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Thread: most difficult to Level up FarmS?

  1. #1
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    most difficult to Level up FarmS?

    Is it just me, or is it much more difficult to level up on Farm Story? I started playing all games except Nightclub S about 2 months later. It seems that my NS has overtaken my Farm story. I play all games daily... City story on the other hand seems to level up the quickest.....btw I have 150 plots and 5 of every single tree planted.

  2. #2
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    It all depends on how you play...I have been playing just shy of 2 months and am at level 53, if you plant day long items and dont water much or rely on trees xp will take a long while, tool sheds are the best bang for buck minus wait time as they are a constructable at only 10k they give 1100 ex. other decoration also give a decnt xp but best xp hit is simply plowing, abnd quick crops like strawberries cranberries pineapples blueberries etc. even raspberries and penuts are good because of how quick they produce (1min) even though they don't give xp themselve they open up the plot for another plow which does. If you are going to go for a longer crop (you can't play 24 hours constantly) go for the higher xp/ decent cash back crops that pretty much means no trees or flowers ( have a few for mastery but wait for higher levels to load your farm with them if you want to level up faster.) and the best tip if to water people, because when they water you back you crop now gives you and extra 20 coins and 1 extra xp, doesnt seem like much but multiply that over your entire field and at 20x20 you are getting 400 extra xp every full field.

    In summary level up quicker with

    Tool Sheds
    Quick Crops
    & Watering


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I think it is more difficult, I started playing farm story first and a few weeks ago hit level 96. Yet the other story games, I started after I've been level 96 a while. It might be its quicker to do one minute food on the cookers to level very quickly, then to plant lots of strawberries. The farm houses have great XP and really help you to level up very quickly.
    I too hit level 96 on city story first, I do love all the story games though.

  4. #4
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I recently thought of a quick way to earn XP. I was pondering with the thought of going for Level 97, then thought it wasnt worth it for me.

    Rather than plant short term crops, why not plant a long term crop with high xp then sell it. (plow-replant-sell etc.) Initially i thought Red Quinoa would be good, 6xp (+1 for plowing) at the cost of 130 coins (+10), but Corn is only 35 coins for 4 xp, which is far cheaper per xp.

    So for the 20x20 farm you could easily gain 2000 xp at the cost of 18,000 coins(in the space of 5 mins easy) with no need for water or nbr requests. Equivalent to 2 toolsheds, almost.

    If you did go for the strawberries instead you'd gain only 800xp for the same area (harvest rather than sell) granted if you let them ripen you would gain rather than lose coins, but this crop and 1 min crops would require alot more tapping to get the same xp hit.

  5. #5
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I tried this too, but my phone is unnaturally slow and what should be 5 mins is more like 20 after all is said and done. But a definite XP gainer for sure.

  6. #6
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    thanks for all the input! cos I have been playing for a while and still stuck at Zionlion mentioned, i have been planting long day crops and trees and flowers as I have a busy schedule and cannot check in on my plants and it takes so much more tapping to manage a farm (collect, plow, plant) with a much larger area as compared to other stories where the appliances or factories is lesser. Now that it is vacation, i should have more time to plant the shorter time crops, but I guess I will only make use of a smaller area to do so and leave the other areas for the longer crops...and perhaps I may store my animals and plant crops in place of them as animals only give so few coins, zero XP and no mastery....they have to be tapped on but yield so little. I put my spring lambs there for aesthetic purpose only....

  7. #7
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Fruits are the best crop overall. Then veggies, grains, and flowers, trees in that order. Animals and decorations do nothing for gaining XPs.

    I was mastering at about the same rate for Farm as RS and BS until I mastered all fruits and vegetables. Then it slowed down a little with grains. Then leveling up and earning coins became extremely slow once I had only flowers and trees to master, and my RS and BS levels passed up Farm. I started Farm about 5-6 weeks before RS and BS, and hit Level 96 on Farm 2-4 weeks after RS and BS. I didn't have many Farm decorations after the first couple of months of play, but focused on crops.

  8. #8
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Build tool sheds. They give 1100 xp

  9. #9
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Buy and sell chicken coops

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