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Thread: Tree Rex Capricorn Shout Out

  1. #1
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Cool Tree Rex Capricorn Shout Out

    During my green monster names research I happened to already have two Tree Rexs named Capricorn. Out of the 140 Tree Rex eggs I hatched I did not get a single Capricorn, but I did get plenty of Capri. I am concluding that the developers must have changed the name from Capricorn to Capri. The reason being Capricorn is 9 characters long while the max name length is 8 characters.

    So if you happen to have a Green monster with the name Capricorn treasure it since it is now an impossible name to get (nor will it let you rename a monster to Capricorn).

  2. #2
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Wow! I happened to have one

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