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Thread: Castle Story 05/06: Ivy's Magic Garden | event information on page 1

  1. #331
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by maz3girl View Post
    I have been having this issue all weekend also, but today it's much better. (Over the weekend, only spawning 1 per every 7-8 fawn collections. Today, they are spawning every 2-3 collections). I only need 2 more potions (14 more drools) to finish.

    Also, can anyone confirm that the mystery item in the Garden Shed (locked by goal item) is not really anything? Something for the future maybe?
    How are you able to craft 2 potions with 14 donkey drool? I need 14 donkey drool for each potion!

  2. #332
    Fashion Designer
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    Floating in my Swan Pond
    Quote Originally Posted by shortdanzr View Post
    that's if i can even get the game to load. sometimes i spend 10 min just trying to get the game to load. i will collect from my fawn's and none of the 3 will spawn a donkey. so very slow going.
    i will be in the middle of fighting a donkey and the game will crash. then it might take another 10 min trying to get it to load to continue. i have plenty of energy, i am not worried about that at all.
    doesn't matter if i am on my android phone or my ipad. and it doesn't matter if i am using wifi or my cell data=this game won't load

    @SW-is the team looking into why so many of us are having trouble getting the game to load?
    I'm sorry you are having so much trouble. I have dutifully done the game cache wipe, and the game data wipe, several times. My game still freezes for several seconds, then moves for several seconds, then freezes again, continually. It's easy to see on the energy countdown, which abruptly "catches up" on the missing seconds. I'm kinda resigned to it although it's particularly painful on Weekday Warrior.

    I'm running Android 9.0 on a Moto z2 force. I bought it new in 2019 but the model was released in 2017. So I guess it's a bit old. I have plans to buy a tablet, and several forum replies said that iOS had fewer problems.

    I was never able to place walls on my old device so I never tried those again. I never had the freeze, move, freeze problem. Scrolling up and down on News will still crash me *eventually*. I crash routinely but less often than before.

    The number and frequency of rollbacks this event have been surprising.
    Last edited by Lavenderdale; 05-17-21 at 09:42 AM.

  3. #333
    Executive Chef
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    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Princess4110 View Post
    How are you able to craft 2 potions with 14 donkey drool? I need 14 donkey drool for each potion!
    She probably just misspoke. We all need 14 drool per potion. Lower levels need 4 potions; higher levels need 6 potions.

  4. #334
    This is so annoying. I probably won't be able to finish. Why didn't they let the Drool drop early and in multiples like the Magical Blooms? I only was getting one bucket for the Fawns so that took forever. Sometimes this game is so annoying.

  5. #335
    Fashion Designer Gaillock's Avatar
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    My gardener is now a weekly dropper.

  6. #336
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaillock View Post
    My gardener is now a weekly dropper.
    This is my first energy dropper, and seeing that +40 every day was really nice this past week. I'm of course disappointed that it has changed to once a week, but after reading around I understand. At least I got a week out of it. I'll have to settle for 2 Wizard schools for daily support

  7. #337
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bandita8 View Post
    This is so annoying. I probably won't be able to finish. Why didn't they let the Drool drop early and in multiples like the Magical Blooms? I only was getting one bucket for the Fawns so that took forever. Sometimes this game is so annoying.
    Ditto. I have tons of blooms and have to struggle for the drool. I have enough stress in my life without struggling to finish an event I?ve already invested a ton of time and money in.

  8. #338
    Fashion Designer
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    The prizes are great from this event! It might be an idea to have a way to indicate the difficulty level of each event, fx this one would be 3 chili peppers. I recognised the specific event format and knew this was one of the tough ones... basically the 10 expansion permit offer in the beginning is a clear sign + the splash screens showing a trade ticket dropper prize as well as an energy dropper.

    Knowing that, I was very on from the beginning (being in the fortunate situation of being able to check in to the game often). At least the last three similar event formats, the piggy hut, bamboo grove/Mei, the portal/Pavo, have all had a last step requiring much longer than other events, which sucks when you think you're almost there and then you hit the biggest road block of them all.

    I got 2 days of 40 energy from the gardener and so far received two expansion permits from my 10 goats.

    Good luck to everyone still working to finish!

  9. #339
    Quote Originally Posted by are1000 View Post
    Or, please up the number of drops of the donkey drool per donkey.
    Donkey drool is ridiculous but the shimmering ore is worse one drop every two hours. Once I got 3 drops and a couple of times I got 2. Those just made me more annoyed as now I know I should be able to get more than 1. Not sure if I will finish. I?ll use gems for the donkey but the shimmering ore will use too many

  10. #340
    Nightclub Owner
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    Seeing as how I'm still struggling to make garden shovels and one more fawn, I think I'm quitting.
    Just got an expansion permit from the spring goat so I'll make another one or two more of those (if I can) and maybe try for the worthless donkey just to complete the set.

    This event is just too time intensive. Energy isn't an issue for me but time is. I don't have the time to babysit my game to collect from fountains every two hours.

    All the best to all who are pressing forward. I hope you complete this one successfully

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