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Thread: Valentine's Goals, Unlocked Crops and Prizes

  1. #121
    Nightclub Owner
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by HyperNova1986 View Post
    Im stuck at the last goal where you unlock a heart house. Im at level 30 and i cant grow Deliahs since they unlock at level 35. Atm I'm growing corn like crazy to level up. Since they released the deadline for goal, its going to be very difficult for me to now come even close to level 35.
    How much money do you have? If you can manage to buy a few toolsheds, that's the easier way to level up pretty quickly.

    Queen & Pastrychef, I'm in a little bit of a different situation than you two because I already had an existing farm and just restarted playing. I was already at level 29 I think when I restarted and already had all the cocounut and other trees and animals (I think I had to buy 5 sheep) in storage so didn't really have to buy new ones. I also had about $100,000 from when I had closed the farm, not much but I was able to spend that on toolsheds instead of trees and animals.
    But i learned that, if I asked my good neighbours for parts that they would send them to me Some still sent dog bowls, which I didn't mind since I always seemed to need that cash too. It all balanced out in the end and I was able to continue to complete the other goals while building the toolsheds. I also had already mastered strawberries and didn't want to spend valuable space planting those when I could be mastering a tree or other crop or harvesting well needed money from cows or some other such thing.

    If you can collect the parts before you buy the toolshed, which I think is what you are doing, then you won't have valuable space wasted which could be used to plant out strawberries.

  2. #122
    Fashion Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by queentina3 View Post
    Same here. I spent almost a whole day making Strawberries just to get enough cash for the Coconut and Banana trees. I wasn't at those goals yet either, but I wanted to get them out and starting so when I did get to the goal, I'd just have to harvest them. I did the same with many of the crops, when I knew that goal would be coming up within 24 hours, I'd plant them so I could harvest as soon as the goal was made available, or close to it.
    We have the same strategy. I've also been able to double dip and plan ahead so I can count the same harvest towards 2 different goals a couple of times (again, many thanks to yanochka for publishing all the goal details - it's been my bible). Now, thanks to the extension, I have a bit of breathing room so I'm only buying just enough banana trees and coconut trees to let me complete the goals within a few days. It doesn't have to be overnight, especially since I don't have enough coins for all those expensive trees. I should be able to complete the goals to unlock all the recipes in time and I just got the Love Horse - thank you for waking up and sending me that last love-struck farmhand, lol. It's the Valentine House and being able to level up to 35 for the Dahlias that looks iffy. But I'll see how it goes. Part of the fun is the challenge and the strategizing .

  3. #123
    Fashion Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbyrae View Post
    If you can collect the parts before you buy the toolshed, which I think is what you are doing, then you won't have valuable space wasted which could be used to plant out strawberries.
    Yes, that's what I'm trying to do; thanks so much for passing on that tip about building the toolsheds! The only thing holding me back is the cost but as soon as I buy the last of the pricey trees I need, I'm going into the toolshed business. Definitely trying to collect enough parts ahead of time through neighbor gifts (thanks for the parts!), especially since I don't want to tie up my request limit on asking for building materials when I need to request goal items.

  4. #124
    Does anyone have an idea if dicentra is going to be pulled with the V Day crops or if it is here to stay? Just wondering how fast I should try to get to them or if I should go for the lucky roses first.

  5. #125
    Nightclub Owner
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    Dicentra hasn't been on any players list for possible content being pulled as valentine's, so it should be ok.

  6. #126
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    Well I just planted my last Chocolate Strawberry and have finally made it to level 35. I'm soooo glad I used gems to pass the Dahlia part of the goal and not attempted to wait until I actually leveled up to it.

  7. #127
    Executive Chef
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    Thanks to these thread I finished all of my goals in Farm Story in less than two weeks. Thank you.
    I play all the games but these days I have been showing more interest in Farm, Bakery, and Pet Hotel Story. But I do check the other games like three times a week. =)

  8. #128
    Fashion Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by cast1532 View Post
    Thanks to these thread I finished all of my goals in Farm Story in less than two weeks. Thank you.
    Ditto for me, thanks very much for the info and the help! I did end up using gems to skip the Dahlias because I did the math and there was no way I could level up to 35 before March 13, much less complete the steps after that. I figured skipping that goal for 15 gems (and the corgis for 5) were worth it to not stress about whether I was going to make it on time or planting endless strawberries for XP points. I didn't have that kind of time, lol. Plus they were gems I earned and started out with so, while I'm now down to 0 gems, at least I'm in no danger of falling into any gem traps.

    Now I'm working on expansion so I have room to put other stuff besides crops on my farm. Gotta put that Valentine House somewhere, I worked hard enough for it .

  9. #129
    Rhino Keeper
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    CONGRATS to everyone who completed the goals I just started about 2 weeks or more, sure wanted the little pretty pink house (SHED) but knew I would not make it, sure was trying though. I gave up sorta and thought it would serve me better to try & get many crops of value planted so that I could do some more expansions for the next set of goals. I know this game is better to me b/ c there are not a lot of asking to do, while I have gotten a few good friends, it is easier to tip/ gift & water. Maybe we will get something just as pretty as the little pink house. Still wishing I could have gotten it.

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