Quote Originally Posted by ST4CoolGames View Post
Seriously?! 40 items for a 10-hr dish?!

Okay, if this is the direction S8 is taking these events, then count me out! I play this game for enjoyment, not for a chore.

Also, why don't they separate the side goal from the main goal? The final prize sounds really interesting but I'm not about to start the main goal just to get it.

This is really getting to be disappointing. I've played this game for years and it just seems like they are deliberately trying to drive people away. They refuse to add a Gem Confirmation button. They don't fix the "Processing ..." bug. They now force ads on you, some that you can't close out of unless you restart your game. Many other issues and now this.

*sigh* I just don't know about this company.
It?s like they are deliberately trying to slip you up. I?m not playing the game to be challenged. Or interrupted with ads that you can?t get out of when I need to take items off the ovens. So annoying. I?d rather pay for no ads.