare to wean him off of me a bit, and then I'd pick them up. The first week was brutal, but then things calmed down.

Funny, he hasn't thrown a temper tantrum since he was about 2, but I'm sure I'll get a few during his teenage years.

Off to bed for about 5 hours. So tired. *yawns*