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Thread: Starting new, was it this hard???

  1. #1
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Starting new, was it this hard???

    I've been enjoying story games from teamlava for who knows how long
    I started with bakery (I still dream that I could own small and cute REAL bakery someday that I could call it my own in my real life, of course) and then restaurant, then fashion.
    I stopped playing restaurant and fashion in between focusing only on bakery, which resulted in level 96 in bakery but 87-88 in restaurant and fashion.
    After Christmas with all the new goals and seasonal items, I fell in love with fashion and now it is my sub-business that I adore. I still play restaurant, because I can't bear to permanently delete from my phone with all those hard works of clicking...

    Then, I just started farm. I had it way before christmas, but never played (which allowed me 1 mere peppermint tree that I probably decided to buy at the time).
    I just started few days ago and I'm at level 23 by mastering 5min strawberry (relatively easy) and then 1 min raspberry which took me a whole day! and finally, cranberry for 30 min * ugh, I didn't get much work done this week *

    I never had any problems with limited seasonal items as I have 28 appliances in bakery and 44 catalogs in fashion. But with farm, I have small 15x15 land and it takes 18 times x crop time to master one crop!
    I decided to dedicate one row on top and on the side for trees, meaning I actually have 14x14 for crops.
    Was it always this hard to master an item when you're at a low level?

    I started when the valentine goals were about to expire, so I never was able to unlock the goal items either. (I think I got the first one, Heart Berries???)
    Not mastering seasonal items that are removed after short periods of time is one thing, but seeing crops that are locked in my store just crush me.
    Could TL at least remove them from my store so I don't see it all the time? I hate seeing the crops that I know I will never be able to master *cries*

  2. #2
    Executive Chef
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    Jan 2012
    Well, I've been playing for two months now and I'm up to Level 42. My farm is 21x21 (only used gems to expand once). I don't worry too much about mastering any one crop. I just mastered cranberries the other day.

    At the early stages, it's fairly easy to make the coin you need to expand, as long as you have the neighbors. Plant crops with high profit multipliers and you can expand every coupla days. As you get to more land you need experience rather than neighbors to expand with coins. Thtat's where I'm stuck now. I'll have the coin to expand in another 2-4 days, but I need to get to Level 50 and that will probably take two WEEKS.

    The locked crops you are seeing probably aren't available because you haven't reached a high enough experience level.

  3. #3
    The Honorable Panda
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    Above is a great thread to help you decide what crops/trees yield the most.
    Also if you have any decorations out, I would pull them all up and use all your space for crops so you can bring in more money, and advance levels so you can expand.
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  4. #4
    Fashion Designer
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    Mar 2012
    I think Im on level 10 (? I just got watermelons). I swear I mastered strawberries with only 100 plants. On the other hand, raspberries are taking about elevently billion thousand of them and still not done and I am absolutely sick of tapping my screen. Tomorrow Im going to plant something that has 10 DTM to finish!!!!

  5. #5
    Grand Emperor
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RoseMeyer View Post
    I think Im on level 10 (? I just got watermelons). I swear I mastered strawberries with only 100 plants. On the other hand, raspberries are taking about elevently billion thousand of them and still not done and I am absolutely sick of tapping my screen. Tomorrow Im going to plant something that has 10 DTM to finish!!!!
    I also found that I had eleventy billion thousand raspberries. And peanuts at level 70.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by RoseMeyer View Post
    I think Im on level 10 (? I just got watermelons). I swear I mastered strawberries with only 100 plants. On the other hand, raspberries are taking about elevently billion thousand of them and still not done and I am absolutely sick of tapping my screen. Tomorrow Im going to plant something that has 10 DTM to finish!!!!
    Haha - eleventy billion thousand - love it! Agreed (and this is posted elsewhere) that strawberries did seem super easy to master, perhaps the "gateway" crop for this game. Otherwise, it's 7500 leaves (1 for planting, 2 for harvesting, so 2500 crops if you collect them all) for full mastery.

    In order to have a decent looking farm and also not go insane about mastery, I usually plant a mix from Red Quinoa down to Pineapple, so I can harvest at various times during the day while working on a little of everything. I havea few decorations, but I just wish they still had the Red Dragon around...

  7. #7
    Executive Chef
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    Floating in a stream of consciousness
    I play on Farm and Pet Shop, so I don't have direct experience, but other people have indicated that leveling up and earning money is much slower in Farm than in the other Story games.

    Mastery can take a very long time if you don't have much space for planting. I suggest, for now, just go for Level 2 in mastery for each crop to get the gem. When you have more space, you can work toward Level 4. (Of course, if you are intent on mastering seasonal crops, you have to get to Level 4 ASAP.)

  8. #8
    Fashion Designer
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    Well, the absolute official count on how many raspberry plants gets you a gnome is seventy eleventy billion thousand.

    Red Quina is already in. Im not tapping that field again until Saturday.

  9. #9
    Executive Chef
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    Jan 2012
    LOL @ eleventy

    I've been wracking my brain trying to remember where I heard it before and just remembered...

    The Robot on "Lost in Space"....Danger...Danger....warning Will Robinson!

  10. #10
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by RealFarmer1222 View Post
    LOL @ eleventy

    I've been wracking my brain trying to remember where I heard it before and just remembered...

    The Robot on "Lost in Space"....Danger...Danger....warning Will Robinson!
    Actually, I think the first use was in The Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Rings. At the beginning of the book, Bilbo is celebrating his eleventy-first birthday.

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