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Thread: Bakery Story: ADD ME - May-August 2024

  1. #11

    ID: chogiwagodmenu09

    ID: chogiwagodmenu09

    Hello everyone, I'm on lvl 93 and I play daily (inactive during exams) I'm a main goal/mini goal player and i send food to food players and basic parts to basic parts players.
    Feel free to add me on BS and RS ✨
    I prefer basic/mini goal/main goal parts ^^
    Also let me know your pref on my wall, currently I'm partially active until June 10
    ( ?͈ ᵕ `͈ )◞♡

  2. #12
    Looking for players that are doing the main goal. Gift goal parts, and accept requests. I will do the same. Trying to get to the end of this one..haven't made it far in bakery lately. Been saving money to expand.. hoping this risk pays off.
    I'll gift and accept all requests I receive.


  3. #13
    ID: chefpeggysue

    I am level 99 player looking for level 50 or higher players. I play all goals and mass gift daily. I don't tip but might surprise randomly just don't expect them, sorry. I play both BS and RS same ID.

  4. #14
    Id kimycullen93
    Level 99, no tipping or writting neighbor, daily play, only goal parts, playing algo restaurant story same id

  5. #15
    ID Jesuscrito101
    Level 44 BS Level 48 RS
    Same ID for both
    Daily play, not a tipping neighbor neither posting on walls.
    Send goal parts to everybody, not answering specific requests

  6. #16
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Level 99 player. I do most goals. I request gifts I need every night if I am participating in a current goal (I will not delete you if you send me food but please accept my parts request first if you receive one from me) I accept material requests multiple times daily. I rarely tip. I do read my wall, but not daily. I do not gift unless requested and I receive a material request from you or on the rare occasion I have time to visit you and tip and see that you are building a certain appliance.
    ID: PoohBearMuppet

  7. #17
    New Resident
    Join Date
    Jun 2024
    Hi! My ID is Pingu1707.
    I am a new player looking for more neighbours. Feel free to add me, give tips and comment on my wall
    Hope to connect with you all

  8. #18
    Done adding for now
    Last edited by msdana013; 06-28-24 at 10:30 AM.

  9. #19
    Lvl 99 player who do both 14-day goal, and 5-day goals.

    I'm usually done building the goal ovens when there's about 7 days left of the 14-day goal period.

    Looking for neighbours with a similar play style, who will gift basic parts, when building goal ovens are done.

    I always accept all material request, and sends gifts every day.

    ID: Laburnum

  10. #20
    Hello everyone, ID: carmen1963 BS/RS. I don?t do 14 days goals only mini/5days goals, I don?t have time to read walls so please feel free to post any special requests on my wall. I like basic parts. I will send current goals parts unless otherwise requested. Very important ?please don?t send me food ? if you continue sending me food you will be deleted. Also do not send me past 14 days goals as a gift. If you tip you don?t have to write that you tipped I know we all have a very busy life.
    If you agreed with the above then I?ll be happy to have you as my neighbor.
    Last edited by carmen1963; 06-26-24 at 06:50 AM.

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