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Thread: Why My Specialty Is Only Dragon Tales

  1. #1
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Southwestern USA

    Why My Specialty Is Only Dragon Tales

    People have been private messaging me asking why I never do Leaderboard threads but I'm always on top of Dragon Tales. I'll answer that question and this will be the only time you fellow caretakers will ever hear me call the event by its name of Leaderboards.
    I do not create Leaderboard threads because the event is divisive and a poor way to conduct a community game. There's too much division already going on to see it in a game that's supposed to be relaxing and pass the time. In addition, to win you have to be sneaky and outdo other players in your group which backfires a lot if the algorithm puts snipers and swindlers in your group days after the event starts which happened in the last 2 Leaderboard events I sort of participated in and don't let me see "characters" in the group, I just give up altogether.
    I'd really like to see World Events return where the entire community work with each other to obtain prizes. Plus World Events were the only event to give Marble KEYS and Adventure Tickets. Why hasn't Dragon Tales caught up with that I'd say it would have me baffled but that lie would be a disservice to all of you. It's cut and paste for Dragon Tales. While it's kind of smart to do for such an involved event, there needs to be way better prizes for it.
    World Events need to replace leaderboards, period. Spin To Win needs to come back in it's old form of dragons, coins and food and make it its own event . This would eliminate the parity between iOS and Android. I also keep saying discontinue 200 of these common dragons if one is needed for these events. Duh, you have a codex for the collectors. Drop 100 essence and, boom, they can get irritating dragons like Neo Bubble, Sunrise, Volt and other garbage. It'll clear the muddled breeding pool and possibly drop enough bandwidth interference to bring locked out players back into the game. Hopefully the developers are close to ending that nightmare.
    Back to Leaderboards, now you see why I don't create threads for those. I'm hoping those get discontinued like the Aether Dragon. Division is not good in a divisive world. Like I say, bring back and create new events that bring players together. That'll be all I will say for now. I tried as hard as I could not to insult the event because there are that 10% of players that actually do like Leaderboards and I can't knock them because of a freedom I like that America has - the freedom of choice, the freedom of speech. Thank you Dragon Story Nation and good luck in all events.

  2. #2
    Fashion Designer
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    Feb 2023
    Personally, I enjoy leaderboards, but I do dislike those pesky snipers. Right now I am quite comfortably in second place, so on track to get the Bardic dragon, but I know it could all be snatched away in the final seconds. At least I should be able to get the 250,000 food, although it might not be necessary as I might have to quit playing. But that's a story for another time.

    I can say that Bingo is similar, to be honest. I worked hard to get in 3rd place in Gold League and was there for 3 days. Woke up this morning to find that I had been blown out of the water and ended in 7th or 8th place. so got sniped in the final hours. (Hmmm, wondering why "sniper" is not edited out, but "***" is. I visited some of the other players in my Bingo league this week to find low level players with dozens of diamond and diamond type dragons. I would like to know how they got them all. Must have bred for diamonds and nothing else.

    I do wish that they would reinstate the World Events. Maybe they will now that they *finally* listened to what has been said about the need to retire all these commons. I didn't think they would do it, but they did, so there is hope that they do listen to our feedback.

    Oh, and I also agree about the Spin to Win. Mindlessly spinning for various numbers of tickets to get a single dragon is boring. Even in Fantasy Forest they have brought back spin to win, and it includes 4 animals, various amounts of food and coins, expansion supplies, and decor. Every spin is a win!
    Disagreements are a normal part of the human experience and can be handled respectfully. Don't think I don't see.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by northernlight412 View Post
    I also keep saying discontinue 200 of these common dragons if one is needed for these events. Duh, you have a codex for the collectors. Drop 100 essence and, boom, they can get irritating dragons like Neo Bubble, Sunrise, Volt and other garbage. It'll clear the muddled breeding pool and possibly drop enough bandwidth interference to bring locked out players back into the game. Hopefully the developers are close to ending that nightmare.
    The way they announced the sale/soon removal of a bunch of those common dragons mere hours after you posted your thread will never cease to amuse and astound me

  4. #4
    Rhino Keeper
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    May 2021
    If they do remove all the dragons shown on sale and no other ones..a few thoughts...
    Its great to lessen all those common fails but for a few color combos a couple 4 hr fails would help with bingo breeds...i see even more socials in my future if volt is retired.

    I notice very few pure colors in the market so it looks like trying for crusader, ridgeback and quetzal will still be more trying than long ago. And for bingo the quick fires and forests are still elusive when you get breed with a diamond.

    Peridot and grand gemstone will be missed as easier gemstones to breed to use in bingo for raise gemstone to level 6.

    Maybe S8 will read this and tweak the retirements.

  5. #5
    Rhino Keeper
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    Apr 2017
    My biggest gripe with the leaderboard event is that while we are supposed to compete with other players, it is not a level playing field. Some players can afford to spend real money, some can?t. Some, like me have many gold producing dragons accumulated over years of play, many don?t. I have accumulated over 50 thousand gold yet I have only used a boost one time and very rarely spend any gold in the event. I play like that simply because I don?t think it is fair to others to score many points simply by buying them while many of my opponents can?t. If they came up with an event that was fair to everyone, that would be great. Actually, the closest they have come to that was the World event. The difference, and it is a big one, the World event was a cooperative event. We did not compete against each other rather we worked with each other and was much less frustrating and more fun.
    I regret to say, but I don?t think the real spin to win event will ever return. For whatever reason, I think the spin to lose event is here to stay, although those who use Apple devices and can use videos unlike Android players, can win

  6. #6
    Fashion Designer
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    Oops! Just noticed that Neo Bubble *is* in the sale, so will probably be retired. yay!

    Would still like to see Peridot and Grand Gemstone kept *in* the breeding pool for bingo tasks.
    Disagreements are a normal part of the human experience and can be handled respectfully. Don't think I don't see.

  7. #7
    Rhino Keeper
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    Southwestern USA
    Quote Originally Posted by bigyikesmoment View Post
    The way they announced the sale/soon removal of a bunch of those common dragons mere hours after you posted your thread will never cease to amuse and astound me
    I'm shocked about this development myself. I'm going to take a wild guess and think this actually may have to do with the last few new commons I complained about not being available, well in my mind, when they were supposed to be. Or it could've been because we constructively suggested things and it finally clicked with someone at S8 to finally fix the game. I'm thinking it's the latter and I thank all of the fellow caretakers.

  8. #8
    Rhino Keeper
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    Mar 2016
    We've complained about the growing commons for a couple of years now. Nice to see them going away finally. As far as playing a particular event, I only play to 10K points on LB and level 5 on tales, easy marks to hit. No space to store the 15 plus new dragons a month anyway so why burn gold and time to get to store them away.

    Wish they'd listen and bring back the old gpds. They have granted quite a few long time wishes lately so never know. 😊

  9. #9
    Rhino Keeper
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    Aug 2018
    Southwestern USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Mikep101 View Post
    We've complained about the growing commons for a couple of years now. Nice to see them going away finally. As far as playing a particular event, I only play to 10K points on LB and level 5 on tales, easy marks to hit. No space to store the 15 plus new dragons a month anyway so why burn gold and time to get to store them away.

    Wish they'd listen and bring back the old gpds. They have granted quite a few long time wishes lately so never know. ��
    Oh how I wish for the old gold producing dragons at a great price. You see S8, a customer chomping at the bit to buy a bunch of those. Food for thought.

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