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Thread: Sea Day Trashtag Event - 2020 April 15

  1. #41
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Now I?m probably in the wrong forum - again (sorry) and I know this is going to sound negative BUT I am honestly curious how a farmer can earn 20,000 points in the first couple of days of an event. I ask only to see if I?ve missed something important about playing these events If they have some magic then good luck to them but it is hard to compete when the remaining members of the group are now competing for 1 place to get the major prize.

    Please could some explain? I mean this sincerely.

  2. #42
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jun 2015
    I just got the same pop up. As judyandthecat said we have to wait and see what is required and how many. We then wait for someone to finish the goals. Thus far I have Maple Bacon and Eggs (that is, Bacon Pancake) x 7. Good luck everyone.

  3. #43
    Moderator (volunteer) judyandthecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allie0105 View Post
    Now I?m probably in the wrong forum - again (sorry) and I know this is going to sound negative BUT I am honestly curious how a farmer can earn 20,000 points in the first couple of days of an event. I ask only to see if I?ve missed something important about playing these events If they have some magic then good luck to them but it is hard to compete when the remaining members of the group are now competing for 1 place to get the major prize.

    Please could some explain? I mean this sincerely.
    If you check their game they will have a few of the Boost...Overgrown Fountain

    ankavale1000 wrote up this explanation in a previous leaderboard

    Quote Originally Posted by ankavale1000 View Post
    Meow. I would like to share my experience. Meow.

    Every LB, there?s a 15point every 2hr thing ... let?s call this thing 15pointer.

    On a recent LB, I was running out of time to get to 6500. I had around 5000 and 6 hrs left.

    I?ve heard of, and got knocked out of top spots by, the legendary 15pointer. So I decided to give it a try.

    First, I clicked the 15pointer, then the speed up button popped up. I clicked away 4gems, then I swiped bucket over the 15pointer, voila I got 15 LB points!

    It?s not as fast as say collecting from chickens or cows, but it is FAST in accumulating LB points.

    I also used the yellow boost because I would use less gems since I needed 1500 LB points (breakdown provided below).

    1500 LB points (no boost)
    100 speed up x 4 is ... 400 gems

    1500 LB points (7 gem boost)
    67 speed up x 4 is 268 gems plus 7 gem boost is ... 275 gems

    1500 LB points (30 gem boost, double points)
    50 speed up x 4 is 200 gems plus 30 gem boost is ... 230 gems

    It took me less than 2 minutes to speed up 50x and got the milestone pet.

    That was the only time I used the 15pointer. My limit is 250 gems since that?s about the cost when a pet goes on sale.

    I?ve encountered many many many players who use the 15pointer. Some uses it from the start, a declaration so to speak, some uses it at the last minute, erasing the countless hours of hard work put in by fellow farmers. One time on my board, I had 4 players discussing on each other?s wall when they should stop using 15pointer ... they decided on 35,000. Lol.

    My take is that LB is designed for high rollers. I?ve heard of high roller table. I wonder why there isn?t a high roller LB ...

    Meow. I digress. Meow.

  4. #44
    Rhino Keeper
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    Oct 2014
    ThIs is a way to gain LB.
    But, it is not an explanation for a gain of at least 10000 LB, 2 or 3 hours after the begining of the event. And 12000 more LB 24 hours later.
    N.B. : For 10000 LB, it will take about 1500 gems with 15pointer.
    Last edited by Moissonor; 04-19-20 at 08:56 PM.

  5. #45
    Rhino Keeper
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Moissonor View Post
    ThIs is a way to gain LB.
    But, it is not an explanation for a gain of at least 10000 LB, 2 or 3 hours after the begining of the event. And 12000 more LB 24 hours later.
    N.B. : For 10000 LB, it will take about 1500 gems with 15pointer.
    I understand the 15 point collection but as you?ve said I don?t understand how you can earn 10000 to 12000 over a couple days unless I?m missing something big.

    Oh well, good luck to them for their work, patience and possibly gems.

  6. #46
    Rhino Keeper
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    Mar 2012
    Anybody else not finding any snorkel raccoons?? 2-3 days I?ve found ONE!! WTH!!

  7. #47
    Al parecer el mapache esta en cuarentena es muy escaso, y las pocas veces que se encuentra da monedas.

  8. #48
    Moderator (volunteer) judyandthecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dulcepaty View Post
    Al parecer el mapache esta en cuarentena es muy escaso, y las pocas veces que se encuentra da monedas.
    Apparently the raccoon is in quarantine is very scarce, and the few times it is found gives coins.

  9. #49
    Moderator (volunteer) judyandthecat's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Goal 7
    Get 3 Plastic Lids from Cider House
    REWARDS: 200 coins, 3 experience points

  10. #50
    Rhino Keeper
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    Mar 2012
    To the people saying the raccoon is small so is hard to find, no, he?s no smaller than the mole, otter, & butterflies, which I?m finding multiples of daily. The raccoons just aren?t appearing.

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