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Thread: Price/Quantity changes in RS/BS/Fashion

  1. #31
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    thank you TL :-)

  2. #32
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    lol, i actually didnt notice any change but i was earning very little money, so i guess it did change, so i m happy its back to normal

  3. #33
    Thanks for listening TeamLava!

  4. #34
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Thanks again just thought id add something else

    Now we just need a gem confirmation button and Android parity! But thanks for this change back of food quantities and sales :-)

  5. #35
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Thank you team lava. Now let's all get back to having fun!������������

  6. #36
    Executive Chef
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    Mar 2011
    Supreme Dynasty = Gamerologizm
    Jumping happily and skipping and dancing for joy!!!

    whew, thank goodness I procrastinated, LOL

    good job TL on reverting back
    PM/ Profile |Gamerologizm Fan Link in Forum (previously known as Supreme Dynasty) | Transfer Method
    Dragon Egg Chart Mostly updated (I've given up on Dragon because most Dragons are unobtainable for me; but still update when I can when I'm not scrambling with RS & BS to complete their goals.)
    Restaurant & Bakery Completely Updated!
    IDs: Sehana (main)

  7. #37
    Farm Supplier
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Rachael98 View Post
    How did you get one?
    hey! I've got one of that ! My boyfriend give it to me

  8. #38
    Executive Chef
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    Mar 2011
    3rd rock
    Thanks TL. really appreciate it ))))

  9. #39
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    New York, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by driftboutique View Post
    While this issue didn't affect me personally, I understand why people were upset and I think it's awesome that TL listened to the overwhelming feedback.
    Ditto with me.

  10. #40
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I am very happy that you listened to your customers and changed it back. Better strategy, more fun game play, etc.!! Thank you again.

    Please, now, listen to your customers about the gem issues. Whether you purposely place "gem-spending" buttons hoping they will be tapped accidentally or not, I have no idea. But, it is definitely too easy to mistap and lose gems. For this reason, I will not purchase gems because I am too afraid to lose my real money. I have already lost most of the gems that I have earned in the games by mistake. If a second tap was always required to confirm any gem purchase, I would probably budget $50-100 per month to spend on gems! We tap two, three, and four times on everything else!! We won't mind an extra tap when we spend gems.

    If you would do this, your company would gain so much more respect, both from current players and new players. You will also probably earn more $$ in the long run because you will earn more loyal customers who can enjoy buying gems without the threat of easy loss. Right now, this practice just makes your company seem sleazy and greedy. I'm sure that is not the re****tion you truly want. If you are not blatantly and purposefully trying to trick players out of their expensive and/or hard-earned gems, then this aspect of the game is poorly designed to the point that it will disappoint and turn away many prospective players. I doubt that is the case though, because the rest of the game is designed so well. Therefore, whether true or not, it seems the obvious conclusion is you are purposefully trying to make players lose as many gems as possible, in any way possible. I seriously hope this is not the case, and that everyone is wrong about this. If you are doing it on purpose, it makes me think that you are simply trying to ride the popularity wave, "get" as much money as possible now before the wave subsides, and then either go out of business, stop building and supporting the games, or simply disappear all of a sudden...and that would be a tragedy since you really have created some wonderful games and gaming platforms.

    So for now, I will enjoy your game for free, and will not be paying you anything for all your hard work; just enjoying the fruits of your labor. I would much prefer to buy gems and support your company, because the games are wonderful. But I am afraid they will be stolen, so I refuse to buy them. You won't get a dollar out of me with your current practice. You would probably get $600-$1200 a year if you implemented confirm buttons on all gem purchases.

    Just my 2 cents. Thank you for reading.

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