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Thread: The Great Bakery Update Date: January 20! (Valentine Chest)

  1. #251
    Quote Originally Posted by mimirivera View Post
    I'm on Android and a new update just showed in my bakery, a romantic picnic? Odd. Anyone else today?
    Yup. A romantic picnic for 34 gems

  2. #252
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    NSW, Australia
    I wish they added pavlova for Australia day but they are an american company so what can I expect. They only care about the country that they think is the best. I'll never buy gems ever again

  3. #253
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by redbites View Post
    I wish they added pavlova for Australia day but they are an american company so what can I expect. They only care about the country that they think is the best. I'll never buy gems ever again
    Aw, so sorry . In honor of Australia Day though, I did make Lamingtons and thought of you. Wish they would add that as a recipe to Bakery as well.

  4. #254
    I also agree with you guys. I feel like the long term players like myslef have been pushed to the side. I will not buy any more gems either.

  5. #255
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    south carolina
    That would be nice, if only I could get the "goals" it purely sux that they don't have the same goals for door as they do for iPhone. This Feb will be a yr I've been playing and still we Droid users don't get the "good stuff" this makes ppl not want to play anymore. So therefore, TL will lose $$. An then they will have to shut the games down. Maybe that's wat needs to happen to actually make them actually see just wat they r doing. Game sux now!!

  6. #256
    Quote Originally Posted by bawpotter View Post
    Well, it's almost here! The Great BS Update Date! The Holiday Content has to go, but it is making room for new content! A quote from the official thread:

    This week, the new teasers are from GM. Welcome the Fountain of Love and Love Triangle to your Bakery soon!

    While the fountain is being filled, let's talk about our hopes.*

    1. New Goals!
    2. At least one new recipe!
    3. Coin Content!

    In the mean time, let's all get ready for The Great Update Date!
    how do you get these 2 items???

  7. #257
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by inheavenmin View Post
    how do you get these 2 items???
    Valentine chest for 24 gems with chances of you getting some other available valentine stuff. Test your luck you might not always get these two items

  8. #258
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Nooooo, DON'T test your luck! Your chances to get the "good stuff" are miserable. In all my story games i have opened about 50 cases and have been disappointed in about 45 of those openings.
    If you do decide to open a case, make sure you dig through the forum, to see all possible prizes for each case and make sure that you can live with yourself even if you get the worst one.

  9. #259
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by redbites View Post
    I wish they added pavlova for Australia day but they are an american company so what can I expect. They only care about the country that they think is the best. I'll never buy gems ever again

    Hey don't quit so easily. rachael did eventually get her peacock so it's not hopeless now i feel like going out & having pavlova & being in the Caribbean, there's no where that sells that. Lol...

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