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Thread: Current Known Bugs and Issues for RS

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I have an Android Incredible running the version of the game and its been a very, very long time since I've seen the gems go on sale (months). My sisters phone is the exact same version, however her gems go on sale like crazy. I've tried reinstalling many times but my gems are never on sale & I can't figure out why.

  2. #12
    Banned DaojinWildfire's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    Sales are randomly offered, so if you do not see a sale in the game for one day, check again another day.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    No... It's been about 3 months of checking the game every day and not a single gem sale. Ever since I had to reinstall the game and get the new update I have not seen a single gem sale. My mother and sister get gem sales just fine, maybe like 10 times already and I'm still at zero. I KNOW the gem sales are random, I've been playing the game for a very long time & when they're on sale that's when I prefer to buy. However, I'm telling you that after I updated -and this seems to just be an issue with me- I haven't seen a gem sale. I used to get at least 1-2 every few weeks or so, but now there's nothing. Are you saying that I'm still destined to get a gem sale, but it'll be maybe once a year now? (if I'm lucky) Or is that because I've spent enough money already you think I'll continue to buy gems even if they aren't on sale? I don't mean to be rude, but I'm just frustrated as it is. At least reassure me that I'll get a gem sale for Easter?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    And I forgot to mention that I'm having this same issue on all TL games. Nightclub, Bakery & Restaurant. I think my "randoms" got taken away, that's what it seems like

  5. #15
    1. iPhone - latest updated iOS
    2. Have tried Valentine's and regular versions. Deleted and reinstalled both fresh.
    3. I have never seen any of the easter specials, except for the gifts. No easter tables, decorations or dishes. I have been sent ears and eggs, and fulfilled many requests, but nothing I do will give me the easter goodies. I don't see mention by anyone that they are having the same problem.

    Also, come to think of it, I haven't received a notification from RS for a long time, either.

  6. #16
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Personally...I know and understand Team Lava opperates on a business level. But the GEMS are being used way too greety by the Team Lava. Expanding your Restaurant used to be 40 Gems. Now 80????????!!!!!!!!!!!! {}!

    Stop buying gems till they change this! It's not fair for us that spend $$$. Also...some cute stuff is not worth over 10 gems to get or receive to use. Speak up people. Otherwise...not only me but others will stop buying gems and will stop playing this game!
    Last edited by kooky panda; 04-09-12 at 11:23 AM. Reason: inappropriate language

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    And looking at what others have to say, the gem sales aren't as "random" as you say they are. Those who rarely buy, or have never bought gems, get sales almost every week to tempt them into buying. Then you have people who do buy a little more frequently even without the sale, and they're less likely to recieve a gem sale - even for months! This TeamLava, is seriously screwed up. But hey, so long as you're counting $$$, who cares, right?

  8. #18
    The Honorable Panda
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    S8 FORUM
    I am not seeing this. On my main games I buy gems alot. On my back up games I never buy gems. I also have games I am no longer playing where I have not bought gems for over 8 months.
    I have been getting random gems sales in all the games. Not at the same time and not for the same amount each time.
    I have not seen any pattern .
    the one thing I do notice is that my sales normally pop in for usually only 1 day, then they are gone, so if you are someone that does not open your games and play everyday, there is a chance that you may be getting the sales, but not seeing them unless you check you game everyday.

    I have talked to some nbrs that have not seen a gem sales in a while but when I ask them if they play everyday and open their games, most have told me no, they only have time to play their games a few days a week.
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  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kooky panda View Post
    I am not seeing this. On my main games I buy gems alot. On my back up games I never buy gems. I also have games I am no longer playing where I have not bought gems for over 8 months.
    I have been getting random gems sales in all the games. Not at the same time and not for the same amount each time.
    I have not seen any pattern .
    the one thing I do notice is that my sales normally pop in for usually only 1 day, then they are gone, so if you are someone that does not open your games and play everyday, there is a chance that you may be getting the sales, but not seeing them unless you check you game everyday.

    I have talked to some nbrs that have not seen a gem sales in a while but when I ask them if they play everyday and open their games, most have told me no, they only have time to play their games a few days a week.
    I'm just curious, when u say you buy gems a lot, how much are you spending? Like $10 here and there? I'd rather not say how much in total I have put into TL games frequently at a time, easy triple digits. I've been playing TL games for a veeeery long time, this actually being my second account after I got a new phone, and every week or so I got a gem sale but I NEVER ever bought any gems. And it stayed like that with that tempting little popup. It wasn't until near the end of last year I started buying gems when they were on sale. Then again the next sale, and the next - but like $50 each time. At the start of this year, I started to notice how infrequent the sales were. So I decided to buy full price, this time even more money. So I probably did this.. 4 times already? I am on the game every single day, I have to or else my sister would gripe at me for gifts, and its probably been longer then 3 months, but from what I can see, not a single gem sale. And my sister who rarely gets gems, is still getting that weekly tempting gem sale. So yes, I'm pretty sure this is just one of TL's business strategies to get more people to buy gems. It's just silly to think that people making so much money would be honest about it

  10. #20
    The Honorable Panda
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    S8 FORUM
    I spend more than 10.00 here and there. lol... I have bought them when they are not on sale and when they are on sale.
    I really do believe these go out random. There are lot of players that do not buy gems until they go on sale so it does not really benefit TL to hand pick players to send these sales to. Bottom line, people are either going to buy or not buy gems... now some people that hardly ever buy, maybe more tempted to buy a few when there is a sale.
    I have iphone(main game),, then I also have ipad 3, Itouch 4 and kindle fire that I have games downloaded on but do not play, and I have not seen pattern on the sales. I get almost the same amount of sales on my active device as the non-active devices just at different times.

    And yes, TL is a business and of course depends on players that buy gems to pay the bills and keep the games running, and also make it possible for other players that never buy gems to play for free.

    Same thing happens in the real world, there is on big department store that when they sent out flyers to credit card holders, they will have a peel off where you can get random sales. 15% 20% and 30%. My husband gets one and I get one in the mail. sometimes I get the 30% off and sometimes he does, it is always random. My credit card is the one used, he never uses his(unless for my present. lol).
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    Note: Due to some personal matters, I will not be on over the weekend.

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